
I never really liked Gwen either. There's just something about her that annoys me :lol:

I fell in love with Jack when he first appeared in Doctor Who. Of course at that point, I already knew he was in Torchwood, and planned to watch it regardless.

I find Tosh to be adorable, and Ianto to, in a completely different way :lol: Owen I could just never make up my mind about :lol:

Does anyone know when the first of these new episodes will air?

It's nice to see so much activity in this thread ;)
I've read somewhere the new season will air sometime Spring 2009.

Here you go AppleJack! :p

Wow! That's the moment my heart skipped a beat. :lol: That's my eyecandy right there!

I forgot to comment on your banner. That was really an awesome episode. Those two gave me goosebumps!
Ah sorry no I have no idea (bad bad me!)

I have a bit of a crush on John Barrowman...

Yeah Jack is a great pansexual character.

I'm soo glad that Russell T Davis has the passion and conviction to write gay scenes!!! Torchwood does it where CSI can not. Lets hope it continues!!

Ianto has grown on me, wasnt too sure about him in season one, but by the end of last seasons (and the Doctor Who crossover) I was really hooked on him.

He's come along way has Ianto as he was only the coffee boy!!

Edited post!! What 2009? and we have to wait till 2010 for Doctor Who?

I hope when it comes back (both) that they're still excellent shows regardless of the writer/producer.
Edited post!! What 2009? and we have to wait till 2010 for Doctor Who?

No, there will be DW episodes in 2009. A few specials, just like Torchwood. (At least, I'm pretty sure) But that's for another thread.

I have a bit of a crush on John Barrowman...
Who doesn't? :lol: :lol: :adore:

Also, Kat, I Looooove your icon/banner :D :adore:
Aww thanks guys! dopebabygirl made them for me. I don't have a clue how to use imageready. :confused:

Yes I fall in the - Hi - My name is Kat and I have a crush on John Barrowman group. :adore::adore:

Glad you liked the cap AppleJack! :)
So last night I was writing a post here, and then I went to post it and realised that my Dad had just turned the internet off. (Admittedly... it was about half midnight...)

I fell in love with Ianto the first moment I laid my eyes on him! :p

Yeah, me too. Me too.

Ok I am feeling this need for a Torchwood marathon.

After I got the S2 DVDs me and my friends set aside a day to watch all the episodes... except we sort of misjudged the timing and everyone had to leave before we got to 'Fragments'. Which was probably a good thing, because I still can't watch 'Exit Wounds' without crying.

Ianto is definitely my favourite character... I just love him. And I love Tosh too. And Rhys. And PC Andy. (Yeah, I like the more backgroundy characters... can you tell?)

Jack annoys me sometimes (I seem to have a thing against main characters. They take up too much screen time. Lol.) ... but, I can forgive him for that. He makes up for it in another ways. :lol:

Owen I really disliked up until 'Fragments'. And then I suddenly had a change of heart. Those last two episodes were such a good testament to that character.

I can never decide whether I like Gwen or not. Sometimes I like her and sometimes I hate her. I liked her in Lost Souls. Maybe it's because I couldn't see her...
I fell in love with Ianto the first moment I laid my eyes on him! :p

Yeah, me too. Me too.
^^Me too. Ianto is soooo cute !!! :devil:

Gwen is really annoying, I don't like her at all.
At first I didn't like Owen but as a friend told me, every show needs a jerk so I began to think that he was an interesting character and "Fragments" explained a lot.
Tosh was really nice, I'll miss her and Owen.
Jack is a little bit annoying sometimes but I easily forgive him, maybe because he's so hot or because he and Ianto make such a nice couple, don't mess with Ianto, Jack !!! *lol*

Thanks for posting the clips Salean, they were very interesting.:)
OK, I admit, I was a bit skeptical at the beginning but now ... I can't stop watching and I've got only one episode left! And S2 is so damn expensive.

Wow, do I love this show! It's awesome. No, it's brilliant.

I've changed my mind about Gwen though, she's quite annoying but she's too pretty to completely hate her. I also like Owen which makes me an exception here.

Tosh is just amazing. Such a geek and so cute.

What can I say about Jack? He's great and funny.

And Ianto? He completely surprised me in Cyberwoman. And from then on he went through quite the change. From tea-boy to actual team member. I just hope S2 will not disappoint me there.

Now, I just have to get my hands on S2!. Can't wait.

And how awesome with Captain Jack Harkness? I've seen the kiss on youtube before but in context it's even better. So romantic and so sad!!
I agree with you're description of this show, it indeed is brilliant! I think the episode with the real captain Jack Harkness is really one of the best episodes. You could really feel the chemistry between him and 'our' Jack. I think I'm going to try and watch that episode again this week. If there were only a few more hours in a day! :lol:

I just love a man in uniform! :drool:


:drool::drool: Nice cap! That had to be one of my fav episodes. I wish those 2 could have had more screen time together. They had very hott chemistry.

Oh - I just got my season 2 DVD's today. Woohoo!!
Thought I'd jump in here as I'm just a teensy bit of a TW fan. As you can probably tell. :rolleyes:

I have to add that I'm totally crushing on John Barrowman too, but also Gareth David-Lloyd.

Ianto is my favorite. I liked him right away, and even more as the show has gone along. I love his snarky wit and eye rolls. And he looks good in a suit.

I really don't like Gwen much at all. She's just too whiney, and never seems to listen to anyone else.

Tosh, I adore, but Owen always got a bit under my skin.

Of course, I adore Captain Jack. I hadn't seen the new Doctor Who when I started watching TW, but went back to see all of the Captain Jack episodes. And now I've seen all of them. I have to agree that you don't have to see DW to understand TW, but some things make more sense afterwards. Now I rewatch TW eps and am like " I get that reference."

My favorite episode is Captain Jack Harkness. I can't help but tear up a little bit every time I see it. Has to be one of the most romantic things I've seen out there.

love_fan Glad that you're liking the show. I had friends who had mentioned it, so I thought I'd give it a try last spring. I watched the entire S1 in less than a week. (Btw, I don't think you'll be disappointed with S2 Ianto at all. :) )

Kat I'm jealous. I was hoping the dvd's would be here today, but haven't shown up yet.
And he looks good in a suit.

Doesn't he just!

'Captain Jack Harkness' was actually the first episode that I saw. My friend was staying at my house, we were channel flicking and he said "Oh, you have to watch this show, it's awesome."

And... then I watched it. And was hooked.
CSI_Kat: thanks for the info about your siggy & avatar. sorry didn't get back to you when you answered my question.

i've seen some scenes on their official website, and i gotta say this is one show brave enough to show bisexual relationships. if i'm not mistaken it's the same person behind "Queer As Folk". I first watched The L Word, then Exes & Ohs, so this maybe the next thing for me to watch.

however, there's just one thing i'm concerned of. since there may be a few young men watching this because it is after all a sci-fi show, and how much they like supernatural stuff so hopefully the young ones won't resort to having their best buddy to be their SO (sigificant other) like him and that Ianto guy (who reminds me of Rick Astley). Hmm, Adventure & that other Adventure? tempting, yes quite tempting...
however, there's just one thing i'm concerned of. since there may be a few young men watching this because it is after all a sci-fi show, and how much they like supernatural stuff so hopefully the young ones won't resort to having their best buddy to be their SO (sigificant other) like him and that Ianto guy (who reminds me of Rick Astley). Hmm, Adventure & that other Adventure? tempting, yes quite tempting...

First off, Queer as Folk and Torchwood were both created by Russell T. Davis. Both are excellent shows.

Secondly, Torchwood is an adult show, and is not meant for children. However, I seriously don't picture a couple of straight 12 year old boys acting out the hothouse scene in TW just because they watch this show. Maybe that brings up the whole nature vs nurture issue, but I've never bought into the whole "the kid did this because he watched this show, listened to this music, etc" excuse anyway. Kids are going to act on what is natural for themselves.

If you get a chance, you should watch this special that John Barrowman aka Captain Jack (who is himself gay) did this summer called The Making Of Me. It's kind of interesting and tries to determine the answer to what makes someone gay. I saw it on youtube at one point, but am not sure if it's still there or not.
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