Ups And Downs For The Day #5

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Down: My ankle is really really bad.
-i walked on it today with my aircast and i guess i over did it.
Up: My Wrist Is better.
Down: It rained.
Up: I got a ton of stuff today at the mall.
Up: Today was pretty much hilarious besides my ankle.
Down: If I don't rest up, I'm not going to play for awhile.
Up: I picked out my new tennis racket today.
Up: I can take a city bus.
Up: I have plans tomorrow.
Down: weather seems to get bad
Down: I'm thirsty, but I'm too lazy to stand up and get something to drink
Down: It's so early in the morning and I got already up

Up: I'll have my dad's car until Sunday (But most of the time I'm not at home, so I won't use it :( )
Up: had a lot of fun yesterday
Lizzy_004 said:
Up: Didn't have any school today.
Up: Neither will I have school tomorrow :lol: And Roosy and Eva will be having tests! :lol:

*glares at Liz* :p So you enjoy your free day more when Roos and I are studying our butts off? Yeah, right. That's very nice to know. :lol:

Up: English test went well, I guess.
Down: I have to study so much.
Up: ER toniiight. :D
Up:Talk with a friend in Msn.
Up:Tried to make my first icons.
Down:Couldn't do it. They look bad :(
Up:Yesterday's Bones episode was cool.
Down:Have nothing special to do today.
Up: Only 2 more days until my break!
Up: I bought mini wheats for the first time and they atually taste good!
Down: I have class soon :(
Up: After I get through today I only have to survive one more day before I get a break
Up: Listening to music
Down: I forgot I did part of my assignment like, 3 months ago almost, and just found it, so I didn't have to actually hand it in late today.
Up: But it gave me less work to do :p
Down: So hungry
Up: I will just simply find something to eat.
CSI MIAMI on tv tonight
HORATIO invaded my dreamland *s*
UPCOMMING vacation in Thailand this easter....

Snow is not white anylonger.
Away from dog for a fourthnight
Down: Break's almost over.
Up: My friend and I are having a movie night tonight.
Up: I look okay today.
Down: Besides my air cast.
Up: Plans for tomorrow are looking good.
Down: My best friend's boyfriend is so horrible to her.
Down: It's totally messing up our friendship.
Down: I have no clue what to do.
Up: I updated my iPod.
Down: slept much too long
Down: i have been tired the whole day
Down: the weather just su**** today
Down: i'm freezing
Up: new csi episode TONIGHT :D
Down: i won't see it before tomorrow
Up: School talent show tonight
Up: getting contacts tomorrow!
Up: spring break next week
Down: My sister has to get surgery next Friday
Down: spent three hours in the waiting room
Up: So nice outside
Down: I somehow find it hot outside, even though its only 12C
Up: Fixed that problem by putting on a tanktop!
Up: One more day 'til I'm off spring break
Up: Finally a new CSI episode is on tonight :D :D
Down: Didn't finish test today
Up: Teacher was supper nice about it, she told me that I could finish it tomorrow in class
Up: I just realized that me and levon have spring break at the same time!!
Up: One more day until spring break!
Down: Im in a huge fight with Adrienne (my roommate)
Down: I wasn't too impressed with CSI tonight.
Down: I cancelled my plans.
Down: Ankle kills.
Up: Tomorrow I'm going to the mall to get a ton of new crap.
Down: Got into it with the best friend.
Down: I'm really sad break's ending.
Down: my sister is ill
Down: weather is bad

Up: go to the hairdresser
Up: a trip to Hamburg
Up: listening to good music
Up: my mum and I will have a brunch in the city
SaraStar said:
Lizzy_004 said:
Up: Didn't have any school today.
Up: Neither will I have school tomorrow :lol: And Roosy and Eva will be having tests! :lol:

*glares at Liz* :p So you enjoy your free day more when Roos and I are studying our butts off? Yeah, right. That's very nice to know. :lol:

Of course I enjoy it, why wouldn't I? You get to study, I get to relax.. life is good :p

cathwillows said:
Down: slept much too long

How can you sleep too long? :eek:

Up: Maths went excellent! I even left half an hour earlier.
Up: Sun is shining.
Up: Have three days to study for one big test.
Up: Managed to diet for four days now :D
Up: With a bit of luck, mom will let me drink beer again tonight.
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