Unwavering love (smack)


Lab Technician
Hi everyone! :) I want to continue on the family storyline but the fact that Mac and Stella are not together yet is bugging me. So I think what if something like THIS happen. Hope you like it. All reviews and comments are appreciated. :)

Disclaim : I don't own any characters of CSINY.

Unwavering love

Part 1

“Hey, Taylor!”
Mac turned to the source of the voice. There was a man stood about 10 meters away from him, waving cheerfully to him.
“Brad Kingsley!” Mac grinned and went to the man. They shook hands. “What a surprise? When did you come back from Belgium?”
“A couple weeks ago. I’m going to call you when things settle down. But here we are, just run into each other in the middle of the street. You don’t change a bit, the same old Mac. ”
“You too, Brad. I’m working a case here.” Mac made a gesture to the building. Stella stepped out of the front door and looked around for Mac.
“Stella.” Mac called.
Brad felt like struck by lightning when he saw Stella. Then he watched her with longing eyes. “Who’s that beauty?” Brad said dreamily.
Mac glanced at Brad. “Wake up. That’s my partner.” Mac introduced them when Stella arrived. They shook hands but Brad forgot to let go of Stella’s hand.
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Kingsley.” Stella smiled and slowly withdrew her hand.
“It’s Brad. I’ve heard about Mac’s beautiful partner. But I don’t have the chance to meet you.”
“Thank you.” Stella smiled.
Mac cleared his throat. “Brad, we have to work. Let’s have dinner later. How long would you stay?”
“I’m not leaving in a short period. Why don’t we have dinner tonight? Maybe Miss Bonasera could join us.” Brad focused on Stella when he talked.
“I…I love to but…” Stella looked at Mac for help.
Brad cut in before Mac could say anything. “Come on, Mac. You have to eat even though work’s important. Let’s say seven thirty at my restaurant. OK?”
“Fine. But I might call to cancel if something urgent comes up.” Mac had no way out but to accept.
“OK. See you tonight.” Brad left.
“Wow, he doesn’t accept no for answer, does he?” Stella said.
“Usually he’s an easygoing guy. He’s a bit aggressive today.” Mac looked at the direction Brad left thoughtfully. Then he took a breath. “Let’s take the evidence back to the lab.”
“How’s the food, Miss Bonasera?” Brad asked
“Please call me Stella. The food’s good. Thank you.” Stella smiled. “So, you own two restaurants and have business in Belgium.”
“Yeah. I stayed at Belgium in the past few years. My little brother takes care of business here. But I intended to stay this time I came back. You know, home sweet home.”
“How’s Brenda think?” Mac asked.
“We divorced two years ago. We are now friends and business partners. She owns half of my business in Belgium. How about you? You seeing anyone?”
“No.” Mac didn’t want to talk about it.
“Come on, you don’t just work. You need entertainments, companies.” Brad turned to Stella. “I believe you have girl friends. As a partner, you should help him out. He’s a good man. He deserves a good girl.”
“Trust me, he doesn’t need my help.” Stella was embarrassing.
Mac stood up. “We could catch up the other time, Brad. Stella and I have to go. Thanks for the dinner.” They got out of the restaurant.
“Stella. Can I call you? Maybe we can have a cup of coffee from time to time.” Brad said outside the restaurant.
“Sure.” Stella waved him goodbye.
Mac and Stella walked to the car.
“He’s not just A BIT aggressive.” Stella smiled and shook her head.
Mac didn’t speak.
“What? What’s that face?” Stella asked.
“He’s aggressive when he wants something, in a legal and positive way of course. He even started a business in Belgium when he pursued Brenda. He likes beautiful woman. He fell for you when he saw you.”
“I...I…Come on, you are kidding, right?” Stella choked up.
“That’s good thing. Maybe you two would have some chemistry.” Mac said half-hearted.
“Chemistry.” Stella stopped short. Mac turned to look at her. There was no smile in her face anymore.
“I know. You don’t expect this and you don’t know him. He’s a good guy. Giving some time, you would like him.”
“So you think I should accept him.”
“I didn’t say that. You may consider it as knowing a new friend. No one knows about the future.”
“Right.” Stella got into the car without another word.
In the next few weeks, Stella went out with Brad for movies and drinks a few times. Actually they got along quite well. Brad was funny, charming and attentive. Stella felt comfortable around him.
Part 2

Stella was riding to a crime scene with Mac as usual.
“I called you last night but you were not home.” Mac said.
“Oh, Brad and I were at the theatre. Was it important?”
“No. I just followed up your report.”
They fell into silence.
Suddenly, a car crashed into them from behind. It slowed a bit, then accelerated and struck again.
“Hang on.” Mac said and sped up to get rid of the car.
The attacker didn’t back down but struck again. This time, Mac’s car launched forward and crashed into a lamp pole. The airbags were inflated to prevent Mac and Stella from hitting the dashboard. But the violent impact had expelled the air from Mac’s lungs. He felt dizzy and suffocated. From the corner of his eyes, Mac saw the attacker approached with a gun in hand. Mac managed to get his gun in time although his body was in pain. The attacker went to Mac and ready to pull the trigger but Mac fired first. The man fell down.
“Stella.” Mac turned to the passenger side. Stella was unconscious with blood on her face.
Mac felt a sharp pain in his left leg when he got out of the car. His left shinbone was broken. He limped to the other side and pulled Stella out of the car. He dragged Stella as far from the wreck as he could and called 911. He gingerly checked on Stella’s skull and found she didn’t suffer from other injuries except a wound on the forehead.
“Stella. Stella.” Mac patted her cheek lightly.
Stella groaned and came around. “Mac! Are you alright?” She put a hand on his face.
“Yeah. Some cuts and a broken shinbone. I’ve called 911. The bus’s on the way. Don’t move. You might have a concussion. Do you feel any part of the body in pain?” Mac laid her head on his lap and stroked her hair.
“No. Did the guy get away?”
“I pulled the trigger before he could. He’s dead.”
Two ambulances and a few squad cars arrived. Flack ran straightly to his friends. “Mac. Stella. Are you alright? What happened?”
“I’ll fill you in later. I killed the perp. He’s by the wreck.” Mac said as the paramedic checking on him. Flack went to the wreck with other officers.
Paramedics put Mac and Stella into the ambulances and drove to the hospital.
“Stella. Why don’t you stay in bed?” Mac was surprised when Stella and Flack walked into his ward.
“Told you.” Flack said to Stella with a smirk.
“I’m fine except the cut on the forehead and some bruises. I just want to see if you’re alright.”
“I have a chance to clear up my desk.” Mac pointed at his leg in cast. “Flack, you got an ID yet?”
“Yeah. Ed Simons, brother of Candice Simons. Remember her?”
“Yeah. She hid in a closet at our crime scene last week, OD to dead.” Stella said.
“Her brother thought she would’ve alive if you found her sooner.”
“She could barely breathe when we found her. She had no chance at all.” Mac said.
“Mac, I don’t think this is over yet. The Simons family runs a huge drug dealing network. Narcotics on them over two years. With their only kids died within a week and narcotics closing in, they are desperate enough to do anything. I can imagine your bigger trouble’s coming. We will move you two to a safe house.”
“No. We can take care of ourselves.” Mac rejected.
“Normally, you could. In this situation? You’re an easy target.” Flack nodded at Mac’s broken leg. “Narcotics is organizing an operation. They wouldn’t be distracted with you safely away from the firing range. You only need to stay at the safe house for three or four days, a week top. Take it as a sick leave.”
Mac was impatient but Stella put a hand on his shoulder. “How about our work?”
“The Chief office would arrange for backup if your team needs extra manpower. And we'll keep you posted.”
“Alright. Let’s do it.” Mac nodded finally.
Kikii, Sorry for late reviews. :) I love this. You did a great job with the starting of the story. First, we have Brad trying to pursue Stella. I assume he failed to do that? 'Cause I believe Stella loves Mac. And you seriously got me loving the second chapter 'cause they're going to be in some safe house together!!! Aww.. I'm having day dreams. :adore: What's going to happen in there since they're not working? *Sideways* I'm glad that they're safe from the perp. Things always happens and it changes everything. Hopefully they come to realise about it. Sometimes, you just need a drastic situation to realise what's most important to you.
Get in line, dear! :lol: If Stella allows another woman to do her job, that I think she wouldn't, I don't have any reason not to take the advantage. :guffaw: :guffaw: :guffaw:

It's OK, dear!
First, we have Brad trying to pursue Stella. I assume he failed to do that?
If Stella said yes, Mac would kill me for putting her in this situation. :lol:
What's going to happen in there since they're not working?
Funny things. :lol:
Sometimes, you just need a drastic situation to realise what's most important to you.
So true! Hope the TPTB understands this theory and take action soon. :)
Thank you to Mel and Asprine and all the other readers! :)

Part 3

The safe house was neat and simple furnished, located in a remote district. Surveillance cameras were installed in different spots inside the house. Plain clothes officers were guarding outside and opposite the house 24/7.
“Smell good. What are you cooking, Stella?” Mac walked into the kitchen on a crutch.
“Good morning, Mac. Oatmeal with raisin and maple syrup, your favorite. Since we don’t need to work and we couldn’t go out, I decided to make myself useful. I intended to impress you with my cooking. Go to the table. I’ll take this.”
“So, you’re in charge of the kitchen. What department am I in?” Mac asked while eating breakfast.
“I don’t think you can mow the lawn.” Stella laughed. “Hmm. Besides reading reports, you can watch TV, enjoy some books or movies. I brought some DVDs that I don’t even break the seal.”
“Thank god we just stay here for a few days, or this situation would drive me insane.” Mac sighed.
“When was the last time you take a break, Detective Taylor? Just relax and take some rest! I think this is the first time you could enjoy home made food since…” Stella stopped abruptly. “I’m sorry.” Stella got up and collected the empty bowls.
“It’s OK. I’m not that fragile.” Mac took the coffee Stella handed him.
Mac’s room was their improvise office to read reports and kept in touch with the team. They played chess or card games during breaks. And they watched and discussed on movies and news reports, the things they didn’t have the time and chance to do normally. They were having a cozy and relaxing time together, a new experience to them.
Mac and Stella had been staying at the safe house for two days. They enjoyed the peaceful moment in their little world.
Stella was reading a book in her room when she heard Mac’s crutch fell. She went to Mac’s room. Mac was sitting on the bedside.
“Mac, what do you want to do?”
“I want to get some water but dropped the crutch.”
“You should call me.” Stella gave him a glass of water.
“Thank you. I don’t want to bother you.”
Stella smiled and shook her head. “Like you don’t bother to shave, huh? You look different with stubbles.”
Mac stroked his chin. “It’s not an easy job to shave standing on one leg with one hand holding a crutch. So I just let it be since we are in prison.”
“Let me help you.” Stella went to the bathroom to take a razor, shaving cream and towel.
Mac laughed. “Don’t bother, Stella.”
“Why not? I fell asleep reading a book.” Stella squeezed some shaving cream in her hand.
Mac grabbed her hand. “You’re not sleepwalking, are you?”
Stella laughed. “Relax. I’ll be gentle.” Stella applied the cream on Mac’s face. She shaved along his jaw line with gentle and careful strokes. She bit her bottom lip when she concentrated at work.
Mac watched her closely. She was much beautiful than he ever realized. Her eyes were so green and clear. Her lips were so soft. His hands were itching from wanting to touch her face. He cleared his throat and looked away.
“Don’t move, almost done. You don’t want a little scar on your handsome face.”
Stella wiped away the excess cream on Mac’s face with the towel. Then she examined his face with her fingertips. She stopped at the outline of his bottom lip. Their gazes locked. The atmosphere became intensive. Automatically, Mac put a hand on the back of Stella’s head and pulled her closer until their lips brushed. If they listened really carefully, they could hear the racing heartbeats of each other. None of them spoke but in their hearts they knew what was happening.
“Good news, guys.” Flack’s voice from the front door broke the magic. Mac cleared his throat and moved away from Stella. Stella took the stuff back to the bathroom. She stayed for a minute to collect herself. Flack got into Mac’s room with a bouquet of red roses.
“Wow, don’t tell me it’s for Mac.” Stella laughed.
“Actually, it’s for you. Not from me. From a guy call Brad. He came by this morning said he couldn’t get in touch with you and left the flowers at the lab. Lindsay asked me to bring them. Who’s that guy? Boyfriend?” Flack gave Stella the flowers.
“Just friend. What? Are you jealous?” Stella joked.
Flack glanced at Mac. Not surprise to see his poker face but this time there was something more in Mac’s eyes. What was it? Anger? Jealous? Flack wondered what the man was thinking. “Absolutely… NOT. I’m happy for you.”
“What’s the good news?” Mac asked.
“Narcotics would take action tonight. Hopefully, you can go home tomorrow.”
“Good.” Mac and Stella said together.
Awwww... Finally a SMacked kiss!! THEY KISSED! *Melts* That's adorable and lovely. :adore: Ohhh.. You got me imagine Stella helping Mac to bath and.. :devil: *Knocks my own head* for thinking this situations. Aw.. They're not going to live together? :( I'm going to miss that. They're going to live together in the future right, with kids running around?
Dear Asprine,
Ohhh.. You got me imagine Stella helping Mac to bath and.. :devil:
You're not the only one. :devil: :lol: I was so embarrassed to admit. :devil:
They're not going to live together?
Not yet. It was stage one. :)
They're going to live together in the future right, with kids running around?
I hope I can continue this time but not sure. :)
Thank you for the reviews Asprine, cat99 and Mel! :) Here's the update.

Part 4

“Stella.” Brad stood up when Stella waltzed into his restaurant.
“Hey. Brad.”
“Are you alright? Your colleague refused to tell me anything. She just said you and Mac were at work.”
“We’re fine. We were ambushed but we got the perps.” Stella answered after placing food orders.
“Ambushed?” Brad was shocked.
“It was no big deal.” Stella took a sip of water. “Thanks for the flowers.”
“Is your job always so dangerous?”
“Basically, yes. I’m a cop. Remember? Criminals are unpredictable, but we are well trained.”
Brad didn’t continue on the topic. They maintained a happy conversation while having lunch.
“Oh. I have to order some take-out for Mac. He’s burying himself in work since he came back to the office this morning. Three days in the safe house was worse than send him to a real prison. I bet he doesn’t remember lunch.” Stella laughed and summoned the waiter. Her eyes were so bright when she talked about Mac.
Brad looked at her thoughtfully.
Someone knocked on the door repeatedly. Mac walked to the door as quickly as he could.
“Brad. What brings you here so late? Come in.”
“What’s wrong with your leg? Stella didn’t say anything about you got hurt.”
“Broke my shinbone in a car accident.” Mac said as they were sitting down.
“The ambush.” Brad nodded knowingly. “Don’t you think this job is too dangerous for Stella?”
“Why’s that?”
“She’s a beautiful and intelligent woman. She deserves to be cherished, to have a family of her own. She would never have a chance to develop a normal relationship if she continues on this dangerous job. Maybe you should assign her to some desk job. You know, a stable and safe position.”
“She would kill me if I do that.” Mac laughed. “Brad, she has been doing this job over ten years. She loves this job. She’s good at it. I can tell you I couldn’t accomplish the job without her.”
“Ten years? You two have been partnering that long? No wonder you know each other so well. How can you keep this relationship in such a professional way?”
“What are you trying to say, Brad?” Mac was not happy to the implying.
“Come on, Mac. I would say you are dumb if you tell me you didn’t pay attention to her other than her working abilities. How can you ignore a beautiful, smart woman who works with you everyday? I know I want her when I first saw her.” Brad paused and slapped his lap hard. “So, I’m going to court her if you two are just friends as you claimed.”
“I have no reason to stop you if she feels the same as you. Listen, she’s a very important friend to me. I’ll never forgive you if you hurt her in any way.” Mac said plainly.
“Good. That’s why I’m here, to clear things up. Wish me luck, pal.” Brad stood up. “I can see my way out. See you.”
Mac remain sat in the couch after Brad left. His thought went back to yesterday in the safe house. He knew there was something more between Stella and him. He just didn’t dare to explore. He didn’t want to mix up personal feelings with work. He might lose his best friend if things got messed up. The most important thing was the lab’s integrity might be compromised. The safe house was indeed a paradise to him. He didn’t need to worry about work. Stella and he had three most intimated days together. He never knew that they could have such a wonderful time. Now with Brad’s declaration, he wondered if he had made the wrong decision.
The next two weeks were busy. Mac’s leg was nearly recovered. He could walk slowly without a crutch. He started field works again. Most of the time, he would rather work with other team members and assigned Stella to something else. Even when they needed to work together, they focused on the work only. He knew avoiding her couldn’t drive his trouble away. He convinced himself that he was giving her more time and space to see if she would accept Brad.
Aw.. Cliffhanger? 'Cause they forgot about the kiss! :lol: I guess they're thinking about each other day and night. It was stage one? How many stage do we have? I bet there's a further one? I mean something more special? I thought Stella ordered take-out for Mac? ;) They seriously have to solve the problems. Avoid won't do any good advantage. It is very difficult to admit that you love someone. *Sighs* Stella is a strong woman, though her job is dangerous most of the time. She faced all her problems with the strength inside her. And I believe Mac will protect her.