Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Psh, Lizzy: I'll get to sit down on my arse and you'll get to study :p

Up: It's over, finally.
Up: My 'Maatschappijleer' (all about the community) test went very well, it was so simple.
Down: English test didn't go that good, the grammar and the text went well but the vocabulary :eek:. But I have to say it was my fault: I had to study like 400 words.. I read those words for like one time :lol:
Up: Weekend.
Up: Marleen Veldhuis managed to get silver medal at the swimming world championships :D

Awzz me is happy :p
Up: I figured out that I'm not going crazy and there actually is a new CSI episode next week. :lol:
Up: After this I'm on spring break
Down: I don't know if I can make it through the day, I'm so tired :lol:
Down: Have to finish test later
Up: Aha, because I get to finish it later, I checked all the questions I didn't know!!
up: get to watch my sister's new puppy for the day!
up: it's Friday!!!
up: only one class this morning
down: i'm tired
down: i'm hungry
down: my muscles ache from yesterday's self defense class
up: no homework for the weekend
up: i get to take a cpr/first aid course this weekend
Up:Had some cool time today here at the computer.
Up:ER episode tonight.
Up:Tomorrow seeing my little cousins again, or maybe on sunday!
Down:It's already Friday.
Down:Fish for dinner.
Down: Break's ending.
Up: I got a ton of new stuff again at the mall.
Down: I have to go see the school psych. on monday when I get back.
Down: Report Cards Soon.
Down: People still suck.
Down: Phone's broke.
Up: I look really cute today.
Up: I'm finally off for spring break!!!
Up: Today i flew to Lethbridge to see levon and Allie.
Down: When i got there i realized that Allie is going to victoria.
Up: Me and levon are gonna house camp (Its where me and levon set up a tent in her basement and then we live in the tent for the night :) )
Down: There is a crying baby.
Up: Babies are cute!
Down: Have to study 95 pages about the society :( :( I hate it I hate it I hate it!!
Down: Have to work tonight.
Down: The weather is beautiful but I WANT TO GO OUTSIIIIDE!! :(
Up: I might see him again tonight. That is, if he's working..
Down: I just found out, since I'm playing a spring sport, I have to practice at least 4 hrs. of tennis a weekend, since I can't attend afterschool workouts.

Down: It's raining so I had to play in the rain.
Down: I'm not in tennis mode.
Down: Serena Williams won her match today.
Up: I had fun playing tennis and badminton today.
Down: Party was cancelled.
Down: It took me and Levon like 2 hours just to build a tent.
Down: The indside of the tent was really small.
Up: I had soo much fun.
Down: I think i might be getting sick, and such perfect timing, its spring break! :( :( :(
Down: Nicely gonna spend the whole day doing maths. Yayyy.
Up: The weather's awesome.
Up: I like my new haircut.
Down:April fools.
Down:It's already Sunday.
Down:Didn't see my cousins.
Up:Going to watch Tv in the afternoon. I like Sunday's Tv schedule.
Up:Feeling Happy! Don't ask why...
Up:Is now on the first episode of CSI:Ny, season 3, and after it, it will be on the second and the third! The best of it was that I was not expecting it, as it's part of the new April schedule, I guess :D
Up: Listening to music that I forgot even exisited :lol:
Up: My roommate made me noodles in a cup! Buwhaha
Down: Tooth is chipped and it hurts my tounge
Up: Gives me a good excuse to chew gum constantly (if I chew it on the side where I chipped my tooth it doesn't hurt my tounge)
Up: Get to see my grandparents on Friday
Up: No one has played a trick on me yet, buwhah
Down: Someone probably will soon
Up: Got to go to a movie and get icecream with a friend I haven't seen in almost 4 months
Up: I haven't gotten fooled yet
Down: I know I'm going to.
Up: My dog's home from the hospital.
Down: My dog's basically dying. :(
Up: It's still the weekend.
Down: Yet tomorrow is Monday.
Up: I get to see fireworks at CBS studios this summer, in the celeb section if I help set up. We also get a party.
Down: I have geomerty homework I still haven't done.
Down: i haven't eaten anything the whole day
Up: i'm not hungry
Up: the weather was so nice that i sat in the garden in the sun the whole day
Up: finished reading a good book
Up: i'm going to start the next good book
Up: tomorrow's monday but that doesn't bother me at all because i don't have to get up early
Down: now i'm freezing
Up: listening to unbelievably good music
Up: i may have a real funny conversation with a friend soon, hopefully
Up: not many downs today :D
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