Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Posted by WP_Rocks_MY_World:
SARA: So how do we know that this isn't our guy?
GRISSOM: Did you ever smell a fart and blame the wrong guy? :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
A new one:

Grissom:(to Ecklie) I love when you wear your gloves :lol:
Posted by WP_Rocks_MY_World:
GRISSOM: Could be a piece of wrist bone.
CATHERINE: Well, do you want to suck on it? To be sure?

:lol: I so love that moment! The look on both faces! :lol:
Grissom has so many great lines!

(Ep. Pilot)

GRISSOM: You got to breathe through your ears, Gribbs.

(Ep. Friends and Lovers)

GRISSOM: Let me tell you something, Humbert. You're twice the age of these kids and most of them couldn't find their a$$ with a map. You prey on innocent children concocting god-knows-what from god-knows-where selling Russian roulette in a bottle and you think we came all the way out here to bust you for "possession", you dumb punk? I'm gonna get you for murder.
(Ep. Unfriendly Skies)

GRISSOM: A, B, C, D or all of the above. Standoff with the police -- guy gets shot in the chest, runs back into his burning house inhaling smoke as he goes. The roof collapses the air conditioning unit falls on his head, he dies. What killed him?

(Ep. Too Tough To Die)

GRISSOM:You're a grown man, Nick. Stop whining.

(Ep. Overload)

GRISSOM: This drill is shorted out. Do you think he "jumped" before or after he got the shock of his life?

Great thread and great quotes.

Can I throw in Grissom when he says NOTHING AT ALL - but reacts facially to someone speaking to him. The speakers say the most outrageous things to him and like most people Grissom is sometimes stumped; but unlike most people, William Petersen is the master of non verbal reaction too.

Greg "What floats your boat?"
Grissom "People who don't judge me" :cool:
Warrick: Hey, Gris... Do you ever worry about professional suicide?
Grissom: Not while I'm committing it, no!
Ha ha!!! That episode was on last night and I was gonna post that quote, but I'm kinda bad at remembering quotes from the show that I've only seen/heard once.

Pure awesomeness! Gotta love Grissom! :D
Posted by grisluv:
Warrick: Hey, Gris... Do you ever worry about professional suicide?
Grissom: Not while I'm committing it, no!
*mumbles* Sounds like me :lol:
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