Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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There are soooo many great grissom quotes he cracks me up, was just watching an episode, think it was ep 15 or 16 from season 4.

Brass: look what i found blood on this knife.
Grissom: look what i found, dead guy :lol:

Made me chuckle
Grissom: what is Victoria secret?

Sara: Beauty, Grissom. Remember? :lol:

A suspect: I had 2 choices: Either kill him or go to jail.

Grissom: Congratulations. You got both.

i like that quote too ... its a gil tipical quote ... very ironical
ok, i don't know if someone already said this because i didn't feel like reading through this whole thing, but grissom says this to catherine in the first season and i fell in love with it: "we all live in glass houses, so be careful when you take a shower" greatest quote ever!! :lol:
I just ran across a good Grissom quote from Anatomy of a Lye.
Catherine mentions how the lock should have punched if the car was stolen. Then Sara says: We would have caught that. Then comes Grissom: We were distracted by what we were looking for.

Here's another one from the same episode:
I know the law, too, and I've actually been in a courtroom.
¿Dose any one know the quote that griss said at the end of Unfrendly skies???? it was sooo good, i don't know i love grissom my favorit person i love him
Re: CSIinTraining1
GRISSOM: If just one person had stopped and taken the time to look at the guy to listen to him, to figure out what was wrong with him it might not have happened. It took five people to kill him. It would have only taken one person
to save his life.
Grissom: It looks like these guys went to a fight and a hockey game broke out

That must be one of the best quotes ever haha :D
Grissom rocks :D He's the only one over 50 that can make my head spinn and my knees tremble :p
I really like this one :D

Catherine: So, are you thinking what I´m thinking?
Grissom: How amazing the universe is. Everything is made from the same carbon, stars to trees, trucks to human bones.
Catherine: Uh,no,I was thinking that we have about 100 bone fragments. We could ID this body before the end of this shift.
OMG- or this one! I find it so out of character for some reason... BTW- it's from season 1- cool change?

[Grissom is yelling at Warrick]
Grissom: We solve these cases regardless of race, colour, creed or bubble gum flavor!
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