The Secrets Thread

Marns said: What's wrong with left-hand writing? That is completely normal!

Well, in Soviet Union era it was viewed as something abnormal and really wrong. I’m not really sure why myself, but parents and teachers were told to discipline/educate child to use right hand, so she/he could have a fulfilling life. By Soviet standards left-handed person could not fit in society, and would be viewed as outcast/misfit.

poison girl if you don’t mind my asking, what country are you from?

I’m kinda ambidextrous myself, I write with right hand, but I do everything else with left one :D
When my brother was in kindergarten he used to write with his left hand and my mom and his teacher were like trying to make him write with his right hand which I think is so wrong but now he's ambidextrous which in my opinion is pretty cool.
I know that everyone is saying this, but I really thought that it was only me who lived a life of fantasy. My boyfriend tells me that its unhealthy that I live in these little worlds that have been made up, and have no hold upon real life and when it comes to stepping outside my little make-believe worlds I am clueless how to act. Is it dangerous to live that way? Making up a little fantasy world in which to live, creating your own little scenarios, and not paying much attention to the real world? The problem is, it seems like the real world is the made-up one to me now.

I lie in bed for days on end and think. Today, Thursday, is the first day I have been out of bed since Monday. Again, I am not sure whether that is bad.
chocolate_bunnys said:

Us left-handed people need to ban together and take over the world!:lol:

There are more of you :eek: I was hoping my brother was the only one :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:

j/k Left handed people actually tend to be a lot more creative than righties. Some of the smartest people I know are lefties (my brother). I actually think it would be kinda cool to be left handed (and even cooler to be ambidextrous!) Very different in a cool way.
I lose days like that too everclaire. I can think for hours on end, I definitely over think things. :rolleyes:
I've managed to get myself out of bed recently though as I've got to revise for exams, but if I didn't have exams I don't think I'd be getting out of bed at all. We'll see when they finish I suppose. :lol:

I've heard that left handed people tend to be more sporty and good craftsmen or something. :p There can't be anything bad about being left handed, it's horrible that people can be forced to be right handed. I have a friend who had lessons to become right handed, with a private tutor and everything. :( Oh, there is something that I can imagine which would be irritating, lol, smudging your writing. :lol: I've heard a lot of people complain about that. :p
Oh, there is something that I can imagine which would be irritating, lol, smudging your writing.

Maybe the tutor was so extensive in their teaching that they taught your friend to write backwards to avoid smudges.

I read somewhere that left-handed people don't live as long as right-handed people due to added stress in everyday life because they live in a right-handed world - notebooks, folders, smudgy writing, scissors, appliances etc. So there's a weird, not-quite-sure-that-it's-fact fact.
Oh, there is something that I can imagine which would be irritating, lol, smudging your writing.
That dose suck. Every time I wright a long paper the side of my left hand is silver from the lead smearing!

I read somewhere that left-handed people don't live as long as right-handed people
:eek: *cries*I dont wana die! :eek: :p

Another secret, I believe I had a touch of OCD as a child I can remember feeling like I had to do something so many times, or doing 2 related things the same amount of times.
I don't doubt you are a genius, after all you want to show dogs. All dog people are genius! It's a fact!!

Haha! Well, I feel better now :p

I didn't know so many people had fantasy worlds. Maybe I am normal after all :lol:

Something weird I've noticed is that I always smell things, be it food, pens, clothes, whatever. Whenever I pick something up I instinctively smell it. It's really bad with books though, I just LOVE the smell of new books.
poison girl if you don’t mind my asking, what country are you from?
No problem asking, Ametista, I'm from Spain.
I read somewhere that left-handed people don't live as long as right-handed people
*cries*I dont wana die!

I read somewhere ambidextrous are more propensed to be muerderers - hides a dead body under desk -, but I don't why.
poison girl said:
poison girl if you don’t mind my asking, what country are you from?
No problem asking, Ametista, I'm from Spain.
I read somewhere that left-handed people don't live as long as right-handed people
*cries*I dont wana die!

I read somewhere ambidextrous are more propensed to be muerderers - hides a dead body under desk -, but I don't why.

I've always known you were hiding something from me, poison_girl So, who's dead underneath the desk? ;)
I read somewhere ambidextrous are more propensed to be muerderers - hides a dead body under desk -, but I don't why.
Sweet, apparently I'm more proensed to be a murderer then :lol: I don't know why, but it would be easy if you stabbed someone with your right hand for example, then tell the cops your left handed. But I really don't know why :lol:

Okay, random secret: I like to drink the juice pickles are in! But I actually hate vinager, but if it's mixed with anything, I love it. I really don't know why.
sarahsiddle_girl said:

I've always known you were hiding something from me, poison_girl So, who's dead underneath the desk?
My ex-boss. Why did you though I had to make my own bussiness?? :lol: But don't tell my associates...

Now seriously, all my bosses endes up being scared of me. I think it has something to to with me sending them to a lot of ugly places - no kidding -. Last one was worst, he once told me to make an article about a politican I didn't liked and I told him he could do it himself with his... masculine parts :devil: :devil:
I used to use both hands when I would draw and stuff when I was little but then my baby-sitter forced me to use my right hand. I guess maybe it was a good thing because I am ambidextrous as well. Tehe. There's my excuse for murdering someone lol! I write with my right hand because I was forced to but I do everything else with my left or right depending on which one I feel will work better. I write with my left hand if my right one gets tired though.
This is actually a true secret to do with being ambidextrous: I can actually write with both hands, but I never tell anyone just so I confuse them, because they'll look up and I'll be writing with my right hand, then later my left :lol: Haha, I love the look on their faces.

Another random secret: I am actually looking forward to going to this wedding (which I have to leave for in like 5 minutes) because I like the food at weddings :lol: I actually barley know the girl, I was just invited to come :lol:
i wish i was ambidextrous...just because thats a fun word to say. unfortunately i'm just right handed and thats a fairly boring term to say.

i wouldn't admit this to anyone but i hate my voice. i absolutely detest hearing myself talk. which is quite odd i guess considering thousands of people have heard my voice, i get paid because of my voice and no one has seemed to have a problem with it yet. actually a lot of people like my voice, i get told its soothing but i just don't see it. i avoid listening to my station just so i won't have to hear anything i've recorded go on the air. it makes me cringe. i listen to the people i work with and they have such great voices and i envy them. most broadcasters have really clear, crisp, distinguished voices and i don't. i don't know how to change my voice but i want to, well my speaking voice and radio voice are extremely different but it isn't a conscience descision to seperate the two, i just do it automatically. it makes me uncomfortable when people ask me to speak in my radio voice because i can't, i wouldn't even if i could. i dislike that voice more than my regular one.

maybe i obsess about this too much...thats probably the case.