Totally cool GRISSOM quotes

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Gil Grissom: We told them what happened.
Catherine Willows: Yeah. But we didn't give them what they needed - closure.
Gil Grissom: Truth brings closure.
Catherine Willows: Not always

heres one sorry if its already been posted
Catherine Willows: I just realized that you and I have a very healthy relationship.
Gil Grissom: We do?
Catherine Willows: When we have a problem, I don't paint Greg in latex and stick a straw up his nose.
Gil Grissom: Good. He'd probably like it.
Catherine Willows: You're supposed to say something revealing back to me.
Gil Grissom: Okay. I never told anyone this, Catherine.

but thats my favourite i think
Just watched this epi again the other day. (I'd love to be a victim on the show just so that Grissom and Doc Robbins can have a scene over me *g*)

Dr. Robbins: "The answer is; the three main ways to take cocaine."
Grissom: "Alright Alex. What is smoking it, snorting it or injecting it?"
Dr. Robbins: "Very good. The answer is; normal nasal passages, clear lungs and no track marks on the body."
Grissom: "Continuing this childish metaphor, what is how did the drugs get into his system?"
Dr. Robbins: "We'll have to wait for Final Jeopardy."
Grissom: *sighs and walks off*
Grissom: "Alright Alex.

Dr. Robbins: "We'll have to wait for Final Jeopardy."
Grissom: *sighs and walks off*

:lol: Loved that moment :lol: Alex

I love how dry the humour in that scene is - you can tell that Doc Robbins knows he's going to annoy Grissom with it and is enjoying it. Poor Gris having to deal with "childish metaphors". :lol:
My ALL-TIME favorite ep JACKPOT!!

ALAN BROOKS: Lieutenant Alan Brooks. This is my brother Leland.
LELAND BROOKS: How do you do?
GRISSOM: Gil Grissom, Las Vegas Crime Lab. May I?
ALAN BROOKS: Have a seat. Things must be pretty slow in Vegas to get one of you guys out here so quick.
GRISSOM: Well, the Elko County Sheriff made the request. We were happy to respond. It's an interesting case.
ALAN BROOKS: Mmm, not particularly.
LELAND BROOKS: It was probably some hiker or transient who got lost, took a bad luck fall.
GRISSOM: Must have been a heck of a fall. His head's in a plastic jar. :lol:
Catherine: Well, when we have a problem, I don't paint Greg Sanders in latex and stick a straw up his nose.

Grissom: Good. He'd probably like it.
Grissom: Ninety-five.
Sara: I'm sorry?
Grissom: Normally my pulse is seventy, when it gets up to ninety-five, I realize just how mad I am.
Sara: You're too hard on yourself.
Grissom: No, I'm not mad at ME, I have ten people working in around the clock in there, there's a body in there and that guy knows where it is, and I CAN'T FIND IT.
Sara: So what's your pulse at now?
Grissom: And I'm looking for one.
Sara: A screw?
Grissom: Yes.
Grissom: I'm actually not interested in your ass.
GRISSOM: Yeah, hi. I-I-I'd like to get some flowers for a
girl. No, no. Not flowers. A plant. A living plant. She likes vegetation.

Yeah, that'd be fine. To a Sara Sidle. Deliver it at the CSI
division, Las Vegas Police Department the one out on North Trop Boulevard.
Yeah, you can bill me at the same place. Gil Grissom. The sentiment?
Oh-oh, on the card. Yeah. Um, uh ... have it say ... have it say, uh ... "From

--- What Episodes Are These Quotes From? ---

Thank You. :D.
Amy xXx.
first one's slaves of las vegas

last one's burden of proof (did sara ever thank cath for those flowers?)
Favorite Grissom comeback from Jackpot.

GRISSOM: I know you don't have any men to spare, so I called the highway patrol. They're sending troopers up there to secure the site.

BROOKS: Oh, well, nearest station's in Elko. Should take 'em a couple hours to get here.

GRISSOM: Well, that should give you enough time to burn down the barn.
Nick Stokes: People are pigs.
Gil Grissom: Hey, don't insult pigs. They're actually very clean.
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