Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Up: I made new icons today.
Down: I have a lot of homework left to do and I'm exhausted.
Up: I have TONS of new music.
Up: Thursday is softball!
Down: I took a huge chunk out of my finger earlier with a knife and its bleeding all over the place.
Down: Now it really stings.
Up: I beat the class show off in pull-ups, and he's a guy. :p
Down: It's only Tuesday.
Up: History exam went very well.
Up: Just one exam left tomorrow.
Down: I'm very tired.
Up: Almost Easter, meaning four days no school. :)
Up: my sister is back
Up: my train journey from Hamburg was awesome. I had a lot of fun and the guy who sat next to me was so friendly and nice :D :devil: Unfortunately he was a little bit too old for me :(

Down: my email account doesn't work
Down: It's kinda boring
Down: I was up 'til 4AM, then my roommate comes in at 10AM asking me if I would make her Kraft Dinner because she didn't feel like it! So obviously, I am now very tired!
Up: I got to eat Kraft Dinner.
Up: My idea of payback was drinking all of the orange juice in the fridge :lol:
Down: My cellphone is so screwed up. It turns off when it wants to, resets my settings, and agh, I need a new one.
Up: I think I might actually get out of the house and do something other then go to work today.
Down: I'm lazy and don't feel like changing out of my pajamas
Up: my stomachache finally faded this morning!
Up: had a very tasty dinner
Down: i'm thursty
Up: half of the week is over
Up: tomorrow CSI :D
Down: have to be up early tomorrow because we'll get the new bed
Up: i think i'll stay up till then :lol:

*Up: eating oreos! *yummy*
Up: listening to good music
Up:I heard Dutch!!It was funny and weird. Thank Nikki!
Down:I have a headache.
Up:I just saw a new episode of CSI:NY today.
Up:Listened again to some of the OT and AE musics.
Up:Listened to some good disney musics.
Down:Tomorrow is already Thursday.
CSI_Dani - Hope your headache feels better :)

Up: Was another beautiful day
Up: Spent it spinning around
Up: Went to the beach
Down: Had to meet my area manager
Up: Felt better after meeting him
Up: I have to work tomorrow and Friday aswell as Saturday and Sunday(I need money so in this case it's an 'Up'.
up: i think i´ve two very nice and good friends ;)
up: tomorrow calling with an old friend and this can be take hrs. :lol:
down: my dog´s cast bandage is wet
down: this day must again to the vet doc
Up: i'm not tired yet
Down: having problems connecting to the forum
Up: i got some real good new songs
Up: tonight i laughed pretty much :D
Up: the weather's supposed to get better the next days
Down: Still feel like a truck hit me.
Up: Downloading so much music at the moment
Up: Bones is on in an hour :D
Down: Hairs so messed up
Up: Don't really care.
Down: I have an irratating roommate, agh.
Down: Love confuses me.
Up: I love music :D
- Up: I talked to an old friend again :D
- Down: I found out he's leaving the country in January to study :(

- Down: My little parrot Taylor got lost in the house :|, I spent like an hour looking for him, with a flashlight in hand :lol: until he finally decided to answer me, phew, I was so scared.
- Up: well I found him :lol: and he wasn't harmed or something :D

- Up: I studied today, I'm kinda behind with that so I felt relieved when I studied for 2 hours :lol:
Up: I aced my public health exam
Up: I made it through my public health presentation
Up: my broadcasting class was cancelled again for tomorrow!
Down: I have to have another stupid group meeting tomorrow morning
Down: I just realized my life revolves around my classes
Down: I have to go back to my hometown tomorrow night
Up: I get to see my mom who I haven't seen in 2 months
Up: I got to use phenolphthalein in my chemistry lab today! :D
Up: Last month, I wrote a huge exam in English class, and I just got my mark back...I got 100% and my teacher is using my paper as an exemplar for the rest of the students!
Up: I finished those stupid group projects that I was doing all by myself, and all my teachers loved them.
Up: I finally broke a board in Taekwon-Do that I've been having a lot of trouble with lately.
Down: When I broke said board, a piece of it recoiled and hit my ankle so hard that it hurts to walk today. :lol:
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