Time heals everything ?! (Stella/Mac-centric fic)

This is very cute and sweet. Great update. Love :luvlove: Jess and Don they are cute together too. :D

Good job :thumbsup:
So after my holidays here's an update:

After they had drunken few drinks in several bars Flack said: “Oh it’s already 2 a.m. , as we have the morning shift tomorrow, I think we gotta go.” When they had all said good-bye to each other Mac suddenly said: “Do you hear that too? It’s ‘Bleeding Love’ coming from somewhere.”
“Oh. Damn it. It my cell. ‘scuse me.”
“Bonasera” she spoke in the phone. “Mhmm…are you serious? Mhmm I’ll see.. gotta ask Mac…ok …thank you so much…I’ll call you when I know more…me too…bye.”
“Who was it?” Mac wanted to know.
“It was Mina a friend of mine from Greece. She said she had found out something about my family and asked me to come and visit her to help her doing researches and stuff … but I really don’t know…”
“That’s great. But why’s she callin’ now?”
“Mac it’s already morning in Greece she doesn’t live in New York…”
“Ah ok. I just thought she found something here…”
“No she didn’t and that’s my problem I can’t just leave New York and…you for weeks. It’s been years that I did this, you know?”
“Exactly that’s why I think you should go…You haven’t had any holidays for years you more than deserve it. Why don’tcha just fly there for few weeks…I hadn’t have problem with that…but I’ll miss you!”
“Me too…I can’t live without my job and you that’s my life. I am not accustomed to living without you. You are the most important part of my life and I’d be damn sad without you.” She replied in tears.
“Hey…it’s ok.” He said and hugged her. “I’m the same. You are my life and if that’s your only problem…I’ll come with you.” And to enforce his statement he kissed her as passionately as he could.
“Oh Mac you’d do that for me…you don’t know how much that means for me. Thank you so much.”
“You don’t have to thank me…you being by side is the best thing that’s ever happened to me…So when are we flyin’?”
“As fast as possible…I’ll get the tickets and call Mina then…but now let’s go home.”

Mac sat in his office and thought about things have turned out with Stella when she suddenly came in.
“Mac…Mac I got the tickets!” She called across his office. “We’re flyin’ tomorrow morning. Isn’t that great?”
“Oh wow. That’s cool. I just have to tell our team.” He said and called Danny. “Danny…It’s Mac. Could please call Lindsay, Hawkes, Flack, Adam and Angell to our office? Thanks.”
“When the whole team was in Mac’s office he said:
“I just wanted to call you in to tell you that Stella and I will fly to Greece for personal reasons…hey Don stop giggling…and that you’ll be under the supervision of Sinclair for that time…I know it’ll be hard but I’m sure you’ll handle and please don’t shout at him or such. If there’s anything very important call me and I’ll be back as fast as I can…”
When Mac has finished the whole team except for Flack and Angell looked very unbelievingly at him and Stella.
“So you two are finally with each other?” Danny and Adam asked.
“Hmm you could say that like that.” Mac answered and gently kissed Stella. “And now go back to work.” He tried to say but no one heard him because everyone was applauding.
Nice chapter AnJ.. I can't wait for your next chapter. I hope that the team won't get into trouble when they are under Sinclair. "Grins" This chapter is so lovely. Mac and Stella...aH..*Day Dreams*:)
At Mac’s place.
“Mac do you now where it put my black shirt. You now the one with the white stripe. Did you see it any where?”
“No I’m sorry, love. The last time I saw it was when I was at your home to grab some clothes.”
“Oh it sucks to have some stuff there and the other here…I think I’ll go to my place and pack my bag there. Do you mind?”
“Stel…” Mac said with a promising expression on his face, “Why don’t you move in. I mean I have enough…” But as Stella fell around his neck he couldn’t finish his sentence.
“Oh Mac are you serious? You really won’t mind. Aww that’s great. I’ve always dreamt of that. *fifty-megawatt smile* Why don’t we organize anything when we’ll be back from Greece?”
“Sure. But now I’ll walk you home so that we can sleep long enough before we’ll next morning.”

“Omg! Mac wake up it’s so late…We were way to active last night *giggling* Grab your clothes and straight to the airport!!”
“Oh damn it! I’ll be ready in no time, sweetheart.”
“Yeah hurry up. We’ll catch our breakfast at the airport.”
-Few minutes later-
“Do you have everything, Mac? Ok Let’s go!”
“I asked Flack to give us a ride he must be already standing in front of the building.”

‘Last call for flight b3 4321 to Athens. Passengers immediately proceed to the entries. Last call.’

“Mac. Finish your coffee and come.”
“Already here, love. So where do we have to go ?”
“Umm entry A23. It’s over there.”
When they both reached their plane attendant said:
“Welcome on board Mr. and Mrs. Taylor. Have a nice flight…”
“It’s okay Mac let’s go.”
When the sat down on their places he asked:
“Is it so obvious that we’re in love that hard. Or did you just make a mistake by buying the tickets?”
“Ahem…Could be both. But now let’s just relax and enjoy our flight.”

The plane landed late in night Greek time but though Mina was there to welcome them.
“Hey Stella!! It’s been such a long time that I’ve seen you.”
*endless hug*
“And this must be your beloved Mac. You’ve told me so much about. But now come to my home. You must be really tired.”
LOL!! AnJ i'm in love with your story..

*fifty-megawatt smile* << this makes me laugh till stomachache. Although its just 3 words. :lol: Well, They are active the whole night when they got back? That was really good. :drool::drool: Can't wait for your next chapter.:)
School started again so I couldn't post the last few days, but here's a short update:
When they arrived at Mina’s home they first had dinner. She cooked Soulvaki and everyone was just stunned by her amazing cookery. They sat together on a huge table and Mina’s husband was also there.
“Wow . Mina you really improved yourself. I remember how you cooked 15 years…It wasn’t even eatable.” *giggling* Stella noted.
“I just prepared something for my hungry guests. Isidor was a good teacher. He used to be a chef but then I told him about you and he immediately wanted to become police officer. Well that’s my hun. So why don’t tell me something about you?”
“Hmmm as you may know we’ve been working together for years now, but we always denied our feelings. You know we both a had hard times; he lost Claire and I .. Well I’ve never had any luck with men before…” She stopped to taste Mina’s meal. “Wow that’s incredibly good. How did you get that like that??”
“Hey, hey you started to tell us something…”
“Yes but…” she said still chewing.
“Ok relax, love.” Mac said. “I can also tell the story… I’m sure Stel told you about Frankie. Well and then few days ago she got knocked out by his brother who wanted revenge for her killing his brother. Then I offered her an extra room and well then things went on…”
“Oh how romantic.” Isidor piped up. “So you’ve been together indirectly before, huh?”
“You can say that so…” Stella added. Then she leant over the table to kiss her Mac to show her friends how much she loves him.
“Ohuouo…Ok I believe you. You’re in love….really…”
“And now it’s your turn tell me how you get that so delicious.”
So Mina and Isidor variantly started telling their cooking story.
The talked so much that they didn’t realize how late it was.
“Oh damn it! It’s already 1 a.m.. I think we gotta go sleeping, don’t we?”
“Oh yeah. Where’s our room Mina?”
“Just follow me.”
They headed up a stair and entered the first room on the left.
“Wow. It’s beautiful. Thanks.”
“You’re welcome. SLEEP well!”
“Hmm we’ll…”
“Do you want to have breakfast with us or have a good night’s rest?
“I think we take the second possibility.” Mac said.
“Fine. By tomorrow.”
As Mac and Stella were still very jet-lagged they weren’t able to sleep at all. So they had to keep themselves busy otherwise…
ah great update Anj:bolian:
As Mac and Stella were still very jet-lagged they weren’t able to sleep at all. So they had to keep themselves busy otherwise…
hmm can it be what im thinking about?:devil::D hehe
im looking forward to more Anj:)
Wow AnJ, just realised that you've added 3 chapters before I realised... :lol: I enjoyed reading them, they are so cute, can't wait for the next update. :D
OMG.. I missed that Chapter. :lol: I mean forgot to leave reviews. :) Your sentence's meaning is so deep. :lol: *keep themselves busy* Hmph.. Can't wait for your next chapter. *Wonders what they do after they woke up* :lol: