
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I hope they can find good characters/actors to replace tosh and owen. I mean i'm still crossing my fingers that somehow owen is still alive or well dead but alive...anyways, I really liked both of the characters. Tosh was so sweet, I really liked her and I hope they find someone that can add to the show what she gave it. Owen I loved. He seemed like a womanizing jerk but deep down he was just broken hearted.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

The ending of torchwood had me in tears. I was sobbing, really i was.

Tosh and Owen were like star crossed lovers, two souls meant to be and yet time, and demons set them apart..

I love torchwood... At least one programme isnt afraid to have gay characters or bisexual or pansexual in the case of Jack.

Damn i want more!!!

I watched torchwood declassified and how they shot Tosh's scene was brilliant, she did it in one take.

Now, i recon that Martha should replace owen... She's got a connection to the Doctor, and to Jack...
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Aaaaaaugh, I just caught the finale... what did they do? :( I was pretty much spoiler free, so that threw me for a loop!

Although I wouldn't want to say goodbye to any of the team, the only one who I would Not have missed is Gwen - I've never warmed up to her bossy, self-righteous ways. But Tosh and Owen? *sob* Owen was such a poop last season, with his nasty, womanizing, hurtful attitude, but I really grew to love him this season, and I've adored Tosh from the very beginning. And getting the chance to see their backgrounds and how they all came to join Torchwood, only to lose them in the next episode, just made the ending that more heart-wrenching!
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Aaaaaaugh, I just caught the finale... what did they do? :( I was pretty much spoiler free, so that threw me for a loop!

Although I wouldn't want to say goodbye to any of the team, the only one who I would Not have missed is Gwen - I've never warmed up to her bossy, self-righteous ways. But Tosh and Owen? *sob* Owen was such a poop last season, with his nasty, womanizing, hurtful attitude, but I really grew to love him this season, and I've adored Tosh from the very beginning. And getting the chance to see their backgrounds and how they all came to join Torchwood, only to lose them in the next episode, just made the ending that more heart-wrenching!

That is the reason why i love Torchwood so much, its fresh, it tackles things that other shows dont want to or is to afraid to... I love Torchwood and espeically one John Barrowman...

Personally i cant wait to see the new series, but probably will have to wait untill early next year for it... So, do you think that Captain Jack will pop up in Doctor who this year?
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I started watching Torchwood a while ago and I finally saw the last 3 episodes of season 2 today. I loved it and I'm a big fan of Ianto! Eyecandy looks good in a suit and is sweet, understated witty, attentive and I like his local expertise. :cool: When my boyfriend and I decide to get a new pet we will definitely name it Ianto! :lol:

Jack annoyed me in the beginning. Halfway through the 1st season his 51th century pheromones finally got to me. ;) I disliked Gwen for a while when she started sleeping with Owen but I got over that in the second season. Gwen's the only one of the team who really has (some sort of) 'real' life next to her job. I think that contrast is an indispensable part of the series. Owen can be a funny guy but didn't really like him. I can't put my finger on it why exactly. Toshiko was never my favorite but I've always liked her. Too bad she probably won't return next season.

Now I will have to go cold turky as the next season will air next year. Maybe I'm finally letting my boyfriend convince me to watch Doctor Who. :lol:
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

So, I haven't read any of the above posts because I haven't seen an episode of Torchwood yet.

That's actually why I'm here. After everyone's so excited about it I'm thinking about buying the first season on DVD.
My question to you is, is it really worth it? Will I like it? I've never seen a whole episode of Doctor Who. Will I be able to understand it?
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

My question to you is, is it really worth it? Will I like it? I've never seen a whole episode of Doctor Who. Will I be able to understand it?

IIRC, you don't have to have seen any of Doctor Who to understand Torchwood. Anything you really need to know gets explained after a fashion.
(if you want, I can give you a quick run down of what you'll need to know, just PM me)
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

While I agree you don't need to see Dr. Who to understand TW (I didn't see any DW until after I saw TW) - the eppies I did see of DW that Captain Jack was in did answer a few questions I had and made a few things make more sense. I love TW and would recommend it.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

love_fan, I can't say if you will like it. If you have issues with references to (homo)sexuality then don't watch it.

Understanding it without ever having seen a full DW eppisode won't be a problem. I'm speaking out of experience. As Ceindreadh already pointed out most of it will explain itself. After I had seen Torchwood I watched the DW eppies with Captain Jack in it. It's not necessary to see these but as CSI_Kat said seeing them did clarify some things. And well, I needed more Jack. ;)
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Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Thanks for your answers. I just needed someone else to tell me that it's a great series. And I most definitely don't have a problem with homosexuality :thumbsup:!

Anyway, I ordered the DVDs and am really excited to finally get to watch it. I had a few glimpses at DW and thought I could like it, so I hope I'll like Torchwood, too.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Well, a friend of mine doesn't have any problems with homosexuality but he doesn't like to be confronted with it explicitly. That's why I posted a friendly warning. :)

I really hope you like it. When you're finished (or not) let us know what you think of it! Since we have to wait a while for the new season it's always nice that we can talk about it.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

I know I am impatiently waiting for the new season. I was one of those latecomers to the show.....but once I started watching it - I was completely addicted. Yes I also needed more Jack so I had to watch those DW eppies. *is kind of obsessed*
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

It's funny that I've just come onto this thread when you're discussing homosexuality... I just watched the episode about the "Pharm" and there are numerous references to Jack and another male member having a relationship and I was astounded! That's awesome! We need more openmindedness in sci fi. I know that sounds like a contradiction- people often think to watch sci fi you are UBER open minded... but still, gender norms tend to be... well, the norm. Yeah, I'm a straight female, but still- I want to see some realism in everything I watch, even the sci fi. Go Captain Jack! :)
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

UK TV does tend to be that bit more openminded about homosexuality. Not just in Sci-Fi, but many of the home produced shows on BBC and other channels would have gay characters, but without making a big deal about it. They're just there and involves in the storylines and their sexuality isn't the story.
Re: Torchwood ~ *Spoilers*

Yeah, I've always enjoyed that about Brit programming. Tends to be a little more realistic and less glamourous than US shows. Anyway, I was impressed to see it on Torchwood. Yay, BBC. :)