Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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So did i rewound the tape just to locate that part i thought the glee in grissoms voice was just way to good. :lol:
:lol: Seems that Grissom & Eckile are geeting along pretty well now :lol: Then i could go on brewing my G/E dialogues :devil:
*kidding* :D
Posted by Destiny:

Grissom: Hello Conrad
Ecklie: Thought you were in court?
Grissom: We had a one hour recess, i'm on my way back now, and this must be Mr. Billmyere, i'm so glad he's back.
Ecklie: Very funny
Grissom: You might want to have Hodges analize that cigar, oh and the print tech is free, he could spray the party hat with an inhydrant.
Ecklie: I think i can remember how to do my job gil, thank you.
Grissom: I love it when you wear your gloves.

Loved that moment last night!! Ooooh and he was in a suit!
GRISSOM: So he pulled a "Louganis", huh?

(GRISSOM walks into the room and puts his kit down. He sees the large square cut out in the middle of the room.)
GIL GRISSOM: Nice swatch, Nick. Pizza box-sized. :lol:

GRISSOM: Crazy or not ... here we come.


ROBBINS: Boo? :lol:

MADGE: Howdy.
GRISSOM: Well, howdy. I was wondering, do you carry adult diapers?
MADGE: Oh, we sure do. (She looks at Grissom.) What are you, about a 34, 36?
GRISSOM: Well, they're not for me.
MADGE: Oh. (She looks at Nick.) Well, aren't you lucky to have such a nice daddy? :lol: :lol:

DANIEL PEREZ: I-I do want to thank you, though.
GRISSOM: For what?
DANIEL PEREZ: For speaking for Alicia. You're probably the first person in her life to think only of her. You know, you may not believe in God, sir, but you do his work.
(Grissom remains behind in the pew. He looks up at the statue of Jesus on the wall with his arms outstretched.)

GRISSOM: La perla?
ROBBINS: Very expensive. I gave some to my wife once. She accused me of having an affair. You know, sex on the steel.

GRISSOM: Sun Tzu once said, "If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by."
Grisom: Maybe originally we were supposed to be able to switch genders, and being born with just one a mutation :)
Grissom: I come here for the calamari.
Catherine: Alone?
Grissom: No... sometimes I have a beer with it. :lol:

*Pointing to severed leg, and looking at Catherine*
Grissom: Well Watson, the game is afoot!

Nick: You comin'?
Grissom: *looking up at female dancer* I'm going to supervise on this one. :p
Posted by WP_Rocks_MY_World:

(GRISSOM walks into the room and puts his kit down. He sees the large square cut out in the middle of the room.)
GIL GRISSOM: Nice swatch, Nick. Pizza box-sized. :lol:

That has to be one of my favorite scenes from the entire series! I laugh so hard every time!
GRISSOM: "Wherever you live is your temple, if you treat it like one."

GRISSOM: If you see the Buddha on the side of the road, kill him.
ANANDA: Because the true Buddha is inside of us so that is the false Buddha or a tired monk who doesn't drive because he can't control his anger.

GRISSOM: I learned at a very early age that the bugs always win. :)

(NICK walks into the lab where GRISSOM is working on the volcano from the DUNBAR-MESQUITE residence.)

NICK: Hey, I made one of those in third grade. Science fair. Should have won, too.
GRISSOM: Got to let it go Nick. :lol:

GRISSOM: Nobody stopped to ask Candlewell if he was all right. They just assumed, because he was kicking the back of Nate's seat, that he was a jerk --
because he was pushing his call button that he was bothering the Flight Attendant -- because he was trying to get into the lavatory he was making a
scene -- because he was going back and forth up and down the aisles, he was posing a threat.
CATHERINE: He was a threat.
GRISSOM: No. He turned into a threat. It didn't have to be that way. People make assumptions. That's the problem. You just did. And I think these passengers made the wrong assumption and now this guy's dead.

GRISSOM: You know, high altitude enhances the entire sexual experience. It increases the euphoria.
SARA: Well ... it's good. I don't know if it's that good.
Grissom (to Ecklie): Ecklie, you son-of-a-b*tch!

There's more to it, about the clean up of a crime scene, but I forget the rest.

Paul Milander: (shows latex head/mask to Grissom) I call it "Good and Evil". You like it?
Grissom: Yeah. It kinda reminds me of our supervisor on Days.
He he...these are good. Here's one I just remembered tonight (please pardon if it's not exactly verbatum!)

The situation : Grissom is kneeling in an airplane bathroom looking for blood, etc...

Grissom: There's protein in this sample.

Sara: Ahh...the mile high club.

Grissom: Well, sexual excitement is aroused at higher altitudes.

Sara: Where did you find that out?

Grissom: A magazine.

Sara: Which one?

Grissom: The Psychoanalysis and Forensic Magazine.

Sara: I don't believe you.

Grissom: I'll get you a subscription. . . . now, how did you know about this?

Sara: That's not fair.

Grissom: You started it.

Sara: [rolls her eyes and smiles] Flight . . .[rambles off the who what where and when of the first-hand experience]

Grissom: [raises eyebrows and stands up] Well..then I think with all your first-hand experience, you should be taking the sample.

Ahh...gotta love Grissom for being a bookworm! :)
Posted by Kahootz:
Grissom (to Ecklie): Ecklie, you son-of-a-b*tch!
After that, you rarely heard him said four-letter words :devil:

Posted by lambda_T:
Grissom: There's protein in this sample.

Sara: Ahh...the mile high club.

Grissom: Well, sexual excitement is aroused at higher altitudes.

Sara: Where did you find that out?

Grissom: A magazine.

Sara: Which one?

Grissom: The Psychoanalysis and Forensic Magazine.

Sara: I don't believe you.

Grissom: I'll get you a subscription. . . . now, how did you know about this?

Sara: That's not fair.

Grissom: You started it.

Sara: [rolls her eyes and smiles] Flight . . .[rambles off the who what where and when of the first-hand experience]

Grissom: [raises eyebrows and stands up] Well..then I think with all your first-hand experience, you should be taking the sample.

Ahh...gotta love Grissom for being a bookworm! :)
After that, you rarely saw them so flirty, i really loooove this dialogue :D
TERI MILLER: Gil Grissom?
(GRISSOM looks up.)
TERI MILLER: Or should I call you spider-man?
GRISSOM: It's harmless.
TERI MILLER: Of course it is.
TERI MILLER: Orange-kneed tarantula. Nice specimen.
GRISSOM: The tarantula's touch is very gentle.
TERI MILLER: It leaves no prints. They move without a trace.

GRISSOM: I envy you, Mr. Millander. I do. You can work by yourself ... no one around to bother you. You just ... do what you do. I'd love to have that kind of autonomy.

GRISSOM: Technically it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right, I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.

GRISSOM: Could be a piece of wrist bone.
CATHERINE: Well, do you want to suck on it? To be sure?

GRISSOM: You don't have a personal life?
CATHERINE: Write this down: I haven't had sex in six - no, seven months.
GRISSOM: How can I help?
(Her eyes widen)
GRISSOM: You. Advance, I mean. :lol:

SARA: So how do we know that this isn't our guy?
GRISSOM: Did you ever smell a fart and blame the wrong guy? :lol: :lol:

GRISSOM: Would you mind if I took a picture for my bite collection?
WARRICK: Whatever rubs your Budda.
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