Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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GRISSOM: Pupa, stage three.
BRASS: English. I'm not an entomologist.
GRISSOM: It's the third stage of larva metamorphosis. This guy's been dead seven days.
(GRISSOM puts the larva into a specimen container.)
BRASS: That's a maggot, and he stinks. Oh, good, it's almost 11:00. Maybe if I'm lucky I can break out of here in time for a shot at the first rack of the Krispy Kreme. :lol:
i love his voice and when he always has the last line is a cross between sarcastic and kickass :devil: :p :( :lol: [image][/image]
is that the bit after cathrine and gil are in the other house and she says she lost to grissom :devil:
GRISSOM: Would you mind if I took a picture for my bite collection?
WARRICK: Whatever rubs your Budda.

I thought Walt Braun said that... You know, because Grissom wanted to talk to him about the doggie door prints
"I was a ghost" has to be one of my favorites. Also the speech at the end of butterflied. That was great :D but so sad all at the same time. :(

I love that spech ... it make ppl think about the importance that work have in our lifes ... but someone can tell me if sarah is listen to grissom or she can t ??

Grissom: Hello Conrad
Ecklie: Thought you were in court?
Grissom: We had a one hour recess, i'm on my way back now, and this must be Mr. Billmyere, i'm so glad he's back.
Ecklie: Very funny
Grissom: You might want to have Hodges analize that cigar, oh and the print tech is free, he could spray the party hat with an inhydrant.
Ecklie: I think i can remember how to do my job gil, thank you.
Grissom: I love it when you wear your gloves. [/quot
perfect that speech is great lol i laught and laught :p
A**holes! (to the corpses in the morgue that freaked Holly out.)
Sara: Since when have you been interested in beauty?
Grissom: Since I met you.

can you tell me wich episode is that quote from ???
Alas, poor Warrick. (I avoided Shakespeare like the plague in high school.)
(I know these aren't verbatim, but it's the gist of the conversation)
Grissom: I know you don't have any men to spare, so I called the highway patrol.
Brooks: Should take them a couple of hours to get here.
Grissom: That should give you enough time to burn down the barn. :lol:

Grissom: (to Sara) Come on. I'll take you home.

I know there are others. I just can not think of them. :mad:
FATHER POWELL: H-hello? Mr. Grissom?
(FATHER POWELL lifts up the plastic sheeting and walks underneath it.)
FATHER POWELL: Uh ... they told me out front I'd find you here.
GRISSOM: I don't see your, uh ... visitor's badge.
FATHER POWELL: Priest's collar. People trust it. (Off GRISSOM'S look) Most people. Even ... lapsed Catholics.
GRISSOM: What makes you think, uh ... I was ever a catholic?
FATHER POWELL: First time we met, you called me "Father." Only Romans do that. Everybody else, it's "Reverend" or "Minister." I wanted to know how your investigation against Ben is going.
Grissom: okay, Doc, tell me something I don't know

Doc Robbins: When I was in fourth grade I dropped out of karate because a kid half my size made me cry.

Grissom: About the body
SHERIFF RORY ATWATER: For a proper introduction, I'd like to turn to his good friend and colleague of many years ...
(Grissom checks his pager.)
SHERIFF RORY ATWATER: ... Supervisor Gil Grissom.
(The audience applauds. Catherine glances at Grissom who is reading his pager.)
GRISSOM: I got a 419.
CATHERINE: Don't even think about it.
GRISSOM: Swing's tapped out. I'm the back-up. (Catherine grits her teeth at Grissom. Ecklie watches them. Grissom hands the dinner napkin to Catherine.) Here ... you give my speech.
(Catherine's eyes widen. Grissom turns to Ecklie and gives him a thumb's up as he gets up to leave the table.)
GRISSOM: Good luck, Conrad.
(Ecklie watches Grissom leave the table. Grissom turns to Sheriff Rory Atwater on the stage. He points to his pager.)
GRISSOM: (mouths silently) Homicide
(Grissom walks quickly out of the ballroom.)
SHERIFF RORY ATWATER: (to Catherine) What's going on?
(Catherine looks down at the dinner napkin and opens it where she reads: "WHAT
CAN I SAY ABOUT CONRAD ECKLIE?") :lol: :lol: :lol:
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