The Soundbox--Speculations and Whatnots

I wonder if his father thought that Don would follow in his footsteps or if he suspected that his son would do things differently?

I can sort of imagine Flack's father wanting a better life for his son than chasing monsters. As in, he deserves better than to live the life I've led -- always away from family, seeing weeping mothers and lost sons, the nightmares and the blood.

Doctor Flack slamming a patient up against the wall?
Patient: I didn't do nothing wrong.
Flack: Yeah you did, you peed on my shoe.

I just watched that episode and, while laughing, snorted apple juice through my nose. XD
I urge you to try a fic.
Oh, I am. My first one will be a bit less ambitious than all this though--it has to do with the Danny-and-Flack thread. (You know, who drives. ;)) But maybe I'll eventually tackle Flack's past in some form.

I think it's an excellent point that Flack's father might not have wanted him to lead the same life he led, screamingpoet. But then I think that, as a Flack, he was expected to follow in those footsteps. That could make his father nicely conflicted (and by nicely, I mean great for fanfic angst, hint-hint to someone who writes ;)). It could also mean that Daddy-Flack is proud that Don has taken a different approach to police work than he did...

Aww, that sucks about the apple juice--did it burn? I once shot soda out my nose, and that hurt, so I thought I'd ask. ;) :lol:
Yessss!! *pumps fist* Faylinn shall write!

Doesn't matter if it's shot full of fluff or of potty-mouthed detectives. So long as it entertains, we're all there! :D Gonna look forward to that one! :D

screamingpoet: Sorry I'm not sympathetic, but that's never happened to me, so forgive me if I find spitting liquid out of nose dern funny! Am a twisted little goblin, you see...

Commercial over, back to topic. :p

That's also a good take on what Flack Sr. would want for his son. Well, it might also pose as good angst material, specially if it's coming from the father. Wtih this angle,
though, I'm thinking there would be little friction between father and son since, though Flack Sr. might be disappointed Don followed his footsteps, he won't push his son away, and would sort of watch out for him even when Don doesn't want the smothering presence. One can add to the angst fuel if Don is too proud to get that kind of "support" from his father, and might fight him all the way just to get his approval.

It might sound kind of twisted, but am just trying to rationalize it from this kind of standpoint. I'm leaning more to Daddy Flack wanting his son to be a cop like him, to be honest.

Sorry, system is out of caffeine. But I hope it makes sense.
tiglado, I thought it was pretty funny too, which only made me laugh harder and only more apple juice come out my nose. :(

Aww, that sucks about the apple juice--did it burn? I once shot soda out my nose, and that hurt, so I thought I'd ask.

It only burned a little bit. I've learned one should never drink something while on these threads because you never know when you'll read something that will make you laugh really hard, and snort something up through your nose or choke.

On the CBS website, the article for Flack says that he always knew he would be a cop -- probably because being in the NYPD was a tradition. It would be great angst material if he felt he was forced into the world of blue.
^ *cringe* Ouuuuch.

the article for Flack says that he always knew he would be a cop -- probably because being in the NYPD was a tradition. It would be great angst material if he felt he was forced into the world of blue.
I have a strong feeling that there was a huge pressure of following the legacy from his dad. As for him always knowing he'll turn out as one, I think that he felt that it was inevitable; the question of whether it was out of choice or obligation is anybody's guess. :)
Flack is an amazingly solid character and yet, you can't help but feel that he has the weight of the world on his shoulders and there is brevity to him. Something that leads him to be so deadpan, so stolid, so clipped , and law abiding, yet with an easy smile. You could lean on him and he would never let you fall, but where does he turn when the weight gets to be a little too much. There is part of me that wants to see Flack take a little stumble, not so much when it comes to his job or the way that you can count on him, but I'd like to see the emotion that accompanies that weight. There is so much to his character just below the surface and the writers did a serious promise unfulfilled this season, here’s hoping they pick up the ball in the third as far as Flack's continued growth and unveiling.

Again, excellently put. :) It is sad that they don't use such a well-rounded and well-liked character to their advantage to push the story/ies further. We'd like to see your take on what that burden Flack carries, aside from a legacy he has to fulfill. I mean, that is only one dimension to his character, after all.
I think part of Flack's burden is his father. I mean, his dad is the big guy in the NYPD and in some part, I'm sure Flack feels that he lives in his shadow and that he constantly has to live up to his expectations. That may even be why he joined the force.

Flack also seems to be the kind of guy that has to be there for everyone else -- that has to be strong for his friends. But he never opens up to anyone else, which is something that he and Danny have in common. Danny often carries things inside for long periods of time before he metaphorically explodes. So I'm sure that carrying emotions inside for so long can be a burden as well.
screamingpoet said:

In "The Fall," Gavin Moran mentions Flack's father as a NYPD legend. Flack brushes off the comment, and doesn't seem to really want to talk about his father. I think that could either mean he and his father have some problems, or Flack just wants to make a name for himself without living in his father's shadow.

Yeah, he hung his head down after Moran said that. Maybe they had a falling out in the past or he doesn't want to be in his shadow. This side of Flack can be explored deeper in S3 hopefully, because (we're done with Danny's story for now) he's the one injured and it'll be a perfect time to make him the center of the season. I'm sure there are a lot of inquiring minds (including me) who wants to know more about Jr.

Re: Flack's quote.
He has a thing for his shoes. First it was "sauce on his shoes" and now pee lol
You know, if Moran was thisquick to tell that rookie that Don was the son of the 'NYPD legend,' it makes me wonder if he constantly did that when Flack was training under him (you know, introducing the rookie-Don to everybody as "Flack's boy" or something). If I was in Don's position, I would've wanted my old mentor to introduce me in a way that indicated more pride in my own accomplishments rather than who I was related to. Moran could've said something about Don being a great detective, or how the rookie could work hard and be like Don some day--you know, things like that rather than 'hey, you've heard of his old man.'

It makes me wonder how many times Don has wished he could change his name--he doesn't just have to carry the weight of his father's legacy on his shoulders, he has to carry his name as well.
I'm sure Don is proud of being a Flack but somewhere in him, he wants to make a name for himself. Sure his dad's the Legend. He wants to be known for something as well, apart from being Flack,Jr.
^^ A good observation, Faylinn. :) It makes me wonder if Gavin was proud to have mentored a prodigy, or that he was involved in molding the next Flack legacy. 'Cause you're right, Gavin would have highlighted Junior's (ooooh, I would have LOVED to see Flack's face if someone ever called him that :devil: ) accomplishment, then prolly segue into mentioning the father. Yeah, Gavin's likely as starstruck as the rest of them. :p
I love how we're only speculating on Flack. XD

I want to know about Lindsay's deep, dark secret -- the one that made her go to NYC, the one that made her become a CSI. They didn't get into that at all in S2, but they certainly showed that she gets emotional at certain times, like when she was talking to Danny about Stella during "All Access." And her father seems to be a touchy subject, as when she was talking to the father of Sara Butler in "Stealing Home." It's just an object of curiosity for me.
^ Sure, we can talk about that. After all, the thread title wasn't really confined to a character. I suppose that if the topic on Flack dies down, that can be discussed next. :) Though Lindsay's dark secret has only been hinted at that it'll open up to a lot of theories.

--or we can start a new thread on that. Would be uncluttered that way, specially for those fishing for fanfic inspirations. :D
^Well, maybe we can clear up Flack, Jr. first then we can move on to the other characters. Danny's pretty opened up -- Jack of All Trades kind of guy already - so TPTB already did our work for us.

SPeaking of Fanfic inspirations, over on the Danny/Don Duo thread, I have a few ideas on a Jr./Sr. fic. I need help though. I don't know much about Sr. apart from what Moran said. Jr. never talks about his old man and the team don't seem to pry on it. And he's no Danny -- just opening up out of the blue.

So this thread is helpful....