UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

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Mmmmm. Struggled with this one a bit. For me, it was the weakest in the series so far.

Identical twins? Reminded me of Blood Brothers by Willy Russell - 'how they were born and died on the self same day...' It felt a bit forced and contrived tonight, in my opinion.

I think I'm reasonably intelligent, but I found this quite difficult to follow at times. And there were no stand out performances. Even Brass was a little subdued.

Loved the cheeky little ending. She will SO wait up! :devil:
I didn't really like it. But, to be fair I was trying on clothes and cleaning my room so I wasn't taking it in much. But still, wasn't the best.

The twin thing reminded me of and X Files epiosde (Fight Club if anyones familiar with it) and the XF was way better IMO.

I agree Britfan, no stand out performances. I liked Nicky in this ep, his sining was adorable, bless his cottons.

I'm hoping for a better episode next week. I just want MCSK episodes, the others ones (apart from Fannysmackin) have been rather week this season IMO.
I found the episode pretty much instantly forgettable. The cases did not hold my interest at all. Very disappointing, and I agree it was probably the weakest of the season so far. Identical twins who don't know each other is a bit of a cliche in fiction, and I don't buy that one of them found the mother but wasn't aware of a twin despite living so close to each other? All of that would normally annoy me, because of the obvious plot holes, but the episode was so dull I find myself really not caring! :lol: Oh well, every season has some duff episodes, it makes us appreciate the great ones even more. :)

Thank goodness for Nick's singing and dumpster diving. ;)
I did enjoy the Nicky singing awwh bless. And that dumpster shot was to die for *wink wink* Apart from that, it pains me to say, the was a crappy episode. :(
Totally forgot about Nicky singing - Oh Mandy, well you came and you gave without taking, but I sent you away, oh Mandy!

So trying to pull there, dirty boy! ;)
I agree that the episode was quite dull this time, although for me it was enjoyable because there was loads of Nicky. He could sing to me everyday! ;)

The twins thing did seem a little bit far fetched that they wouldnt have bumped into each other, and why wouldn't the dry cleaner or other places they both visited have said something to them about them having a double or keep mistaking them for each other? The story about the photos was pretty lame and the bloke coughed to the murder pretty easily.

Roll on next week. :)

I have to agree with what a lot of you have said. I found this episode rather dull. I thought the idea was good, you know, two twins that were both murdered on the same day and neither one knowing the other one existed, but I still found it quite boring.

My favourite part was, of course, Nick singing Mandy. Too cute. :D I only realised towards the end that Sara hadn't even had a scene, and just as I thought that, she appeared on the screen. :lol:

Overall I would give it 5/10. :)
Ah tonight! I can't believe it is Tuesday already:


Grissom and his team investigate a string of murders in Las Vegas that may be tied to an infamous mob boss from the 1970s who disappeared many years ago. -- After the mob boss's Cadillac mysteriously resurfaces in a Las Vegas lake and a photo turns up of the murder victims posing with him in the 1970s, the CSIs begin to investigate whether or not the notorious gangster, whose disappearance remains a mystery, might somehow be connected to the current killing spree in Las Vegas.

Grammy Award and Golden Globe Award nominee Roger Daltrey, the legendary lead singer of the rock group The Who, guest stars in a mystery role.

Hmm, interesting? I'm not sure what to expect from this one. :confused:
I knew this was the Roger Daltrey ep. I think it sounds like a wicked episode cuz i'm into all my mob/mafia stuff (Goodfellas being my fav film ever!) so I have high hopes. I'm hoping i'm not let down this week. They gotta make up for last week.

And yes, Tuesday flies around!
I'm really, really looking forward to seeing Roger Daltrey! :D

I saw him once play a character in The Bill, and he was friggin' fantastic. I think tonight’s episode will be great. :)
My my my, what an episode. Roger was outstanding. Great episode all around, really, really made up for last week.

It was a brill episode for Cath, loved the 'no, that's life' *wink* at the end. Brilliance. I love Cath!

Awesome, awesome, awesome.
i must agree. this weeks episode rocked!!
roger was brill in all his roles and loved the bit with warrick telling cath about the old vegas legends and then cath saying how she could have been with him so cool lol
loved the ending with roger and marg that whole end scene was played brilliantly and yes the "no that's life"*wink* just rounded it off perfectly. a brilliant way to follow up on last weeks well not disappointment as such but you get what i mean...ihope :lol:
last nights epi was great. roger daltrey being in it was so impressive and exciting i nearly weed myself :lol: (i LOVE The Who! :D).

it was a different kind of epi to what they normally do but i thought it was very clever and hugely entertaining. i agree with grssom89, cath was great in it.

csi hour goes far too quickly for my liking! :(
Living Legend.

Oh. My. God. I absolutely loved this episode. It's now my favorite episode so far.

Unfortunately my TV aerial was playing up during the first 10 minutes and it was driving me mad. It was funny really because when I started watching I was trying to work out who was Roger Daltrey and I thought 'Oh, it's the Spanish guy' and then when we went to the next scene I thought 'Oh it's that guy singing', but something was off in the way he looked and I was starting to get a little confused, so I put it down to my terrible TV reception. :lol: During the first set of adverts I sorted my TV out and ended up having great reception during the rest of the episode. :)

I really loved the Mickey Dunn flash backs and everytime we saw a flesh back Johnny Depp kept springing to mind (I've had no idea why, he didn't look anything like Johnny Depp :lol:). I admit, I was quick on the ball with what was going on, well some of it anyway. From the off I figured that the same guy was dressing up as other people and I was quite disappointed that it took the CSI's so long to realize this. Alarm bells should have been ringing when the first murder happened and he signed his name Michael Myers. When the second murder happened in the hotel, that woman didn't look anything like a woman, it was very obvious that it was a disguise. I just felt like screaming "Come on guys, it's the same person".

Young Catherine was cast very well indeed. I was really impressed with her flashback. The young girl and Catherine looked so much alike it was quite amazing.

Rodgers performance was absolutely outstanding, he was really awesome. It was great that he had such a big role in the episode and it wasn't just a few scenes. The storyline itself was excellent and it kept me glued to the screen.

The best parts for me, other than Roger, was Dr Robbins and the paparazzi. :lol: And also, as mentioned, Catherines 'No, that's life' *wink*

All in all I would give this episode 10/10! It's by far my favorite this season and possible my favorite episode of CSI ever. :eek:
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