Things I learned from CSI:Miami

If you really should not work on a case,it's fine to do it any way.Apparently it doesn't cause any problems
^^Ha...that made me think of one...

Conflict of interest is only concerned in a few cases. All the others it's fine! The lawyers won't notice!!

There is no such thing as rain. It just does not exist.
whoa you are right^^ It doesn't rain there does it? LOL but the sidewalks and streets are always wet (or most of the time) Maybe Horatio has the power to stop the rain so it doesn't compromise his crime scenes.

So that's what I've learned from Miami... H has the power to stop the rain!

You can run and shoot in 4 inch heels.

You have endless bullets.
Put on your sunglasses like you'll normally do and you'll have these little moments of inspiration.

'Horatio, why target a fashion boutique, seems so random'
'On the contrary, this was by design'

It helps if you put on/off the glasses just before saying said it. Don't forget the dramatic pause. No matter how stupid the phrase is, it'll sound good if you add the sunglasses in the mix.

Put your sunglasses in your neck and you'll have instant super powers. You'll solve every crime, dodge thousands of bullets and get the hottest girls.

It doesn't work if you put the sunglasses in your head.
^^ eh, there's less bloopers in that show than most though. They do a really good job.

What I learned: Don't ever try leaving Calleigh Duquesne an important message on her cell phone. She won't get it, and she'll be pissed at you for some reason.

This has happened in like every episode she's gotten a phone

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Hollyyo you always seem to crack me up. And yes that is so true.

My point is that: That sexy Cuban *coughErcoughc* men cant tell the women they love that they love them.
^^lol, thanks!

yours made me think of one: No one is in a happy relationship. There is no such thing as a happy couple. It's just not possible.
What I have learned from CSI Miami:

H always wins, and H will always get you.

The best advise is to run...hard & fast from the sunglasses of justice...the chase makes it more fun for him ;p
"This is Florida, people have guns." lol
So apparently, Florida is the only state with guns.
(Okay, I know that's not true, but that line made me laugh)

hmmm what else...

oh... when piece of a building falls on you, you'll emerge without even a scratch
What I learned

Politicians and judges are all crooked. Oh wait! We already knew that!

When leaving an exploding car, waaaalk in sloooow mooootion.

You can still look cool in a dark suit- even in Florida heat and humidity!
What I Learned from CSI Miami:

*EVERY girl has great cleavage; ya just gotta flaunt it the right way ;p

* Blondes ARE smart; Calleigh is proof

*Dark attire/pants/long sleeves are cool looking; even in Miami heat.

* H. always wins. Always.
H. Aways wins because he has super powers
I know its the sunglasses. I put on a pair it did give me super powers!
I have learned, that there is nothing more exciting than a nekkid Eric and a hot shower!
If a cop makes a mistake that might cost him his job, he commits suicide. UNLESS he's a main character.
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