The Simpsons

Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

I LOVE the Simpsons! I've watched it since I was little! :)
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

I am Marge! :D Yeah... I'm such a Marge! :lol: Too bad I can't be Sideshow Bob. Guess I'm not that much of a nutcase! :lol:
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS??? marge. lol.. ive loved the simpsons ever since i was a little girl..i have some of the old eppys on tape!
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

A hilarious quote I just downloaded:

Homer: No I'm not Marge. They're embarrasing me! They're embarrassing America! They've turned the navy into a floating joke. They've ruined all our best names like Bruce and Lance and Julian. Those were the toughest names we had. Now they're just... ahh...

Gay man: Queer?

Homer: Yea, and that's another thing. I resent you people from useing that word. It's our word for making fun of you! WE NEED IT!!

:lol: Hahaa so funny!
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

haha, i'm just watching the holy season 4 :lol: lately bought it coz it was cheap ^^
i love the simpsons, esp maggy, she's sooooo cute =)
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

resurrecting this thread because tree house of horrors 18 is on in an hour! is anyone else as excited as me? ive been looking forward to it for a week! yep, im a dork :D
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

^ *Snork* Now, to ruin the thread! Not really. Anyhoo, I found the Treehouse of Horror's amusing. Especially Welles. Because it's the LaMarche.

Yeah, I still watch the Simpsons. All the time, because I'm nuts (Thank GOD for DVDs). Even though people say they don't like the new season, I still find it funny. And, even just watching the animation is amazing in itself to me.
Favourite episode: Tie between The 138th Spectacular & The Mook, His Chief, The Wife, And her Homer.

:B *dork'd*
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

Yep, it sure sounded like Maurice "The Brain" LaMarche. Longtime fan.
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

I love the simpsons! Great 'late night' tv!
I have been watching since they have been on the air!
Lisa cracks me up and so does Police Chief Wiggum!
they all do!
I'm glad this show kept going, I like how it can parody just about anything going on in today's society
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

Bumping this up. I love the Simpsons. Homer is the best.
I love the moment (even though I don't know which season or spisode it is) where they show a comic where Jesus is STANDING on the water and in the balloon the text says "But dad, I wanted to take a bath!" or something like that. That was hilarious! :lol:
Re: Anyone like THE SIMPSONS???

*pop* I was actually just laughing my ass off yesterday for this awesome Simpsons moment:

Boss: Well, that's to you, McGarnogal, little Billy iS DEAD!

I'm still laughing about that. Also, when they made that "Made for TV Movie" on Bart. It has one of the best moments ever.
"Bart": Where do you want it Skinner?
["Skinner" spits on him]
"Bart": Not Smart. [Shoots gun 5 times.]
Real BarT: Coooool!