I loved the beginning of this episode, it was quite freaky seeing a lone hooded man appear on both victims (it reminded me a little of Silas from The Da Vinci Code :lol

. Poor Greg, he was having such a great day as well, and then to go through all of that was really heartbreaking! Fantastic performance from Eric, truly awesome. This maybe in poor taste, but I had to laugh when Greg ran one of them over, I was convinced he was going to duck in the car, I really didn't think he would run him over (I would have done exactly the same thing). Brave little Greg, going into the alley with his car to save the victim. I loved, loved, loved the Sara and Greg moment, it was so touching. Sara's line of "I came here for you" nearly had me in tears (unfortunately I had the misfortune of losing half of my custard cream biscuit to my cup of tea just at that moment :lol

Sara_Sidle_Lover said:
In fact I'd say that he's closer to Sara than he is to any of the others, even Nick and Warrick. Sara, who has often been seen as cold and abrassive has always had a soft spot for him. She's been a good mentor and supportive of him over the years, and geuninely enjoys his company. It's definitely my favourite TV friendship.
I agree, I love the friendship bond they have together. I really enjoy the episodes where they work together on a case (a lot of episodes in season 5 are a good example). They really seemed to click, and I've always loved the helping hand Sara gives to him or the advice during cases.
Did anyone else get slightly worried about Nick’s comment to Warrick after he punched K-Fed? I can't remember the exact wording, but Warrick said something like "Well your in the wrong place" and Nick said (walking off) "Maybe I am". I'll just presume Nick was upset about Greg and not worry that Nick is going leave Las Vegas at some point.
I was so pleased to have a little insight into Greg’s background, the moment with him and Grissom in the hospital was great. I also loved how Eric delivered his lines, I really felt for his mum.

I think it's safe to say that without Grissom even saying he was proud of Greg - he was, and you could tell. Great moment.
I had to laugh at Brass and Sofia's moment with the him/her quotes. :lol: Also, Brass's head wobble just cracked me up, It's great to see Brass back on form.
I have quite a few favorite moments from this episode, a lot of them I've mentioned, but Sofia, I salute you on busting out of the police car with, what appeared to be, a shotgun and then cocking it back! :lol: Girl power!
All in all, best episode so far!