UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

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Well my plan is to find out whether Sara lives or dies when S8 airs in September in America and then I'll do my best to be spoiler free but that probably means avoiding this site altogether :(
I'd find it impossible to wait for episodes over here! I can do without reading to much in the run up to the season starting, and I don't really want to know too much before an episode airs. But once the season starts in the US, that is it! I watch them the day after. I admire the patience of those who can wait til they are shown in the UK!
csi_love said:
Well my plan is to find out whether Sara lives or dies when S8 airs in September in America and then I'll do my best to be spoiler free but that probably means avoiding this site altogether :(

I like that thinking, CSI love. Good plan.

The only thing I really want to be spoiled on is the GSR stuff. Can't stand thought of my little Grissom suffering! :lol: I don't want to be spoiled on the cases as I like to play along and work it all out myself! Does that make sense?
Yeah, I'm like that. I don't mind watching/hearing about character scenes but it just ruins it if I know something that pertains to a case.
You run about with a torch and I'll sing 'Who Are You?' :lol: :lol: :lol:

ETA 9/7/07 - Just had an email from amazon. Series 7 part one will be released 3 September in the UK!! Come on!! That's 6 months earlier than usual! Must be same time as Americ gets it. FAB!!
hey peeps! new to the board so just catching up here.

well what can i say? i LOVED the finale! I absolutely HATE cliffhangers though and can't believe we now have to wait until next year to find out what happens, that is just NOT fair!!! I've watched the finale almost every day since it aired (love sky+!) and it still grips me just as much as the first time i watched it. gotta be one of the best episodes so far...

I've been totally loving the minature killer storyline, though i too, like some of the above posters, am looking forward to getting an explanation as to why and how she managed all these killings. natalie is so creepy - she gives me the eebie jeebies!

I didn't even know until I started reading this board that there was a question mark over Fox continuing with the next series - so that adds a whole new dimension to it! I do hope she continues with CSI, she's a great character, would be such a shame to lose her. plus I've really got into the Sara/Grissom relationship... if she survives it'll be interesting to see how the dynamics of the team change now that they know about it, it would be such a shame to just let that die after building it up for so long.

oh well, as the saying goes, good things come to those who wait!

Welcome to the board. Though this thread's probably going to be pretty dead now the season is over. I'm going to miss CSI tonight :(

Thanks for the news on the season 7 DVD release britfan. Always wondered why it was released so late.
I really loved this episode. I am not too fussed that the new series is out in January, I am use to waiting for episodes, being a huge HP and LOST fan, we have to wait years, so months I can handle ;)

I too would have liked to see the actually abduction of Sara.. but it wasnt to be.
I think the episode was really good, I liked the way Gris said "she took the one I love" and the expressions on everyones faces was classic.
i found the episode ok but it was not as good as i had expected it to be considering the build up. I also hate the fact we have to wait so long for the next series and so to find out wha happens to Sara as i hate cliffhangers and have a habit of forgetting parts of the previous story and hence the second part makes little or no sense.
i have seen some of u discussing the fact that u have seen episodes before they are aired over here and would be grateful if someone could pm me or email me ( with the details of how u can do this as i would like to see the second part of this story once it has aired in the uk and have had difficulty finding any sites other than five where u can download or watch csi episodes even if they have been shown in the uk.
Ok well im from the uk- and find it annoying that i have waiting till next january to watch the show. I'm lucky because i dont have to to do that. Its just annoying..
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