Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Grissom: Excuse me, but could everyone in this room, do me a big favor and leave, please"

Grissom: By law, you've got to disclose everything: three bedrooms, two baths and a skeleton.

Grissom: Amazing how the sight of blood can clear a room.

Grissom: [to Catherine] My mother may have been deaf but she was still the boss.

Grissom: It took five people to kill him. It would only have taken one person to ask him if he was okay.

Grissom: It looks like these guys went to a fight and a hockey game broke out.

Grissom [To Doc Robbins]: Albert, dead men dont ride roller coasters.

Grissom: Mister Willoughby, may I ask if I can fingerprint your spigot?
Willoughby: No one's ever asked me that before.

Grissom: Ninety-five.
Sara: I'm sorry?
Grissom: Normally my pulse is seventy, when it gets up to ninety-five, I realize just how mad I am.
Sara: You're too hard on yourself.
Grissom: No, I'm not mad at ME, I have ten people working in around the clock in there, there's a body in there and that guy knows where it is, and I CAN'T FIND IT.
Sara: So what's your pulse at now?
I love those.

Also, the whole Poncho scene is now included just for the intensity and caring. And my sig quote. :D

Oh, and:

Brass: Well, if it isn't The Boss himself. Where's your E Street Band?
Grissom: They had another gig.
I tried to do that with my computer, but it couldn't get it to work, I'm doing something wrong.

Save it as a .wav file, then go into your sound sceme and set it where you want it, give the new sceme a name and save it... That's all I did, so it should work :)


Marty the car salesman: What, are you going to arrest me for blurring the lines??
Grissom: I was leaning towards "murder".

Grissom: Can I have your straw? .... I collect them. :lol:

It worked, Thank you very much. :)
It worked, Thank you very much. :)

You're welcome. Hooray for Grissom sound schemes! :lol:

I heard this quote last night, I just love Grissom's face when he says it:

Nick: If you don't think I'm ready, be a man, tell me I'm not ready.
Grissom: You're not ready.

hahahaha Way to not even hesitate, Gris! :lol:
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

I loved that moment!!
Yep Grissom didn't even hesitated.
Re: Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

Hehe yeah that's a good one! heard this one the other day...
HODGES: Isniffed it..
GRISSOM: You sniffed it?
HODGES: yeah, does that disgust you?
GRISSOM: No it's the first time youi've done something to impress me!

Grissom to Hodges: You know if you ever need to talk...
Hodges: yeah when's a good time?
GRISSOM: we have a psychiatrist every tuesday and friday!

GRISSOM: She nagged you?

^ he was so angry when he said that!
Speaking of angry Grissom...

Grissom: You're going to bait this guy with a human being? That's your "Big FBI Plan"??

Grissom: If you stop, and think, you'll see it. :)
Man, I had a really good one yesterday, but now I've forgotten it *pout* Oh well. :(

Principal: Excuse me, one of my high school students just died. Am I interrupting you?!
Grissom: .... Yeah. A little.
LADY HEATHER: It's people who don't come to places like this that I worry about. The ones who don't have an outlet. Say ... someone like yourself.
GRISSOM: Oh, I have outlets. I read. I study bugs. I sometimes even ride roller coasters. :)

GRISSOM: Here's press. You're on. Wish I could help, but, uh, I got a vehicle to process.
SHERIFF RORY ATWATER: Come on, Grissom -- a bomb goes off these days, they're going to assume it's a hit. What are you thinking?
GRISSOM: I'm not thinking. I'm just looking.

GRISSOM: (Talking to Sophia) Let's have dinner, shall we?

GRISSOM: Well, cleanliness is next to godliness. :lol:

GRISSOM: What, you never had a transitional object when you were a kid? A stuffed animal or a blanket?

GRISSOM: That's the point, isn't it? It's only the truly powerful that have the luxury to relinquish power.

GRISSOM: It's the 11th hour. I wouldn't expect anything less.
FATHER POWELL: Eleventh hour?
GRISSOM: When the reality of their actions set in, they usually turn to religion.

GRISSOM: Looks like that old Hollywood saying: "Never get caught with a dead girl or a live boy." :)

GRISSOM: Take life, give it back. God-like.
KEVIN GREER: God-like? No. But there must be something angelic in the way I look, because even on their last breath, they didn't think I'd actually do it.
(He continues to draw as he talks.) Am I disappointing you guys? I mean, are you looking at me, wishing I was ... scarier?
CSI Guy: How do you talk to a dead body?
Grissom: I let him talk to me accualy, and he just said he didn't commit suicide.


Grissom: (To Sara) Just aquaint yourself, don't interpret just yet.


Grissom (To Brass): When did the schnoz say he lost his water.


Sara: Greatful Dead Cd?
Grissom: Who's dead?


Grissom: What are you running for mayor?


Grissom: I love my job!
Cath: It shows.


Grissom: Greg, if I refer to Milander as smart is one thing, I mind if other people do it, okay.


Grissom: Here come the judge!


Grissom: Theres a solution to every human problem...neat, plausable & wrong.
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