Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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up: good msm talking with a good friend
up: so lovely friends this day
up: sunny weather
down: my dog is sick
down: today my dog get an op
down: the linking game is closed :(
Up: I got fooled, twice.
Up: I fooled my friend.
Down: School tomorrow.
Down: I scraped my check up today.
Down: I don't want to practice tomorrow.
Down: I know I'm going to be sore.
Up: I saw Beaches today, I cried.
Up: Not Another Teen Movie was on, my favorite.
Down: I am mad. My stupid "friend" called one of my friends like frigit and called her really mean crap and stuff. Like agh, what a stupid little bit**.
Up: She will feel better when she goes to New York tomorrow.
Down: Lips super chapped!
Down: I bought a fruit sorce bar, but they didn't put it in with my grocerys, and I wanted it so badly!
Up: They managed to actually put my juice in the bag
Up: Just ate dinner
Down: There was nasty chicken in it so I spent like, over 20 minutes picking it out
Up: Making friend feel better
Up: I'm chewing gum!
Up: My juice is nice and tasty!
Up: My roommate and I had fun today
Down: Other roommate and I said super mean stuff to eachother, that if I said on here, I'd get like, banned for life (that's how mean it was)
Down: I got fooled twice yesterday
Down: I'm so tired
Up: I'll getting to the 100 post here xD
Up: I'll take a walk to the sweet ducks
Up: Summer outside.
Up: Met someone (female) I´m afraid I like.
Down: She keeps on ignoring me.
Down: I´ve got a cold. *coughing frequently
Down:It's raining.
Up:probably going to the cinema tonight with my friends.
Down:We haven't chosen the movie yet.
Up:I might have time this afternoon for doing some stuff I have been postponing.
Down:Have to copy the stuff from the classes I missed during the school trips.
Hope your dog gets better, Stoky! ;)

Up: had a great weekend!!!

Down: had a car accident. I fine, the car is fine, the other driver is fine and his car is a litle broken. It wasn't my fault. :mad:
Down: I'm so mad, that I've no hunger...
Up: Finally finished studying.
Down: I'm so scared for my maths test tomorrow.
Down: I'm very tired.
Up: CSI tonight.
Down: only got 2 hours of sleep last night/this morning
Down: i have the worst headache EVER
Down: my eyes are hurting
Down: i'm really tired
Up: sat in the sun today
Up: I gots a slurpee! (a slushie)
Up: My roommates and I had a house cleaning day today, so now the house is really clean and I can actually walk somewhere without being scared that I'm going to go flying face forward 50 feet.
Down: Roommate has her friend over, and I can't stand the friend she has over.
Up: Friend and I hanging out on Saturday if my grandparents don't want to do anything with me.
Down: Now I need money.
Up: Still chewing gum!
Up: I don't have to make dinner tonight and my roommate promised she'd make something I actually like.
Up: I set a new record..showed, hair blowdryed and straightened in 30 minutes.
Up: Went spinning around for most of the day with the girls.
Up: The weather was so nice.
Up: I got an ice cream cone :D
Down: Work meeting didn't go so well
Down: I've so much study to do for college :(
Up: Liverpool match tomorrow!
Down: Got no sleep last night.
Down: I missed the bus.
Down: I failed my math test.
Down: I have way too much homework..
Down: Practice was hard.
Down: I can't go out Friday because I have to be on the school bus at 6AM, for an all day badminton tourney.
Up: I passed my history test.
Up: I got a great grade in science.
Up: Started Badminton in gym.
Up: Practice was a lot of fun.
Up: I moved up the ladder.
Up: It was nice to see all my friends again [=
down: first aid course all weekend = no sleep
down: it's cold and snowing
up: no school friday
down: i have to write an essay tonight
up: court case tomorrow
up: rented my grad gown today
up: hopefully showing my apartment tomorrow
down: i´m very tired
down: broken knee from my dog
down: 4 hrs. driving on a freeway
up: loveley sunny weather
up: get a better teint
up: happy alike jump in bed
Down: I washed my cellphone and now I have no cellphone unless it somehow manages to recover from me washing it, but I have my doubts, aghh, I need my cellphone, no one even bothers calling me anymore, they all text me, on my cellphone, which is not working because I washed it!

Down: My roommates being a little bit**.
Up: Friends being so sweet.
Up: My phones kinda sorta (not really but I'm trying to convince myself my phone will be okay) working.
Down: God, I am screwed.
Up: Grandparents on Friday
Up: Shopping on Saturday

Edit: Up: Found a cheap phone I could buy, or my friends sister might give me her old one.
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