The Wallpaper Thread #4

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I'm back so I decided to take a peek in the thread. Great wallpapers everyone. Joycie I snagged your Nick one. I love it.

I've got a couple to add to the list :

Nick and Greg - my first attempt at a Nick and Greg one. I hope you like.

Pair of Yoblings to add to the list :
Catherine, Warrick and Lindsey - BTK 2
Catherine & Warrick # 3

Any requests just ask me. All my other stuff can be found in my account just hunt around - variety from CSI, CSI Miami plus crossovers. No hotlinking to my account please. Credit if you use on a site is appreciated.


Take Care,
Thanx everyone!
katpin great as usual! Lot of H love... <3 :D
UrielFalcon love the colours!
catwarfan the Nick and Greg one is great, but the Yo Bling ones are awesomee!! Yaaayyy Yobling! :p
Joycie amazing as usual!! Aaaaaw I love the Warrick one!!!
Kit4na cool! Like the H one!

I made few more... More ships, more love! :D
CaRWash! {I love the Cal face, she inspired me, she's like so proud! :lol:
Smacked: *The text is from the song I call it love, by Lionel Richie, in witch videoclip Adam Rodriguez appears! Yayyy :p
Horatio and Yelina: *I love the colours of the pic so I changed them in one and I changed them just a bit in the other one :p

Hope you like them!
Kit4na: The Yelina/ Horatio wall is nice!
t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr: Your wallpapers are great, as usual. Love the Mac/ Stella one. Very cute! :D
I made a wp with the pic t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr also used in a previous one,Danny Messer looks so hot in that pic...
Great work everybody

I made a calender wallpaper.
If anyone would like one with a special character please let me know. So far i only made Danny/Carmine, Sara/Jorja and Calleigh/Emily

Chez: Those are great.
MiaCharlize: Lovely Cath/ Sofia wall.
t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr : The YoBling is also very nice!
Keep up the good work everyone :D :D :D :D
t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr said:
Great wps everyone!
Joycie i love that Lindsay one!! she's the best :D
polina, katpin awwww Horatio love!! :D great!!
lindsaymonroe beautiful!!
I made 3 today! And I feel like making more... :lol: but maybe later, so I'll post this ones and later more!! (i hope :p )
Danny & Mac:
msgirl I think you're gonna like this one ;) ) Mac & Stella:
Danny & Lindsay (I have to say that I completely love the Linds & Danny ones made by Lizzy_Sander and kissmesweet!! They're superawesome!! great work!!) :
(with a funny text)
(without the text)


t0g0SzMaNdAL0vEr you where right i loved it ;) i love all your wallpapers but especially mac/stella ones lol ;) everyones wallpapers are good
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