Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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I really like this one. (It's cute and you know how we Canadian types enjoy being mentioned ;))

WARRICK: "Are you serious? David lost a body?"
GRISSOM: "It happens. When I was working in Minneapolis, we had two John Smiths come in on the same day. Sent the wrong one back to Canada."

I don't know if anybody's said that one yet, but one of my faves has got to be the one from "Crow's Feet", when Griss is talking to the exterminators and asks

Does it ever bother you that you kill insects for a living?

And he said it with such serious face! :lol:

Aww, his bugs, bless him!
One of my favorites, from Chaos Theory:
Why would anyone want to sell their books

Gee, why indeed? He is so cute, when he says these things so seriously! I just want to hug him! :D
GRISSOM: You're hot.
CHANDRA MOORE: (startled) I-I'm sorry?
GRISSOM: You're emanating heat. (Grissom takes the hat off.) This is a new infrared camera. It's good for looking at evidence in the dark. (to Greg) Did you get her blood yet?
CHANDRA MOORE: My... (startled) ... why?
GRISSOM: So many reasons. :lol:
Another good one from Jackpot:

Alan Brooks: Let me guess. You like bugs?
Gil Grissom: Yeah, I do. They're perfect. They always do their jobs. *GLARES*

:lol: :cool:
GRISSOM: So many reasons
That was a really cute scene - cracked me up! :lol: Poor uptight Chandra having to deal with the crazy people. ;)
I also loved it because it was a shoutout to all of the show's fans since S1. Remember that same line when he asked Holly to roll up her sleeve to give blood and she asked why?
Another good one from Jackpot:

Alan Brooks: Let me guess. You like bugs?
Gil Grissom: Yeah, I do. They're perfect. They always do their jobs. *GLARES*

:lol: :cool:

LOL, I watched that ep the other day, I loved that quote :D
I also loved it because it was a shoutout to all of the show's fans since S1. Remember that same line when he asked Holly to roll up her sleeve to give blood and she asked why?

Loved that moment from S1 and it was cool to hear it again. :cool:


GRISSOM: Sorry. Welcome to Forensics. Gil Grissom. I'm your supervisor on graveyard.
HOLLY GRIBBS: Holly Gribbs.
(They shake hands.)
HOLLY GRIBBS: Nice office.
GRISSOM: Thanks. (beat) Would you mind taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeve?
GRISSOM: I need a pint of your blood. It's customary for all new hires.
GRISSOM: (he chuckles) So many reasons. :lol: :lol:
Sara Sidle: [Sara and Grissom sit facing each other. The light from the setting sun filters through the darkening room] It's funny ... the things that you remember and the things that you don't, you know. There was a smell of iron in the air. Cast-off on the bedroom wall. There was this young cop puking his guts. I remember the woman who took me to foster care. I can't remember her name, which is strange, you know, 'cause I couldn't let go of her hand.
Grissom: Well ... the mind has its filters.
Sara Sidle: I do remember the looks. I became the girl whose father was stabbed to death. Do you think there's a murder gene?
Grissom: I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behavior.
Sara Sidle: You wouldn't know that in my house. The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't.
[Sara starts to cry. Grissom reaches out and holds her hand]
i love it when grissom says this little sentence which always has a touch of humour to it, right before the presentation at the beginning of each episode...:)
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