Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

In both episodes, she's been giving him less than what he wants (moving in, sharing personal information). It seems like he's trying to have a serious relationship with a future, and all she's interested in is living for the moment.

I agree 100%. I think that Lou has been pretty clear that he wants more in this relationship than just enjoying what they have now; he wants a future with her. I think that if Cath is not ready for that then she needs to own up to it. Yes, they are both stubborn, but keeping things from your significant other that are quite huge (like you owning a big part of a casino and having lots of money because of it) will always make the other feel left out and confused as to how important he/she is in the other's life. I understand the BTK thing hadn't come up because that was a while ago and not something you go like "hey you know what..." but stuff that's in the present and that constitute an important part of your time and money should be shared if you're in a relationship you're taking seriously and want a future with. So I agree that Cath is just living for the moment and it makes me so sad for Lou. I would understand more if, after she mentioned that she had been in a lot of complicated relationships, she would've understood more that he just wanted to feel more included in her life but she just used that as a defense as to why she didn't want to share more with him.

Aside from all that, I do think the angst was written really well and was quite in character for both of them. I do hope they work it out and that it all has a happy ending :).
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Completely agree with everything you said hiphugger17.

I wondered how everyone interpreted Catherine's look in the final scene when she stops as she walks down the corridor. It was a kind of PO'd 'I've said everything i want to say now it's up to you' look, didn't know whether she was expecting Lou to call her back. Every scene was beautifully played by Marg and Alex, they both seem to be enjoying this storyline and it comes through onscreen.

Something that occured to me was that Marg had been saying in interviews that we'll see Catherine fall head over heels in love but i don't really feel like that's happened (yet).

With three weeks till the next episode i'm really hoping we get some kind of reference to what's occured in Wildlife, even if it's just catherine looking particularly down or something. Maybe Doc Robbins can offer some more words of wisdom!
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Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

i don't know where the writers want to arrive with this relationship, but i think that soon it will end... and this is probably the reason for catherine's leaving. but i also hope the the writers will find a way to make sure that this relationship will end in the best of the way. i have to say that in both episodes blood boom and wild life they let me think that this story won't work.. there are too much problems and differences between them.
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Perhaps I'm being overly optimistic, but I'm not seeing that they are over just yet, if at all.

I think Cath's reaction is that she's scared. She's been burned, let down, and totally taken advantage of (I mean Eddie) so she's not going to give her heart away very easily.

Lou was acting just like a man. He's feeling left out and insecure (just like a man) since he is looking for a future. He got his feelings hurt.

I do think the casino thing wasn't a big deal, and she could have told him that bit of info when ever... the rape though to me, was bigger. It's sort of odd that she didn't tell him that sooner because she seemed to have told him her feelings in Shock Waves about Nicky and Dr. Jekyll and the Nate Haskell. Especially when he said, "Remember that next time when Brass beats you up, or you beat yourself up." To me, that says that she told him how she felt.

So it comes across as sort of odd that she wouldn't tell him about being drugged, etc... And YEA CATH, that is important to tell someone you care about.

I'm hoping that HE doesn't act like a jerk and that he goes after her. I'm sure he will because he's fallen for her and Catherine has fallen for him too.
They just need to find a way to make it work, now that her departure is impending....

If for some reason, they do break up, I want her to tell him she loves him. I want her to tell him that she's scared and that's why she couldn't commit. Got that writers? ;)
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Something that occured to me was that Marg had been saying in interviews that we'll see Catherine fall head over heels in love but i don't really feel like that's happened (yet).

I hope they're not equating "hot bedroom scene" with "love." :rolleyes: Catherine needs to realize that Vartann wants more than that from her, and that he'd be really good for her if she trusts him.

I do think the casino thing wasn't a big deal, and she could have told him that bit of info when ever... the rape though to me, was bigger. It's sort of odd that she didn't tell him that sooner because she seemed to have told him her feelings in Shock Waves about Nicky and Dr. Jekyll and the Nate Haskell. Especially when he said, "Remember that next time when Brass beats you up, or you beat yourself up." To me, that says that she told him how she felt.

To me, the casino thing being "not a big deal" is exactly WHY she should've just told him about it from the start (how did Nick know, if it wasn't common knowledge anyway?). I can understand better her not wanting to tell him about the drug/rape thing, because a person has to be really comfortable and safe with someone else to tell them something that makes them feel so vulnerable.

I'm hoping that HE doesn't act like a jerk and that he goes after her. I'm sure he will because he's fallen for her and Catherine has fallen for him too.

She needs to apologize to him too! If it's always just him chasing after her, that's bad for him. They have to be able to meet halfway.
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Vartann will be on thursday's episode :). I wonder if we'll get any resolution to what happened between him and Cath the last time he appeared. I feel kind of lost cause I don't remember reading any spoilers about him being in this episode so I don't know if anything is known. If somebody has a bit of info please do share :).
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

I want some resolution to their relationship as well. Unfortunately, we have to wait until January. Alex Carter/Vartann is not in this week's episode.

But that doesn't mean that we couldn't hear Catherine mention to Nicky or to Doc even how they had a disagreement or how she hoped he would call her soon. Etc....

I think they are making up or he has called her, don't you guys?

This being Marg's last season on the show and her desire to have Cath have a boyfriend (and that boyfriend be Vartann) one would assume that they would remain a couple. Well that's my assumption anyway.... ;)
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

I want some resolution to their relationship as well. Unfortunately, we have to wait until January. Alex Carter/Vartann is not in this week's episode.

But that doesn't mean that we couldn't hear Catherine mention to Nicky or to Doc even how they had a disagreement or how she hoped he would call her soon. Etc....

I think they are making up or he has called her, don't you guys?

This being Marg's last season on the show and her desire to have Cath have a boyfriend (and that boyfriend be Vartann) one would assume that they would remain a couple. Well that's my assumption anyway.... ;)

Oops you're right :alienblush: I saw the date in the top left corner of the press release and thought it was the date of the episode which is actually pretty stupid given it's today's date! :lol: I thought it was Thursday's date. It's been a rough couple of days...

It'd be cool for her to mention him so we could know what the status of their relationship is right now. At least the episode he'll be appearing in is early on January. The 6th right? Did I get it right this time? :lol:
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

I'll be interested to see how they have vartann and catherine interact in the Jan. 6th episode. As both Blood Moon and Wild Life were written by the two female writers, but the Man Up episode is written by one of the male writers. Just the title 'Man Up' makes me wonder whom it refers too :).

I'm hoping they have vartann and catherine reach some sort of compromise as i can't see Marg okaying them have vartann and catherine break-up.

As for tonights episode i hope they have some sort of mention or reference to it, but knowing csi they probably won't (it looks like it might be a marg-lite episode to me).
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

So last nights episode they were both there, but not together. As I said on the episode thread Vartann should have been working the case with Cath. To me, it would have been more believable instead of him with Hodges. He seemed very out of place. I guess to show they can work separate from each other, and he's not Mr. Catherine Willows. :lol:

Unfortunately, there was no contact between them. :( I'm hoping that they have made amends. I'm sure he did call her. He's so in love with her I can't imagine them not being together.

What do you guys think? He called YES or NO?
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Man up kind of reminded me of Big Middle the way Vartann left Hodges to it, i think Alex is really underused in CSI. I assume that they only included Vartann in this ep because they wanted to drag out the 'are they or aren't they' still together storyline. He still could of worked the Greg and Nick case without having to interact with Catherine.

I'm really looking forward to episode 15 thanks to the latest spoilers, if Catherine becomes trapped in the warehouse we should get some intense interaction between her and Vartann (maybe even some action man Vartann :lol:).

The spolier mentioned that there would be Nick, Catherine, Lou, and 'Kip' the bomb guy so maybe they'll have Cath and Vartann pair up to search the warehouse and whilst their talking (maybe even bickering) cath will be distracted and that's when she becomes trapped (i know i've thought about this too much).

I still reckon by the end of ep 15 Vartann and Cath will be together, maybe even leading to a couple of Marg-less eps where her and Lou are of recouperating ;).
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

See I'm not into CathDrama! She is so much more than the helpless woman they are making her out to be. So I'm not that thrilled about this storyline. I'm sure Vartann will rescue her... again. :rolleyes: See I thought their whole relationship was way BEYOND all this stuff.

By Marg's interviews, she said they were two people who found each other without all the angst and drama.

So this whole 'Cath get's trapped on the 10th floor of a building and Vartann has to come to her aid' storyline isn't sitting well with me.

And I'm also pretty sure since we didn't get any resolution one way or the other about the status of their relationship, after all the drama :rolleyes: Catherine will decide that yes, Vartann was worth the risk and she does want him... etc...

I just want them to be together and happy with each other without all the angst and drama. :)
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

I just want them to be together and happy with each other without all the angst and drama. :)

Lol me too, heck i'd take just them smiling at each other over cliched tv couple angst :lol:.

I'd love a 'lou meets catherines mum' scene as well, or a mention of Lindsey, just a scene that's set outside of office hours (wouldn't say no to another Blood Moon scene).
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

Oh yes, smiling at each other. More flirty banter like in Blood Moon and Meat Jekyll. They just need to have a normal relationship and lots more hot sex.

Yes arguments are part of any relationship. Heck I'll go to say that the end of Wild Life wasn't all that 'bad' in terms of their relationship. The fact that Cath didn't tell him (right away) anyway about owning part of Sam's casino is better than ...

What I think is going to happen with the bombings and such. Justin Beiber finished yesterday filming the episode to air in February. I'm pretty sure Vartann won't die in that episode, but I'm sure it will have something to do with Cath/Marg's departure at the end of the season. Not the stuff I'm looking forward to.

I'd rather see them making breakfast or talking/debating a case.
Re: Vartann&Willows #1Vartllows:b/c This Guy..'Can Hit the Bowl'

I do not like the spoilers either.This is not Miami!!:(.I hate near death situations that later end up with the couple being together. But I will wait becouse the writers have done a good job with their relationship. I mean,I can see why Catherine did not want to tell Vartan certain parts of her life and why he wants more.