The Wallpaper Thread #4

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Nathalie_Emily i love your wallpapers they are really good
cathygirlrulez thank you that one is my favourite lol
msgirl & aphina thanks for liking my wallpapers, i did my best i also notice there werent so many frank walls so i made one of my own.
Can someone please make one of the LV team together saying CSI: Crime Sceane Investigation? please?
I will be very gratful!
hehe :)
Wow go away for a few days and you guys have been busy. Great work everyone.

t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr - Love the Mac/Stella wallpapers and the Mac/Calleigh one.
csikicksurass said:
That makes me tear up :( but seriously that is awesome!!! i am loven it!

I know. I automatically thought that when I saw Nick's expression in Fannysmackin when Warrick told him about Greg's hair :( :( I'm glad you liked it though.

Take Care,
msgirl - cute Mac/Stella wall! :)
Nathalie Emily - love your Tripp and H walls - especially H but then he's much cuter than Frank :lol:
catwarfan - your nick/greg wall is so beautiful yet so sad :( -gorgeous! :D

maricejayo - you requested a Vegas wall with the text CSI: Crime Scene Investigation - here's what I came up with:
CSI: Vegas team
I hope you like it. If it isn't what you had in mind, please let me know and I'll have another go.
Also, I posted some CSI Vegas team walls back on thread #3 - they're my early work but if you're interested, PM me and I'll send you the links (I don't want to repost old walls directly on the forum). :)
Wow, everyone has posted great wallpapers. Just amazing! This weekend I will make some new ones myself. Until then, keep up the good work eveyone :D :D :D
Thanks csi_fan_uk for you wonderful comments. I love what you did with the CSI crew. I will probably have to snag that one as well. Great job.

Here's two more to add to the list. What can I say I'm enjoying making wallpapers right now. These are two of Horatio :)


Horatio and Madison I personally love this one. I just saw Money for Nothing the other day on A&E which was the inspiration for this one. Thanks to Miss M for the wallpaper background on this one.

Take Care,
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