Time heals everything ?! (Stella/Mac-centric fic)


CSI Level One
I just finished the first part of my first fic. It's smacked, of course. I'd be happy about any comments, reviews or whatever. well, I hope you'll like it.

Title: Time heals everything ?!
Pairing: Mac/Stella :D
written by AnJella
Disclaimer: I own neither CSI:NY nor the characters. They belong to CBS, Jerry Bruckheimer or whoever.

Time heals everything ?!

It was already dark and Stella was walking drenched with rain through New York‘s streets. She exactly knew where she wanted to go; to the church. To Mac. I was September 11th 2008 and she knew and felt that he‘d be there. Now...she was standing right in front of the huge doors of the Catholic church and entered. She saw someone sitting in the first bank with leant head. She went ahead and sat down beside him, Mac. She carefully put her arm around his shoulder and he looked up to her. His deep blue eyes weren‘t as tearstained as the last few years. He was over it. He took her hand and said: ‚Glad you came.‘ ‚That‘s what‘s friends do, they take care of each other…Come on let‘s go now…you‘re already shivering.‘ He stood up, turned around for one last time and went to the door with her.
The sat together on the bar in the crime lab and were talking and talking. But suddenly Mac halted. ‚Mac what‘s up?‘ ‚It‘s just…Claire‘s been…dead for seven years now…and I haven‘t been able to inhume her yet…‘ ‚Is it really only that?‘ ‚Oh…you know me too well. You know Peyton wrote me a letter…‘ ‚Hey that‘s great! How‘s she doing?‘ ‚SHE‘s doing well but…not me…She wrote that she‘d stay in London.‘ It became totally quiet and Mac buried his face in his hands so that Stella couldn‘t see him crying. She only thought: ‚That sneaky bitch…I knew it!‘ Why did he get involved with her?! I gotta be there for him now!‘ ‚Hey Mac! Keep your tail up! You deserve some one better.‘ What he didn‘t know was that she was thinking of herself when she said that and answered: ‚Hmm…you‘re right. Let‘s have a drink! I‘ll invite you!‘ He suddenly was a totally different person when he looked in her eyes now. ‚Oh that‘s something new…‘ leaped into Stella‘s mind ‚That‘s not the way I know him‘ ‚Of course…I‘d love to. I just go and fetch my things from the office.‘
An hour later and after driving through whole New York they hadn’t found anything yet, so Stella suggested: ‘Let’s go to my place, I still have a amazing bottle of wine in my cellar.’ Mac thought for a while and replied: ‘Sure why not.’ So they set out for Stella’s place. When Mac had been there for the last time he had found the unconscious Stella laying on the floor and everything had been covered with blood. But today everything was totally different, he felt like home. Stella fetched the wine, sat down next to him on the sofa and gave him a glass.
It started again; they talked about all the world and his brother. ‚ Why am I able to with him about everything ?‘ , Stella asked herself. ‚Hmm Stel…did you hear anything from Peyton anymore?‘ Now she was completely confused. ‚Why is he asking ME? He was with her. Not me! The break up must‘ve really gotten into him if he asks me for her. He should‘ve known that it‘d come like this.‘ ‚No I haven‘t heard anything from HER anymore! Why?‘ But as he wanted to reply his cell phone rang. He answered without checking out the number. ‚Taylor!‘ He heard a well-known voice at the other edge of the wire: ‚Mac…It‘s me; Peyton! I thought we should talk.‘ ‚Oh no Peyton…don‘t come like this. You should‘ve thought of it earlier…Why do you have to call now? I‘m at Stel‘s place ‘ Mac cleared his throat: ‘Chrm, chrm…What is there to talk about? I thought it was over? Or did you change your mind? Well, you‘re too late…I‘m with Stel now!‘ THAT was what Stella hasn‘t expected at all. She unbelievingly looked at Mac. She didn‘t even noticed what Mac and Peyton were talking about…she was too shocked. Two minutes after Mac had ended his call with Peyton she dared to speak: ‚Umm…Mac? How did you mean that on the telephone? That you‘re with me…you know…Man I don‘t know…Was that serious?‘ ‚You know, Stel…Peyton was upsetting me so hard…I had to say something to stop her! I didn‘t think of anything better. I‘m sorry if I confused. Hey, what‘s up you‘re totally agitated. Come here…‘ And then he pulled her without any premonitions in a deep hug just as he did few weeks ago. It felt so right. ‚I never meant to hurt…you have to know that.‘ ‚Mac…could you please leave…I have to think of so many things…don‘t misunderstand me, please…‘ ‚Sure everything you want‘ , he said, kissed her on the cheek and left.
When he was out of her apartment Stella had to arrange her ideas, so she decided to go for a short walk to take some air. When she was outside everything was cold and wet. She felt really bad. ‚What is Mac doing?‘ She walked into the darkness and saw only some lonely lanterns faring up. She arrived at the Central Park and thought if she should pass it in the middle of a dark and rainy night. ‚How many crimes have happened here. I don‘t know. Never mind…nothing will happen to me…‘ so she walked without any misgivings in the park.

Hope you liked it. I'll try to update before I'll leave on vacation.
Anj! you finally posted it!!!!!!!!!!!!! i LOVE THE WHOLE THING
That sneaky bitch…I knew it!‘ Why did he get involved with her?!

You were under the Smacked family's influence when you wrote this line:lol:

I'm going to skip over the introduction because you know i enjoyed it when you posted it inside the SMACked thread:drool: I can only add i really love it. It's the kind of scene i'd like to watch. It's emotionally dark. He has recovered from Claire's death despite of they never found her remains which it's the greates news for Mac (because he couldn't know if he is going to find it some day!)
‚Hmm Stel…did you hear anything from Peyton anymore?

:wtf: is Mac dizzy? Did he bump his head against something? how could Stella know about P.:angryrazz: Besides it's intriguing me..first he talked about Claire's remains and now...
Oh no Peyton…don‘t come like this
First he cried for her and now he sounds irked. The Intrigue is at the point it's killing me :D

Never mind…nothing will happen to me…‘ so she walked without any misgivings in the park.

OY MY GOODNESS!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: Something is going to happen to her!!!!!!!! Mac , please, come back! I hope he won't be busy with P.:klingon: Stella is in danger, folk!

:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: (Thanks God you are a Stellarina fan as well. You give me exactly what i want:lol:

Debbie (If you want i wait for the second part you lost. I can't:lol: please post the second part !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

First, Debbie thanks for the review. Glad you like it! I'll start writing my next part immediatly...
:wtf: is Mac dizzy? Did he bump his head against something? how could Stella know about P.:angryrazz: Besides it's intriguing me..first he talked about Claire's remains and now...
He dumped into Stel:guffaw:.Hmm I think he was only in church because it was September 11th and seven years after Claire's dead. But 'my' Mac in the story recieved the letter the same day and that was still bothering him....and Mac asked Stel about P. because first he was confused by P. and because he thought P. could've broken up with him because of Stel so he asked her.
*opens Word*
Aw! Now i understand why he is so confused!

Did i mention i like this story so far?????? :D

Please write more!

Debbie :D (I have to study but it's so delicious reading Smacked stories :D
You got me Debbie. I wrote a new part. Damn me ! I had to start from the beginning because I didn't find my chit.
So here you go:

She walked and walked when Mac came into her mind. ‚Oh Mac. What did you say? I know Peyton confused you. But that hard? I‘m not sure if there wasn‘t anything true of it. I wish so. Now that he isn‘t with her any more why can‘t we get together. The thing between us isn‘t only friendship…it‘s more. I feel it. But what about him? She passed the font where Robyn has been raped five years ago. It‘s still in her memory. She had had no idea how to find the perp until Mac had revised her. Mac. How much they had already helped each other. Absorbed in thought she walked deeper into the darkness when she suddenly heard some weird noise from the bush. She hesitated. ‚What was that?‘ She didn‘t know so she assumed that it must‘ve been a little animal or so. But she erred. All of a sudden she felt a bump on her back of the head and then nothing…
Meanwhile at Mac’s home. Mac entered the room and was frozen to the marrow so decided to have a shower. He pulled off his clothes and jumped into the shower. When the warm water was flowing on his cold skin he had to think of Stella and what he told her. ‚Oh my god what did I say…I must‘ve totally confused her. But it‘s so true I want to be with her! Man damn me! Why wasn‘t I encouraged enough to tell her. I could really smack my head now. I never meant to hurt her feelings. But I can‘t just go to her and say: Hey Stel I‘ve always loved you what if rejects me…‘ But his thoughts were interrupted by his cell phone. He didn‘t want to answer but when it hasn‘t stopped ringing after two minutes he adopted that something important had happened. ‚Taylor!‘ ‚Mac! Mac! It‘s Danny. Something awful happened…‘ ‚Danny what!? Tell me!‘ ‚Stel…Stella has been found in Central Park…unconscious…‘ ‚Whaaaat?‘ Mac was totally shocked. ‚How‘s that possible and where‘s she now I have to see her!‘ ‚She‘s in St. Mercy Hospital now. I think you should be able to visit her. I also here.‘ ‚I‘ll be there in no time!‘
In the hospital. ‚I‘m Detective Mac Taylor, where can I find Stella Bonasera?‘
Nurse: ‚First floor, the second room on the left.‘ ‚Thank you. How‘s she doing? Can I talk to her?‘ ‚She‘s awake but still shaken up. You gotta be gentle.‘ ‚I will.‘ *knock**knock* ‚Stella! May I enter?‘ Stella answered with a raspy voice: ‘Sure Mac. You may always.‘ Mac opened the door and saw her laying there on her bed. It was like a deja-vu. Three years ago he saw her the same way now he had to hope that no one got hurt. ‘How‘re you doing, Stel?‘ ‘Not that good. I don‘t remember anything. But besides everything‘s fine. They checked me and everything is alright.‘ ‘You haven‘t been…‘ ‘No…‘ ‚Oh my god! I‘m so assuaged.‘ The whole conversation from hours ago was forgotten. Mac only wanted to be there for her. ‚Is there anything you remember?‘ ‚I remember how I was walking through the Central Park, I heard some noise and then I felt something bumping on my head. Everything immediately turned dark. It feels so bad not being able to remember something. I don‘t want to go through this hell again! Why always me?‘ She wanted to know and started crying as he‘s never seen her before. ‚It‘s okay Stel‘ Mac said and hugged her best he could, ‚I‘ll be there for you. Now and always. I‘ll find that guy… even if takes months. Promised. Nobody may hurt my Stel.‘ ‚Did I say my Stel? Oh my god I hope she didn‘t noticed it.‘ ‚But now Stel, you need some rest. I‘ll be back tomorrow morning with your favourite coffee. Ok?‘ ‚Sure Mac. I can‘t wait. And thanks.‘ ‚For what?‘ ‚For staying with me now…and always.‘
‚I‘ll be there for you. Now and always

I can't help but melting at the mental image i have now :D:luvlove::luvlove::luvlove::luvlove::luvlove::luvlove::luvlove::luvlove:

Nobody may hurt my Stel
I can imagine Mac saying this with that sexy voice he used in RND "I have an extra room":drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:

LOVED this second part. I wonder if her attacker will be back again putting in danger her life
Also if Mac (after the shower:drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:) will confess his feelings to her. Also it woudl be interesting if Peyton gets back to screw up things;)

Debbie :D
wohoo two chapter's already:thumbsup: and i got too say i loved both of them:bolian: good work Anj can't wait for more:D
Thanks sooo much for the nice feedback! Here's an update:

When Mac left the room he saw Danny sitting on one of the chairs for visitors. ‚Mac, how‘s she doing?‘ ‚Not that good. She‘s really shaking up. It‘s hard for her not being able to remember what happened. I feel so sorry for her. Why always her? I mean…you know Frankie…by the way who found her?‘ ‘Hmm it was Detective Smith when he was doing his nightly tour. He said he had heard some sounds coming from the bush. When he saw her he immediately called 911. Here‘s his number.‘ ‚Thank you so much, Danny. Do you know if he‘s still in his shift? I mean where can I find him now? He has to tell me where exactly he found her.‘ Mac desperately asked. ‚He mentioned his shift would end at 7 a.m.. I think you could find at the Department it‘s 3 a.m. now.‘ ‚Ah ok that‘s good Danny. See you soon! We have to collect evidence at the scene.‘ ‚Sure, Mac. I‘ll be there. I‘ll also call Lindsay.‘
When Mac entered the NYPD headquarter he first asked the head of the night shift where he could find Det. Smith. ‚He‘s over there at the desk doing some paperwork.‘ ‚Thanks.‘ Mac walked over to the young detective sitting at his desk an said: ‚Hello! I‘m Detective Taylor. Crime Lab. Did you find my partner Det. Stella Bonasera in the Central Park few hours ago?‘ ‚Hello! Det. Taylor. I knew you‘d come. Yes I‘m exactly that guy. I‘m sure you want me to tell you everything I know and saw.‘ ‚Of course. Let‘s go to my office.‘
In Mac‘s office. „Have a seat. So what did you see, hear or whatever?“ ‚Well as you probably know I was doing my nightly tour when I heard some noise coming from the bushes. As I am a good detective I went there to look what it was. That was when I saw her. I knew her from earlier collaborations. I immediately called 911. I checked her pulse and then she awoke after five minutes or so.“ „And no trace from the perp?“ „No after the paramedics had gone I searched around but…nothing. Then I fixed the barrier tape so that we can find the place again.“ Mac thought for a while and asked then. „Would you mind showing me the place where you found her?“ „Not at all. Meet you in five minutes in frond of the building, ok?“ „Sure!“
Five minutes later the two men were already in Mac‘s car driving to Central Park. „Where exactly did you find her?“ „It was near the access in the north.“ „Ok. Fine. We‘ll be there in no time.“ After fifteen minutes they arrived, Mac parked the car and the got off. „Just follow the path over there! You should see the tape after walking few minutes but I‘ll come with you.“ When they arrived at the scene the image of Stella laying there wouldn‘t quit Mac‘s head. It was just like three years ago. „Thank you, Det. Smith! But I can take it from now on. Or do you want me to take you back at the headquarter.“ „No. It‘s ok I have to do another tour. Good bye, Det. Taylor. I‘m glad I could help you!“ ‚I gotta call Danny and Lindsay now!‘ „Danny! It‘s me! Could you and Lindsay please meet me at access in the north of Central Park?“ „Sure! Just give us fifteen minutes!“
Few moments later the three CSIs were at the scene collecting every fibre and every little trace they could find. “How’re you feeling Mac?”, asked Danny? “You know…It’s so hard for me to see her suffering again. And…if…never mind…!” “What...if?” Mac hesitated if he should tell Danny and Lindsay about what happened between him and Stella few hours ago. “Nothing, Danny! I hope this won’t get into her as much as the Frankie stuff!” Their conversation was interrupted by Lindsay yelling: “Guys! I found a hair! And It’s definitively not Stella’s. It’s straight and black.” “Excellent, Lindsay! Let’s take our stuff back to the lab!” “Sure, Mac!” Danny and Lindsay replied.
At the lab the firstly gave the hair to the DNA lab to see whose hair it is. Then they meticulously examined everything they had found. When suddenly Adam came in. “Guys! There are news! We got a hit. The hair belongs to a first-degree relative of Frankie Mala.“ „Oh my god…“
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interesting chapter and Frankie's brother i would never have guessed that, good chappie can't wait for more AnJ:D
WOW poor Stella.
Mac is so protective of her. I love it :luvlove:

Great job AnJella :thumbsup:

Can't wait for more