UK Season 7 LV Ep Discussions

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Totally agree. That migrane was real and Grissom kept that all the way through. You could feel his eneergy draining while he patiently plundered the paedophile for information. Really well done.

Brass telling him he was to old for him was also well done. It is a sick subject, but it was handled sensetively and with good grace. Well done WP, PG and Alan Tudyk. I can't believe he was Pete the Pirate in Dodgeball... Or so Poppylvsgriss and I think he was! :lol:

Glad Sara is comfortable enough in her relationship to be able to tell Grissom advice about Greg and for him to take it, unquestioningly, even thanking him for a good job later in the corridor. And for Sara sticking up for Greg. She is caught in the middle in that scene - Grissom is her mentor, she is Greg's and she balances it well.

Damned fine episode.

Well done chaps. Next? :D
Yeah, I'll agree. That was a good episode. Any episodes with missing children tend to be interesting though.

Grissom was great and Brass was on top form. Greg seemed quieter than usual, which was interesting and good to see they are still referring to his previous problems. I did love Grissom's face when Sara said that she had put on the music.

I did like the Nick/Super Dave interaction, both admitting that it can be tough to have to deal everyday with death and particularly child death. They both looked sad. :(

One thing that did make me giggle slightly, was the matching gasoline by it's unique compounds. I don't know if this is possible, or if it was, whether they would actually waste their time doing it! Of course they managed to find something unique and match it, but sometimes I think they take things too far... :lol:
Another great episode.

You can really feel it for Gil. You can see how much the job is taking it's toll. He never seems to think about anything else. Always working. His relationship with Carl was acted really well. You got the feeling the whole time that he knew what was going on but gave Carl the benefit of the doubt.

I'm still gutted that Greg has got well so quick but what did dawn on me last night was how nice looking he is. When he turned up in that white t-shirt under the jumpsuit I nearly died. Maybe it's because I feel so sorry for him after the beating.

The storyline kept me guessing the whole time. At first I thought it wasn't Carl as that would be obvious. I then thought it was the Grandad, then Eric. When it came out it was Carl I was shocked.

Brass at times makes me laugh and at other times annoys me. Last night I was more annoyed but I think he was because he played the usual pre judge people before the evidence came up (did that make sense).

All in all a great episode.
Burn Out.

Elsie said:
One thing that did make me giggle slightly, was the matching gasoline by its unique compounds. I don't know if this is possible, or if it was, whether they would actually waste their time doing it! Of course they managed to find something unique and match it, but sometimes I think they take things too far... :lol:
Greg lost me after the first sentence in that scene. I had no idea what he was going on about. :lol:

I thought this episode was better than the previous episode, but I was a little disappointed with how it concluded with Carl. I started off thinking that it wasn't Carl and then about 20 minutes into the episode I thought to myself, "it's Carl". I understand what was intended with him being the obvious killer that it was obviously going to be someone else, and then twisting it around to Carl, but it didn't work for me. If the rest of the CSI's and Brass had diverted their attention from him, I would have been more convinced, but it just seemed like the evidence was being processed just to prove Carl was the one responsible, and when turned out to be Carl, it was no big surprise. I would have enjoyed this episode a lot more if the killer turned out to be someone else, I found it too obvious and was left a little deflated.

I did like the end scene with Grissom, I thought that was great. He'd obviously been struggling through the episode and I liked the way he went into his office and tried to shut everything out. I also like the way Sara kind of stood up for Greg, I thought it was a nice moment.

Overall, I would give this episode 6/10.
I liked this episode overall, it was a good solid story with lots of twists and strong suspects. Brass was on top form with sarcasm just oozing and Grissom handled Carl really well just staring at him and making him talk. Brass and Grissom seem to be having some great scenes together lately.

I liked the way Sara stuck up for Greg although it seemed that she knew that Grissom wouldnt tell her off for the music so she had nothing to lose!
So is everyone excited about tonight's episode:



Grissom gets a chilling surprise when he receives another exact miniature replica of a working crime scene. -- When an elderly woman is murdered, the CSIs look to the neighbor and nephew as possible suspects. Mid-investigation, Grissom receives an exact miniature replica of the current crime scene, changing his thinking on the crime. Meanwhile, Greg faces an angry courtroom when he attends the hearing to ascertain his culpability in the death of the teenager he accidentally killed while defending himself against a mob.

I think it should be a good one, another miniature crime scene (those little scenes are incredible, I wish was talented and patient enough to make things like that!) and poor Greg's in court! :eek:
^^^ Oh my god, really? Another miniature crime scene? I've been spoiler free, so it's all news to me, but I read in the paper the outline of the episode, but it only mentioned about Greg.

Oh god, I'm so excited about the second miniature crime scene! *squee* :D
Twas a pretty good episode, it's gonna kill me not being able to know who it is URGH!

I felt so sorry for Greggo, bless his cotton socks, he really is too sweet.

I'm still in mourning for the loss of Grissom's beard :'(
Really good episode

I loved how Nick and Warrick were there for Greg and came up with putting the jury 'behind' the wheel of the car.

I also loved when The judge said about Gregs drinking and Greg did all that math to tell them it wouldnt have effected him - He is so clever and Smart GO GREG!!!

Also i like how Grissom praised Greg cos thats what he needs. You could tell that Sara thought Grissom said the right thing.

The woman who was murdered looks really familiar but i cant be bothered to IMDB her hehe. Its too late

And finally as always Grissom looked H.O.T.T HOT!!!

Wicked Epidsode bring on the next one :)
Post Mortem

Lollypop, lollypop, oh, lolly, lollypop.

Absolutely brilliant episode, it really was. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Greg's inquest inquiry had me nearly screaming at the screen, I really hated that guy on the jury who kept standing up asking questions making Greg look like a criminal. I really felt for Greg. I was so pleased with Nick, I thought he was awesome on the stand and really stood up for Greg - I <3 Nick. I also enjoyed Sofia's words of wisdom to Greg outside when Greg mentioned that he felt he needed to say something to the family. Sofia was awesome. My only annoyance was Warricks comment to Nick about whether Greg could have reacted another way. I think it was way he said it that irritated me a little. When that kids brother went into the toilet after Greg, I just thought "No, no, leave him alone". Thank god someone else was there in the toilet. One of my favourite scenes in the episode was, as csilovegrissom mentioned, when Greg justified his alcohol intake, freaking awesome how he made everyone look completely stupid. Well done Greg, and well done Eric for an awesome scene.

The miniature crime scene story was fantastic. It's really creepy how this serial killers mind works and the detail that goes into the little models. I did think it was wired how this model turned up after the crime, but that was answered a little later on in the episode. I knew this wouldn't be solved in this episode, and as gutted as I am that it wasn't, I probably would have been more gutted if it was. I would like this particular story line to linger on a bit, I love these type of serial killer story lines.

My other favourite part in the episode was Hodges dancing to word up! :lol: I was cracking up. I love Hodges. :lol:

19ams87 said:
I'm still in mourning for the loss of Grissom's beard :'(
Me too! :lol: When the beard first appeared in season 4 it took me ages to get used to it, now it's gone I find it really strange seeing him without it. Long live the beard.

Overall 10/10! :D

What can i say it really was gripping and hilarious it had everything.

Hodges dancing just made my day i couldn't stop laughing :lol:
The Greg inquest was great. All the tension and anticipation i could barely contain myself... ok i couldn't i was screaming at the tv hehe. loved it when Greg set them staright on the alcohol level in his bloodstream that was as i say ledge! Liked it at the end when gris spoke to greg it was kind of parental letting him know he supported him. As in truth all the guys did. i agree about sofia i think she had a stand out episode this week and loved it when nick was standing up for greggo in court :)

I miss the beard but am loving the new griss look too. Comon he's always hot be it with the beard or without :lol:

well there you go my few lines on the ep
Hope you all are having a good day!!!
This was the best ep yet throught Greg was great and i liked the way Warrick and Nick stuck up for him.The mini crime scene was so good wonder if there is going to be anymore.Sofia was great too loved it when Greg said he was going home to Griss and he said well done to him.
I am rapidly falling in love with Hodges! He was so the man of the match last night, sleazing round Griss and the crime scenes to that hilarious dance while processing cherry liquer. Fab work.

Oooh, liked this. The killr had to change the scene and the silhouette suggested he was there watching Penny Garden die! Nice idea, if not a little spooky.

Greg. Bless him. I ws shouting evidnce at the screen as he shouldn't have been found anything for killing that yobbo. It was kill or be killed. This could be an excellent storyline - the civil case against him - if the writers remember to go back to it!
Oh, I forgot to give me opinion on last week's episode. Needless to say, I loved it! It was a good one, the inquest was scary and I felt so bad for Greg, he handled it really well. I loved Nick standing up for him, my other highlight was Hodges dancing. I give it an 8/10 :)

So tonight - here is what we have to look forward to:



When identical twins are found dead on the same night, the CSI team investigates whether or not the two murders are connected. -- The evidence in both cases does not immediately prove a connection between the two deaths. However, as the CSIs dig deeper into the histories of the women, a surprising twist takes the investigation in a new direction.

Sound very interesting to me, I think it could be another great episode!
Thanks for the episode outline Elsie. :)

I agree it does look very interesting. I'm very much looking forward to tonight’s one. I like the mention of a surprising twist, I'm intrigued. :lol:
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