Unwavering love (smack)

Wow...! This is a great story. I'm hooked. Awesome job on all the chapters. This chapter was really good as well. I love the whole part about Mac being scared for Stella. :):)
Thank you Axelsonfire and all the other readers! :)

Part 12

Mac’s hands were shaking, because of excitement, because of love. He was a Marine, a cop and a scientist. He had seen a lot of death. This was the first time he witnessed the beautiful moment of a new life came to this world. He had cut his son’s umbilical cord ten minutes ago. He did the same to his daughter. She looked exactly the same as her elder brother. They both have black curly hair, Mac’s face shape and Stella’s mouth. They were two beautiful babies.
William, Mac and Stella’s son, cried loudly once he got out. That made his parents so proud and excited. Sophia, their daughter, she just frowned and twisted her little body but didn’t cry. The nurse had to hit her on the butt to make her cry because crying was important for them to use their lungs for the first time. Sophia frowned again then cried and kicked like a fierce cat who was disturbed. Mac couldn’t help but to laugh out loud. The nurse placed one baby in each of Mac’s arms.
Mac showed Stella their angels. “They are so beautiful! Thank you, honey!” He kissed his wife and gave her the babies.
Stella looked at her babies with happy tears in the eyes. She kissed their wrinkled faces. “Thank you, Mac, for giving me two angels and a complete family.”
Mac held Stella’s hand during the whole labor process. He didn’t aware of pain when Stella squeezed his hand so hard. All he knew was Stella was going through a long painful journey to give birth of their babies. She was pale and weak now but with the babies resting in her arms, she was even beautiful than ever. Mac’s heart was full and warm. Stella was right. The newborns made their family complete.
The team members visited Stella and the babies at home in turns. They brought flowers and toys.
Adam looked at the babies in the cribs. “It’s amazing! They are identical. How could you tell them apart?”
Stella laughed. “We couldn’t when they are sleeping. You could see William resembled Mac’s eye color when he’s awake. And Sophia has my green eyes.”
“They are beautiful. Can I hold them?” Adam looked at them longingly.
“Sure. But I have to warn you. They are not easy to please, especially Sophia. You’re in trouble if you made them uncomfortable.”
“O…K! Maybe I should sit in the couch.” Adam sat down with a stiff pose.
“Ready?” Stella was amused.
“Yeah. I’m ready.” Adam said nervously.
Stella placed the babies in Adam’s arms. “Here you go. Uncle Adam. Hold on. I’ll get the camera. I took photos of them with every visitor.”
Adam looked at the babies happily. He couldn’t help but kissed them on the cheeks while Stella was taking the camera. He knew he made a mistake immediately. He totally forgot about his mustaches. The babies frowned and started to ruffle. Adam was panicked.
Stella got out of the bedroom with a camera. She laughed and snapped pictures of Adam’s funny face. The babies were even impatient when they heard their mother’s laughter.
“Stell…Stella. Help, please.” Adam murmured.
Stella put the camera down and took her son first. She soothed him with a lullaby. At the meantime, Sophia decided to express her dissatisfaction loudly. Adam stood up and rocked her. William joined in the chorus when he heard his little sister.
Mac opened the front door to see a nervous Adam and a laughing Stella rocking two crying babies. He laughed and took Sophia from Adam. The babies started to calm down under their parents soothing voices. Mac kissed Stella on the lips with a satisfied smile. Adam captured all the sweet moments with the camera.
“Does Rhoda agree to take care of the twins?” Mac asked while having dinner.
“Yep. She’s still working two jobs until the end of this week but she came by almost everyday. The babies like her. I’ll tell her everything before I go back to work next week. She’s smart. I think she can handle them.” Stella said.
“Good.” Mac planted a kiss on Stella’s hand. “I miss you, partner.”
“The kids are not good enough?” Stella smiled.
“They are good. But you are my only partner.”Mac leaned forward to kiss his wife and partner.
Thank you, Mel! :) Here's the last part of this story. Thanks for reading, everyone! :)

Part 13

“Mommy, I want more candies.” Sophia pointed to the basket Stella was holding. Stella had given her a little basket with a few candies in it. William and Sophia were four years old. This was their first time to dress up and collect candies from the neighbors.
“Those are not for you, honey! You have to knock on our neighbors’ doors and said ‘trick or treat’, they will give you candies. When our neighbor’s babies come, I will give them candies.”
“Why?” William asked.
“It’s tradition. We do it every year on Halloween. Come on, let’s get dress and surprise Daddy when he comes home.”
Stella took their little hands and headed to her bedroom.
Laid on the bed were a set of white astronaut costume and a set of woodland fairy costume.
“Wow. I like this.” William took the astronaut costume. He started to take off his T-shirt. “Mom, help me please.”
Stella noticed her little girl was unhappy. “What’s wrong, honey?”
“I want this one.” Sophia pointed at the astronaut costume.
Stella picked up the fairy costume. “That’s for William. This is for you.”
“Why?” Sophia was still unhappy.
“Mom, I can wear my T-shirt.” William said. He couldn’t bear to see his little sister got upset.
Stella crouched in front of her daughter. “That one is too big for you, honey. And you would be a very beautiful girl in this dress. Like a butterfly.” Then she leaned forward to whisper in Sophia’s ear. “Daddy loves butterflies.”
Sophia chuckled and jumped. “I love butterflies too. William, do you love butterflies?”
William smiled. “Yes.”
“OK. Now get dress. Daddy will be home soon.”
“Daddy’s home!” Sophia saw her father’s car through the windows. She went to join her mother and brother to crouch behind the couch.
“Don’t stick you head out, William.” Stella pulled her son back. “Shh…”
They jumped out from behind the couch when Mac opened the front door.
“What do a witch, a fairy and an astronaut doing in my house?” Mac laughed.
“Daddy, what am I?” Sophia turned in circles.
Stella wrapped her arms around Mac’s waist. She kissed him and gave him the answer in a whisper.
“A beautiful butterfly!” Mac picked up his daughter and kissed her on the cheek. He made a salute to his son and shook his little hand. “And this is our space hero.”
William felt so happy and proud.
“Alright. Let’s go get some candies.” Stella said.
“Dad doesn’t dress up?” William asked.
“I don’t need to. I’m a detective. This is what detectives look like.” Mac spread his arms and turned a circle. He took Stella’s hand and got out of the house with the kids walking in front of them.
Stella told the kids they have to say the magic words themselves if they wanted candies and never forgot to say thank you. Mac and Stella stayed a step behind them when they knocked on the neighbors’ doors.
They went home in about an hour later. Suddenly, someone in a gorilla costume blocked their road. Stella grabbed her babies to her sides. Mac stepped forward but the gorilla gave him an OK gesture. Mac stayed close to his family.
The gorilla crouched in front of Sophia and howled. Sophia looked at it quietly then bashed her little basket with candies onto its head. William joined his sister to attack the gorilla. Their parents watched them amusingly.
“Stop, stop, stop. It’s me. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
Mac and Stella stopped the twins. The gorilla pulled off his mask. It was Reed.
“Reed!” William and Sophia cried delightedly.
“Reed?” Stella laughed out loud. “You said you have plans when I asked you to have dinner with us tonight.”
Reed sat on the ground and laughed. “Yeah. I planned to surprise these two little guys.”
Mac chuckled. “It seems you are the one who was surprised. You’re lucky Stella didn’t kick you.” He gave Reed a hand to help him up.
“Yeah. I should’ve told you. I’m sorry.” Reed took the twins’ hands. “You two hit me really hard. You know that?”
“I can give you candies.” Sophia said. Then she realized her candies were gone. She licked her little lips. “Hmm. You said ‘trick or treat’, Mommy give you candies.”
“I have candies.” William took a few cadies out from his costume’s pocket and offered to Reed and Sophia.
“Alright. Let’s go home.” Mac said. He grabbed Stella by the waist and went home with the kids.
Dear Kikii,
:thumbsup::thumbsup:! You did a great job in arranging the storylines. I love it! And by the end, you have REED came back!! :lol: That's one of the characters I'd love to read about. Like Mel said, Hate to see it ends.. :lol: Thank you for this story kikii, I love it!
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for reading this story! :) Instead of open a new thread, I decided to add some more to this one. Hope you'll like it.

Disclaim : I don't own any characters of the CSI NY.

Part 14

Reed was sitting in the waiting area of the ER. He was pale and his shirt was soaked by his cold sweat. His heart was still pounding fiercely. He was wondering why SHE wanted to hurt him and the twins. It was HER. How could it possible? The second he turned to the direction of the bullet came from, he saw her and he was paralyzed. She would’ve killed him if she pulled the trigger the third time but the chaos caused her to leave. A bullet had licked Reed’s left forearm. Fortunately, he only had broken skin. The paramedic had treated him at the scene.
Reed had called Mac and Stella. He didn’t know how to face them if something bad happened to the twins. The doctors were examining them right now. They were supposed to have fun in the carnival but ended up in the ER.
Reed was in deep thought and didn’t aware of Mac and Stella approaching. He jumped when Mac put a hand on his shoulder. He stood up and wiped the sweat away from his forehead.
“Reed, are you OK? Where are the twins?” Stella asked.
“I’m fine, thank you. The Docs are examining William and Sophia.”
Stella wanted to go inside the examining area but Mac stopped her.
“What happened, Reed?” Mac asked.
“We were at the carousel. Someone shoot us twice when I put Sophia on the horse back behind William. They fell onto the ground when the first bullet hit my forearm. The second shot was missed. I’m sorry, Mac, Stella. I was supposed to take good care of them.”
“You didn’t know that. Did you see the shooter?” Mac held Stella’s shoulder tightly. She was shivering under a calm surface.
Before Reed could answer the question, two nurses got out holding the twins hands.
Sophia reached out for her mother. “Mommy!”
“Oh, my babies!” Stella embraced her kids and kissing them repeatedly. “Are you alright?” She smoothed their curly hairs and placed her hands on their faces. The kids nodded to assure their mother that they’re fine.
“Detective Taylor. We’ve checked them up thoroughly. Your children are fine.” One of the nurse told Mac.
Mac thanked the nurses. He crouched down in front of his son. “How are you, soldier?”
“I’m OK, Dad.” The boy gave him a confidential smile. A smile you would never found in other six years olds.
“Good.” Mac patted his little shoulder and kissed him on the forehead. Then he turned to his daughter. “How are you, little princess?”
“I want kiss.” Sophia threw herself into her father’s arms.
Mac laughed and kissed her hard on the lips. “I’m happy all three of you are OK. Let’s go home.”
Mac straightened up and told the uniform officer accompanied Reed that they would make an official statement tomorrow at the precinct.
Stella took the twins little hands and started to leave. Reed stopped Mac. “Mac, can I talk to you for a minute?”
“We’ll wait in the car.” Stella said.
“Is it about the shooter?” Mac asked.
“Mac, it was her. My mother, my biological mother.” Reed was so excited that he grabbed Mac’s sleeve tightly.
“What? No way.” Mac didn’t believe.
“I saw her, in quite a distant though. I’m sure it was her.”
“You never met her before. Claire’s long gone, Reed. This is impossible.”
“You gave me the pictures. She looks like her in the pictures.” Reed insisted, now breathing fast.
“Calm down, Reed, LOOKS LIKE doesn’t mean it’s her. Danny and Hawkes are working this case. Let the evidence tell the truth. Come on.” Mac patted Reed’s back and headed out.
Ohhh.. Cliffhanger...! It's interesting. It startled me when Reed says it was his Biological Mother. Then I was clear that it was Claire when Mac explained further into details. Surprised by how this was written. Hmm, I wonder how things turn into that person wanted to murder Reed or even Mac/Stella kids.. Claire... Ghost or her twin? :lol: First of all, I'm glad that the kids are alright and of course Reed too.. Curious! I'd love to read more about her as I've never seen her before, never known about her. Hmm, *rubs my chin*.
Dear Asprine,
Thanks for the review! :)
Claire... Ghost or her twin? :lol:
I can assure you this's not a ghost story. Twins? Hmm... *rub my chin*. :lol:
It's sad that Mac and Stella would never have an absolute answer for she's alive or dead. It haunts me too. :( I'm afraid maybe someday the TPTB brings her back in the show. :shifty: Then Mac has to make a choice between her and Stella. And I'm afraid Stella would lose because Claire is the OFFICIAL Mrs. Taylor after all.
I'd love to read more about her as I've never seen her before, never known about her.
Me too. :)
*rub my chin*
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Totally agrees with you. If Claire were to come back, I don't mind watching how the storylines turn into.. maybe I'll just watch them as normal or get myself off CSI NY or maybe I would like her character. What can we do about it? Like I said before.. we could do nothing except scold them in front of our TV :lol: and the most wonderful thing is to rant in Talk.CSI :devil:. Ohh.. Sometimes, we have to look on the bright side, Kikii. ;) I'm sure the Crew will give us something special soon. At the moment, I'm sticking to fictions which I hope someday shall become Non-fiction. :)
Agree with your points, Asprine!
As for me, watch the show or not deponds on whether 'the Crew will give us something special soon', like you said. :)
We just discussed off-topic in FF Section. ;) I just can't help it! :lol: I guess Claire in the show is a wonderful person. That's why Mac loves her so much. :D If one day they brings her back, I think I'll love her but I'm still shipping Mac/Stella of course. They're the love of my life for Valentine's Day and in my daily life + my family too :adore:. :lol:

Anyway, I had a sense that what's coming is interesting in your story! ;)
Yeah, we can't help it! :lol: I don't like to see Stella loses. She's the woman made for Mac. :adore:
To tell the truth, I only wrote the latest part after we talked the other day. I'm not sure where I'm heading yet. Hope I wouldn't disappoint you. :)