Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Again as a reminder, more contect. MINIMUM three lines or four if using really short description

such as
Up:It's sunny
Down: Fever
Down: headache

The more the better. If not working, gets also a nice little padlock to the door.
Up: I'm going to New York!!! :D
Up: feeling really happy! :D
Up: one of mine best friens (who is living in USA) is comming to visit me in the end of te month. :D

Down: I've to work tomorrow.
Up: I'm looking forward to the dinner tonight :D
Up: Enjoyed a funny day
Up: listening to the new Linkin Park song

Down: I have a slight headache
Down: my sister is ill and I have to do everything for her
Up: My Ancient History lecture was fun!
Up: I'm offically on Mid-Sem break! YAY!
Up: I had a really nice curry tonight for dinner.

Down: I have so many assignments to do in my break that it won't really be a break at all!
Down: My friend was supposed to be coming over tonight but she had to cancel because she was sick...
Down: I can't wait for the new episode of CSI:Miami air!!! *is impatient*
DaWacko said:
If not working, gets also a nice little padlock to the door.

:( That's a shame. Though I understand why you are doing this. I will pay attention to the more content thing in all threads around here. I hope I won't forget it though ;)

Up: My testweek is over. Can you say finally?
Down: Totally screwed up Biology! I was the first one to leave the classroom. I managed the part about reproduction, but when they started about STDs, I couldn't remember a single thing. And I have just handed in a report about that subject! :/
Up: I'm at my dad's again.. have been neglecting him and my stepmom a little, and I regret that.. busy you know. Lame excuse.
Up: It's my brother's birthday today.
Up: I bought a new book. A Grey's Anatomy one to be exact :D
Up: I'm off for 4 days now :D Won't be having school until Tuesday.
Up: Home alone until Tuesday night. My mom and her boyfriend are in Switserland.
Up: I'm in a gooood moooood. Wooohooo :cool:
Up: I don't have much homework so far tonight.
Down: I have softball practice and tutoring and a test to study for however.
Down: I have the mile run test today. And I'm slow. UGH!
Down: I have a different test every day next week. What a coincidence.
Up: It's almost the weekend.
Down: Very busy this weekend.
Down: I'm exhausted.
Down: Now I have a hedache.
Down: I gained a pound this week. I'm already fat enough. :(
Down: I gained a pound this week. I'm already fat enough.
Woah. Hey now, that's enough of that, missy. I've seen pictures of you in the photo thread. You are not fat. And one pound is nothing. Weight fluxuates. It happens.

Down: Society sucks
Up: My best friend is coming home for the summer. She'll be here in a few weeks :D
Down: It's cold, and it's supposed to stay this way for a while.
Up: I actually got a proper amount of sleep, so I don't feel like I'm going to die.
Down: I am so cold.
Up: Seeing grandparents (and most likley sister and cousins) tomorrow :D
Up: My roommates learned to shut their faces and not go around screaming about random odd things.
Up: Listening to music :D
Up: CSI tonight
Up: Went out for dinner at a nice restaurant this evening :)
Down: Had a crap day at work...experiments not working, frustrated with colleagues, etc. :rolleyes:
Up: 2 episodes of csi were on tonight
Up: we managed to build up the new bed
Down: i have blisters on my hands :lol:
Down: i'm so hungry
Up: listening to a funny song
Down: not much sun today, pretty cloudy
Up: CSI was on tonight.
Up: Made four new icons.
Up: My mom's birthday today, so I had cake. :)
Up: Watching my favourite episode at the moment.
Up: Four days off school now.
Down: Lots of work to do this weekend.
Down: I'm really confused about what I should do about this crush I have on one of my best friends. We've always been very open with each other, and it almost kills me not to tell him, but at the same time I love what we already have and I don't want to screw that up. I'm just so confused! :confused: (cathwillows: so what else is new?)
Undecided: I've been spoiled as to who the MCSK is.
CSI_Dani said:
Up:I heard Dutch!!It was funny and weird. Thank Nikki!


Up: Test week's over.
Up: Four days off for Easter.
Up: Yesterday was so much fun.
Down: My throat hurts.
Up: Listening to great music.
Up: The weather's awesome.
Up: I cleaned up my room and found a lot of old stuff from the past. It was nice to have a look on all those memories.
Up: I'm happy that my room is really, really tidy now
Up: tomorrow I'll go with my whole family to a very nice and good restaurant

Down: I'm hungry even though I've had breakfast 4 hours ago :(
Down: No social life this weekend.
Up/Down: Playing a few hours of tennis tonight.
Down: Two-a-Days practice today.
Down: Tournament tomorrow at 6:30 AM.
Up: Easter.
Up: Cannot wait to get my new tennis racket.
Down: I hate these boys that were "inappropriete"[sp?] towards my sister, I want to hurt them.
Up: ^I know I won't and I'm proud of my control.
up: no school today
up: get to spend the weekend with family
up: we had pancakes for breakfast!
up: Easter egg hunt tomorrow morning for the little ones
up: chocolate!!
down: I'm sooo tired
down/up: only 10 days of classes left
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