Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Down: I am in three separate groups in three different subjects and we're all doing group projects. I am doing each and every project all by myself. It's 9:40, I've been working since 4:00, and I'm only just now finishing up the first project. They're all due tomorrow, and I don't know if I can finish them all in time, much less get some shut-eye tonight. I'm really freaking out about it! I have no idea what I'm going to do. I have hunkered down and not left my chair for almost six hours and I've still hardly made a dent in all the work I have to do! These are only my group projects - I still have a ton more of my own work to do!!! I just think, even though my group hasn't done any of their own work, if I'm going down, I don't want to take them down with me, though I'm honestly not sure why. :confused:
Down: No Taekwon-Do today because I was too busy doing these stupid projects.
Down: I have yet to practice piano this week, and my lesson is on Wednesday.
Down: I'm sick.
Down: I had two hours of sleep last night.
Down: I have a major crush on one of my best friends and I'm so torn over what to do about it.
*hugs Chloe* Poor girl.

Up: Just found out my best friend may be coming home for the summer :)
Down: It's cold out today
Down: I still haven't finished filling out my passport application, and I really need to get it done so that I can get my passport on time.
Down: I need a passport to get into the States by plane. Grr.
Up: I need it so that I can go to Disney World with my cousin :)
Up: iPod works again
Down: Woke up 5 times tonight
Up: No homework! :D
Down: I'm cold.
Down: I drank the whole Coca Cola bottle. Now I have to get to the store again.
Down: Today I heard I can't do a subject I chose in school. Now I'm kind of forced to stay at the Gymnasium (with Latin), because I can't pick French 1,2 (what I chose) because there were too few people. I'm forced to keep Latin now. :mad:

Up: Got my ticket to Lowlands, the coolest festival in the country!

Up: Probably getting a lot of money in the middle of May. I'm earning soooo much this month. Like 400 euros. New iPod, here I come!

Up: I found out my dad's going to the same concert as me :lol:. I found a The Shins CD today and I asked him how he got to know them and he told him a friend gave him the CD because the friend got tickets for their concert and he wanted my father to go with him. Then I told him I was going too and he was surprised :lol:.
Up: Found a new phone I might buy.
Down: I need to somehow get 40 dollars from someone (I have a 50 dollar gift card to use, and I'm super broke, so I don't gots 40 dollars)
Up: Now that I'm not freaking out as much that I broke my phone, it's hilarous that I washed it :lol:
Down: I'm cold!
Up: I stayed up 'til 3:30 AM yesterday watching Instant Star, and when I got up I wasn't even tired
Down: I keep forgetting what day it is.
Up: Work went great, I finished more than I usually manage.
Up: My chemistry test went better than I expected.
Down: I studied until 12.30 last night.. I'm sooooo friggin tired!! :eek:
Up: I'm going to bed right now (yes, it't not even 9 o'clock :rolleyes:) and sleep long and warm :D


MissRoosFox said:
Down: Today I heard I can't do a subject I chose in school. Now I'm kind of forced to stay at the Gymnasium (with Latin), because I can't pick French 1,2 (what I chose) because there were too few people. I'm forced to keep Latin now. :mad:

Aw, girl that sucks! Though I don't like both French 1 and 2 as subject at school. I think we learn too little to really speak the language well. I still think it's sucky that you don't get your first choice :( Hope you're kinda ok with Latin as well.. *kicks the other students at your school for not choosing French*
Delivered all the official papers for our wedding at the reg. office.
Two days till I* off to Thailand.

Delivering my dog at the kennel tomorrow.
The weather outside - it is ice cold.
up: won my court case today as witness
up: no homework
up: my apartment is being checked for maintainence.. hopefully will be shown soon
down: my tummy hurts
down: it's cold
down: there's a strange noise somewhere.. :confused:
Up:Had fun taking care of my baby cousins.
Up:She finally talked a bit on the soap opera.
Up:I can go to bed late.
Up:My friend finally seems to be fine again.
Down:I'm a bit tired.
Down:Had some stomachache.
Down:It's a bit cold.
Up: The weather is really nice today!
Up: We're getting a RV/trailer so we can go camping and such.
Up: I've had a lot of computer time lately. :D
Down: I'm getting tired. :p
Up: Only a 4 day week
Up: 4 day weekend
Up: 4 day week after that :p
Down: Sick today
Up: Finale of Bams Unholy Union tonight! :lol:
Down: Still feel sick
Up: Didn't have to take science test today
Down: i have a pretty bad stomachache
Up: could be in a good mood except ^^
Down: slept much too long today
Down: very bad weather most of the day
Up: i'm going to stay up for some more time
Down: i'm hungry and there's nothing here to eat
Up: Law and Order: SVU tonight.
Up: I had a fantastic practice.
Down: Tired, Tired, Tired, Tired!
Down: My foot has a blister on it.
Down: My hip popped out of place and I had to get it popped back in and I'm really sore now :(
Down: My best friend was being a B**** today.
Down: I got my name on a bathroom wall.
Up: Game Tomorrow :)
Up: Cellphones working again! (I still can't get over the fact that it is :p)
Up: I just realized, NCIS and House are on tonight :D
Down: I don't know if NCIS is new or not. Hmm...
Up: I know House is new!
Down: My tounge hurts
Up: Going shopping Saturday
Down: I don't have a lot of money to go shopping with.
Down: road construction made me late for my meeting today
Up: my broadcasting class was cancelled
Up: i got paid today
Down: its storming
Up: the electricity came back on!
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