Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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i'm not sure if anyboby's posted this before but....

Lt. brooks: it must be nice to know the answer to every little thing

Grissom: i prefer questions actually.

(yeah jackpot :D)
Gil Grissom: To get to the evidence, we may have to destroy the evidence.
Catherine Willows: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you?
Greg: all work and no play makes Greg a dull boy..
Grissom: all play and no work makes Greg an UNEMPLOYED boy..
Grissom: Sooner or later, everybody gets replaced.
Mendez: Talk to me when it happens to you.
Grissom: Dead men don't ride roller coasters.
Gil Grissom: How many vacation days do you have on the books?
Sara: About ...ten weeks, I guess. Why?
Grissom: I think you should take a week or two.
Sara: I-I'm still on the case. I just didn't do the interview for once in my life.
Sara: When was the last time you took a vacation? Never, right?
Grissom: Okay.
Grissom: That's not what the evidence says.
Catherine: Well, maybe the evidence is wrong.
Grissom: You can be wrong, I can be wrong, the evidence is just the evidence.
Catherine: Deep down, tell me you don't think this guy is good for this.

enjoy :D
GRISSOM: Mona was a Dominatrix at the fetish club. But my guess is that she was a switch for her off-the-books clients.
(GREG chuckles.)
GREG: You know what a "switch" is?
GRISSOM: Someone who's dominant as well as submissive.
(GREG is thoroughly impressed. He turns to CATHERINE.)
GREG: Oh, he's even got the lingo down. :lol:
Grissom gets owned in this quote! :lol:

Catherine Willows: You're right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo, watching Discovery on the big screen, working genius-level crossword puzzles. But no relationships, no chance any will slop over into a case. Yeah, right. I want to be just like you.
Gil Grissom: Technically it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right, I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.
Catherine Willows: Grissom... WHAT personal stuff?
Grissom gets owned in this quote! :lol:

Catherine Willows: You're right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo, watching Discovery on the big screen, working genius-level crossword puzzles. But no relationships, no chance any will slop over into a case. Yeah, right. I want to be just like you.
Gil Grissom: Technically it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right, I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.
Catherine Willows: Grissom... WHAT personal stuff?

:lol: that's a good one

He is so quick of the mark with his comebacks
pledging mr. johnson. has anyone seen where his big screen is in his condo/townhouse?

Its probably in his bedroom, its the only part of his house we've never seen.
"i tend not to believe people. they lie, the evidence never lies."

- gil grissom
when he asks Warrick and Sara about their weight... and then asks the secretary to help him out

"I heard what you did to Greg's feet"
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