Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: David Hodges

i am proud of you :)
what nonsence did i write? i think that he is not nonsence at all :)
i guess he is vein, yeah, but i have a thing that when i like someone, i prefer to concentrate more on there insides than on their outsides. meaning that vanity could be one of his defects, but it is more of an outer thing. thats just my opinion, and i really dont know how to explain it. im sorry if i annoy you with my obsessiveness. i have no intention to annoy anyone.
i am going to sleep now. everynight i hope to dream about him, but it has onlt happened a few times.
why dont we try to think of catagorries with all the letters of the alphabet for him?
A- anal, amazing, amusing, arrogant :p
Re: David Hodges

Ok I know that this may see out of no where, but has anyone of you been to Disney's Animal Kingdom and rode Dinosoaur??? I could just swear that our beloved hodges is the guy that briefs us on the ride, but maybe I am wrong.
Re: David Hodges

he is. i was never at disney, ever, but yes, it is the actor who plays hodges. i know for a fact. remend me and i will post the pic, but remend me, cause otherwise i will forget. i am a hodges fan, not a wallace fan, but some fans were talking about it. :)
welcome to our thread :)
Re: David Hodges

no prob. :)
the classic pabzi question (too bad golden smile isnt here to laugh at it.) :
do you think that he is gay?
(i ask this to all newcomers. feel free to answer or not to. as goldensmile ha steted, i am intense. but i do respect others opinions :) )
Re: David Hodges

:) everyone has their opinion.

what is your favorite ep with him? mine is dog eat dog. (noseclip and hamsters :) )
Re: David Hodges

I really don't have a favorite that I know of, and where you the one that I was told to remind about the Dinasour picture.
Re: David Hodges

oh, thanks. ill do it tonight. i have to get ready for a busy day, but i hope to do it later.

no offense, but the mods are probably going to tell you that your banner is too big. there is a rules board. usually i dont say things like this for fear to hurt people, im just trying to help.

im gonna have to rewatch some hodges eps soon. im in withdrawal!!!
Re: David Hodges

disprncss358 Please see your PM's regarding your Signature. Thank you.

pabzi That is fine but if you feel uncomfortable you can always referre people to reference the "Help Guide" tacked at the top of the forum regarding Banners/Signatures. No harm in helpping people out. :) Thanks.
Re: David Hodges

welcome, disprncss. May your days be filled with paranoid sarcasm and snarky comments.

pabzi, I don't think I've told you how much I LOVE your new avi... it's almost as wonderful as the old one.

...almost. ;)
Re: David Hodges

thanks!!!!!!!! i love my avvie too. do you want a hodges avvie? i have a few in storage.

i agree with your blessing to dissprncss. may all our days be filled with paranoid sarcasm and snarky comments.
Re: Hodges Scenes

pabzi said:
yup! i agree. from what i know about people, he seems to be rather unstable. he tries very hard not to show it, he does his job perfectly, and hides behind a snarky mask. but inside he is a sweet, very sensitive person. i can imagine him snapping and having to finally open up to someone. who do you think he would open up to? maybe nick. nick seems to be the most understanding. even though hodges annoys him at times, i think that nick likes him. how can nick dislike someone?

i reckon actually he should open up to Greggo just cos the two of them don't seem to get on and it would be a nice way to seal a friendship between them. but then i would miss hodges being mean to Greg.

i like the scene where hodges picks on Greg for spelling 'fountain' wrong. thats a funny scene but that could be because im a greg fan not because its a hodges scene.

anyway falling asleep at the microscope and snoring and trying to get on the realiy tv programme r prob the best hodges scenes. i must say i like hodges a lot more this season. hes not as much of an ass this tiem round although that was part of his character!
Re: Hodges Scenes

he definately would make a good friend for greg. their arguing is a type of friendly teasing, that could fit nicely into a friendship. i have said before that i think that greg would be the most likely candidate for a friendship with him. jaqui and archie too, but those are not canon.
he is defiantely not as much of an ass. he has his moments, but he has calmed down. i dont blame him at all for having been an ass. he obviously has been through something. people arent ever asses 'just because' (from what i have seen anyway.)
David Hodges

He might have been an ass when he went there because of whatever happened to him but I think that there was not much chance of that stopping since he gets so much stick from everyone else in the show.

You know how people always get asked what their perfect date would be? Well, what do you all think Hodges would be?

I think he would want to go to a romantic restaurant but since he is not much of a talker he would choose somewhere that is busy so has plenty of noise. I don't really see Hodges as a 'walk along the beach' type so I don't know what else he would do. If he didn't go to a restaurant then I'd say that he would go to a club since there is plenty of noise there :)
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