Ups and Downs for the Day

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Dolphin, you'll see your friend again some day. Even if you're world's apart, there's always this funny thing that brings you together. That thing is called 'Fate' :D.
I know... she was just here on vacation.
And thanks, you're too sweat... :rolleyes:

Up: Right now, I'm talking to my friend who's in USA, by e-mail... :D

Down: One of my three cats, scratch my arm...
UP: Jayne's absolutely right, the weather is fantastic today. :)

DOWN: I'm going to buy a new jacket today, for the summer, and I'm sure I won't find anything nice anyway. It's hard to find nice clothes when you're picky :rolleyes:
No problem Dolphin ;).

Up: I'm having chocolates before dinner :devil:.

Down: There is no dinner! :lol: I think these chocolates will suffice.
*steals some of Casp's chocolates* :)

Up: Being asked if my science competition essay can be posted on a couple of websites.

Down: Not getting much sleep last night because some stupid dog kept barking all the time.
Zan1781 said:
Down: I have another bee in my house, and bees terrify me...
Bees terrify me too! I have to dodge them whenever they're buzzing around me and people think I'm doing the Matrix.

Up: I had a scrumptious lunch today! Yummy yummy!

Down: I just found out the drawing tablet I wanted to buy costs a bomb! :(
UP:I don't know..I feel miserable today

Down:I'm having a major headache,I can't watch CSI today because my dad didn't pay the bills,I feel like throwing up..I'm miserable
^ I am sorry you are miserable *hugs sHiNNizLe*

Up: I finished all my homework

Down: I got up at 5:30 in order to finish all my homwork and now I am falling asleep.
Down: I've had Mamma Mia stuck in my head all day..

Up: I bought the Mamma Mia soundtrack, so I can sing to my heart's content!
UP:I had to driving lesson today.I love driving

Down:Missed yesterday's and tonight CSI

I'm much better today * hugs Laetri back *
Yeah Shinnizle I know how awful it is to miss your fav CSI show! Can never imagine what'll happen if I miss my CSI:M.*shudders* :(
up: i might go to this one concert.
down: im soooo bored and i hate my teacher she is like faikling me for like no reason at all
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