Wallace/Hodges Pictures Thread Part 1

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Re: Hodges

I'm 19 in 3 weeks & 3 days, although some people say I act like a squealing 12 year old when I watch CSI lol!

As for Hodges being gay, I really think he is (well I am a big Hodges/Nick shipper!!) because he doesn't seem like the kind of guy a woman would go out with, not that thats a bad thing i have to say! I just can't imagine him not going out with guys.

Yeah sure call me pirate or Jimbob, whatever suits & I'm looking forward to "the speech"!
Re: Hodges

you are great!!!!!! so im not the only 1 here who ships them.
i totally agree with you. he doesnt seem like the kind of guy who would really want to go out with a woman.
hes amazing. my speech is basically proof that he is gay, but it is meant for the sake of argument for those who dont think that he is gay. so it wont really do much for you. i do have a tendency to preach at times. goldensmile, assumenothing and elanorfields (and a few others who i wont name because they are in a hodges-lovers-closet) will be happy to tell you about me and my preaching, im sure.

new topic for thought. does anyone think that hodges did drugs as a teenager?
i personally dont think so. but you never know.my friend and i were discussing the caracters and their pasts one day, and we decided that hodges may have tried smoking pot once when he was like 16 or something, but thats it. probably drank a bit too, but not much.
Re: Hodges

oooo wow! I get to give 'the speech' - I love 'the speech' :lol: Here it goes:
He seems that he is very self conscious of something. It’s not visibly obvious, just from analysing him I (pabzi) can see it highly possible that he is gay. I (pabzi still) also think that the writers might not want to show it... When he told Catherine that he was seeing "someone", he might not have meant a woman. Also when he said that "she" is cooking him dinner, he seemed sort of uncomfortable. My take is of course that he is seeing a he and not a she :)
He definitely is too cute to be straight. He just seems like the type who would go well with a guy.

I think that is it all! Me having to give the speech resulted in me reading the whole thread again (I wanted to get it right :lol:) so have just read all the funny conversations which we have had about Hodges :D

So, did I give 'the speech' good enough for you pabzi? :D

Introductions: I am 14, born in Scotland but now live in England – such a big bore to me *yawn* Don’t think there is much else to me really…

I can see that Hodges did do some sort of drugs as a teenager (I am including alcohol as a drug as well), but that is mainly because I think every person does something like that at some point in their life! That’s probably just my view on it though… I can definitely see Warrick as having done drugs, and probably even Sara because of her childhood. But I do stick with my thoughts on everyone having done something like that in their life
Re: Hodges

thank you golden smile!!!!!!!!!!! you give it better than i do. :)
i think that nick was a troublemaker when he was younger and did stuff out of rebellion, but with david [hodges] it could be that he just tried a bit here and there, just to try to see what it is, maybe to try to escape his loneliness. alcohol does count as drugs.
Re: Hodges

I think there should be a Hodges t-shirt with 10 reasons how we know he is gay or something like that.

As for the drugs, well they do say too much leads to paranoia. And everybody drinks sometime in their teens. I bet Greg did some wacky drugs lol, he just seems like the sort of person.
Re: David Hodges

You're trying to get us to call him David now are you? Well... there you go, look at the very top of this post, where it did say 'Hodges Scenes'. I left the Hodges on the end just for any new people that may come along :)

And I am glad that I managed to give the speech to a standard that you are pleased with :lol:

I've just noticed that I have a weird type of bone thing on the back of my hand - if I clench my hand and then hold it down towards my wrist there is a huge bone that appears from no where! ... I'm random... I know! :lol:

I want a Hodges t-shirt!!! Especially one with the reasons for him being gay! :D I think pabzi should get loads of them made for us all :p Well now that you have a job :p

Yeah I agree with you pirate, Greg does seem like the sort of person to do some drugs. Greg is a very interesting person. Have we ever seen Hodges listen to music in the lab? Like Greg used to, well not as loud!
Re: David Hodges

greg may have done acid once or twice. i think that he is stuck as a perpetual teenager. but wait, when you go to work in law enforcement, dont they do a hair test that shows if you have ever used drugs in your life?

pitate- i LOVE your location!!!!!!
as for too much leading to paranoia...maybe the paranoia was there before the drugs. thats how it is in some cases. but i dont think that he was heavily into anything. i think that he probably read alot, didnt like to go out (im talking about highschool and college) had very few friends...
sometimes there was music playing when he was working in s6, but i dont know if it is meant to be his music in the lab or what.
Re: David Hodges

Yeah I have to say pirate, the Nick part of your location appeals to me :)

I didn't know anything about 'a hair test'. That's really surprised me, well I tell ya, there'd be a hell of a lot of people that couldn't be in law enforcement, and are probably a lot of people that are in it that shouldn't be. I am still sticking to my thoughts of everyone doing drugs at some point!

I think that Hodges was even a big loner or he had a big groups of friends, there wouldn't be any inbetween for him. But I am leaning more towards the loner side.

Can you post the peg pic sometime please pabzi? You said you were going to do it a while ago but never did, no rush...

I thought you said you were tired! All the talk on *David* must have woken you up! :lol:

Well, I suppose I should enter the real world again sometime soon... can't stay in the cyberness all the time - I wish! ;)
Re: David Hodges

Ahh the peg scene, I love it!

I have purple hair so if I ever had to have a hair test who knows what they may find! Too much caffine for a start!

I don't like calling him David for some reason, it sounds odd, he'll always be my little Hodgy. It's no coincedence that my surname is Hodgson you know, I was born to love him!
Re: David Hodges

hodgson???? :) cool!
im my hair they will find lots of caafiene and nicotine, and things that i dont do anymore. purple hair...cool.
i like calling him david. calling him by his last name seems rather impersonal. all my brother's friends call him greenwald (thats our surname) and they call me 'greenwalds sister' i find that calling him david makes it feel that he is real and not just someone on a screen.

another thought. : what does he like to eat?
i think that he tries to eat healthy, but sometimes eats takeout chinese food and stuff like that.
Re: David Hodges

hot dogs. no way. i think that he has a trauma from hot dogs. i dont really see him as the big mac type. i think that he prefers pizza.
edited: PIRATE! LOVE YOUR BANNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: David Hodges

its awesome!!!
i dont know how to make banners or icons. dont have photoshop.
did you check out lj?
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