Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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I like this one from "Suckers":

Security Guard: I feel like an idiot.
Grissom: Well, you may have a concussion.

:lol: He's so literal.
Grissom: I can`t be everywere Warrick and they banned human cloning.

Grissom: On the day you decide to end your life, why would you go to work?
I forget the episode name, but the exchange between Greg and Grissom about Match Game during the taxi cab driver's murder is also a favorite of mine.
Sara Sidle: [Sara and Grissom sit facing each other. The light from the setting sun filters through the darkening room] It's funny ... the things that you remember and the things that you don't, you know. There was a smell of iron in the air. Cast-off on the bedroom wall. There was this young cop puking his guts. I remember the woman who took me to foster care. I can't remember her name, which is strange, you know, 'cause I couldn't let go of her hand.
Grissom: Well ... the mind has its filters.
Sara Sidle: I do remember the looks. I became the girl whose father was stabbed to death. Do you think there's a murder gene?
Grissom: I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behavior.
Sara Sidle: You wouldn't know that in my house. The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't.
[Sara starts to cry. Grissom reaches out and holds her hand]
Which episode is this ?

( Seen so many times but still like it ! )
Sara : Since when are you interested in beauty ?
Grissom : Since I met you.

Love it to from 4x12 , Butterflyed. ( Have to watch the episode again to write this.)
at the end of Butterflied Grissom said to the doctor who killed Debbie : '' Sad isn't it Doc , Guys like us. Couple of middle-aged men who'd aloud/allow there work to consume their lives. The only time we ever touch other people is when were wearing our latex'd gloves. We wake up one day en realize that for fifty years we don't really lived at all. But then all sudden ... we get a second chance. Somebody young and beautifull shows up , somebody ... we can care about. She offers us a new life with her. But we have a big decision to make right ? Because we have to risk everything we've worked for in order to have her. I couldn't do it. But you did. '' And if the doctor says : '' But I'm still here. '' Says Grissom : '' Are you ? '' And then he takes a deep sigh.

Another one of my favourite's , I guess it's from 4x14 - Paper or plastic.
Grissom ( to Greg ) : '' Why do you always do that? ''
Greg : '' 'Cuz you make me nervous.''

I also like the sponge thing between Greg and Grissom.
( Greg says something about sponge's and something els. )
Grissom : I thought that was my line.
Greg : Yeah and I absorbed it.
Sara Sidle: [Sara and Grissom sit facing each other. The light from the setting sun filters through the darkening room] It's funny ... the things that you remember and the things that you don't, you know. There was a smell of iron in the air. Cast-off on the bedroom wall. There was this young cop puking his guts. I remember the woman who took me to foster care. I can't remember her name, which is strange, you know, 'cause I couldn't let go of her hand.
Grissom: Well ... the mind has its filters.
Sara Sidle: I do remember the looks. I became the girl whose father was stabbed to death. Do you think there's a murder gene?
Grissom: I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behavior.
Sara Sidle: You wouldn't know that in my house. The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't.
[Sara starts to cry. Grissom reaches out and holds her hand]
Which episode is this ?
It`s from `Nesting Dolls' :D
Thank you !
In King Baby , Season 5.
( Warrick , Grissom and Catherine are in the hidden room , the baby room .
Warrick laughs. )
Catherine : And just when you thought you've seen it all.
Warrick : People lived in fear for this guy.
Grissom : Imagine the fear he lived with.

Another quote from that episode at the end of it. ( And I like it to see it over and over again. )
Grissom : I've enjoyed working with you.
Catherine : Which part ? The part where I got in your face or the part where I , uh , lost evidence , or uh , maybe you just miss me.
Grissom : I did miss you. I missed your passion and your tenacity. I even missed your tush.
(Catherine chokes on her drink , while Grissom takes a sip from his.)
Catherine : Really thank you.
(NICK walks into the lab where GRISSOM is working on the volcano from the DUNBAR-MESQUITE residence.)

NICK: Hey, I made one of those in third grade. Science fair. Should have won, too.
GRISSOM: Got to let it go Nick. :lol:

My favourite! :D
In Nesting Dolls ( 5x13).
And at the end of the episode Grissom is with Ecklie ( strangely enough Catherine is sitting next to Ecklie. She hated him right?)
Grissom : You wanna to talk with me about Sara ?
Ecklie : I haven't receive her ... action what's the hold up ?
Grissom : Well , I'm not fireing her.
Ecklie sighed.
Catherine : What action are you taking?
Grissom : I've taking it.
Ecklie : I thought I was clear.
Grissom : You were. Now let me be clear. Sara's behaviour is a direct result of my management.
Ecklie : So I should fire you.
Grissom : ( noddle his head ) But you won't.
Ecklie : Look Gil , ah , I've been there with human , we've get attached to people , we'll try to fix there problems , it doens't work.
Grissom : She's a great Criminalist , Conrad. And I need her.
Ecklie : I'm sure you do. You know what ? She's a loose cannon with a gun and she's all yours.
( Ecklie walks away.)

Grissom: '' Come on , I'll take you home. ''
Sara: Hey Grissom, can you come tape me up?
Grissom: [turning to Catherine] I love my job
Catherine: It shows
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