Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Grissom: The worms go in, The worms go out, The worms play pinochle on your snout.

Warrick Brown: Where have you been?
Gil Grissom: I can't be everywhere, and they've banned human cloning.
GRISSOM:Yeah, hi. I-I-I'd like to get some flowers for a
girl. No, no. Not flowers. A plant. A living plant. She likes vegetation.

Yeah, that'd be fine. To a Sara Sidle. Deliver it at the CSI
division, Las Vegas Police Department the one out on North Trop Boulevard.
Yeah, you can bill me at the same place. Gil Grissom.The sentiment?
Oh-oh, on the card. Yeah. Um, uh ... have it say ... have it say, uh ... "From

GRISSOM: I think this is the dumbest thing we've ever heard.
Grissom: No man is completely mystery except himself.

Grissom: Looking for things, analyzing them, trying to figure out the world... that's the life :)
Captain Jim Brass: What are you doing after work?
Gil Grissom: More work.

Gil Grissom: To get to the evidence, we may have to destroy the evidence.
Catherine Willows: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you?

[They find out that the body in the pool is a CPR dummy]
Gil Grissom: This is not a crime scene.
[Then the alarm goes off and they find the sword missing and the guard tied up with duct tape]
Gil Grissom: This is a crime scene.

[to a room full of dead corpses, after Holly Gribbs was frightened into hysterics]
Gil Grissom: You assholes!
Grissom: what is Victoria secret?

Sara: Beauty, Grissom. Remember? :lol:

A suspect: I had 2 choices: Either kill him or go to jail.

Grissom: Congratulations. You got both.
This is actually from a book (Binding Ties) not the show, but amusing none-the-less:

Brass: (Holding door open) After you, "Gilbert".
Grissom: Oh no, I insist, "Jimmy".

lol Those two are hillarious together
Sara: You want to sleep with me?
Grissom: Did you just say what I think you said?

Grissom: Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to do nothing.

Grissom: What do you got?
Sara: The one thing you don't want to find at a murder scene.
Grissom: Another body.

Grissom: Aren't you putting the shopping cart before the horse?
Grissom:(to sara) I'm not worried...I'm concerned.

Grissom: If you're looking the clock, you aren't looking the case.

Warrick: well, not even you can stop the time :lol:
wow...I can't believe nobody thought of this one....Including me 'til now.....(Cool Change)

GRISSOM: God, Sara, I have so many unanswered "why"s.
ha i got some:

Brass: What are doing after work?
Grissom: More work
Coroner in Jackpot: I bet you need a place to sleep
Grissom: I need a place to work
Sherrif in Jackpot: Your wife's on the phone
Grissom: Hello, honey..
well i got most of those from the jackpot episode..hey..i like that episode
Also in "Jackpot"

Brooks: You don't keep any secrets, MMr Grissom? Not even from your wife?

Grissom: I used to. I'm trying to change :p

Grissom: Hello Conrad
Ecklie: Thought you were in court?
Grissom: We had a one hour recess, i'm on my way back now, and this must be Mr. Billmyere, i'm so glad he's back.
Ecklie: Very funny
Grissom: You might want to have Hodges analize that cigar, oh and the print tech is free, he could spray the party hat with an inhydrant.
Ecklie: I think i can remember how to do my job gil, thank you.
Grissom: I love it when you wear your gloves.
Posted by Destiny:

Grissom: Hello Conrad
Ecklie: Thought you were in court?
Grissom: We had a one hour recess, i'm on my way back now, and this must be Mr. Billmyere, i'm so glad he's back.
Ecklie: Very funny
Grissom: You might want to have Hodges analize that cigar, oh and the print tech is free, he could spray the party hat with an inhydrant.
Ecklie: I think i can remember how to do my job gil, thank you.
Grissom: I love it when you wear your gloves.

That was my favorite scene from this eppy. Especially Grissom's "I love it when you wear your gloves." That was hilarious!
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