The Secrets Thread

xfcanadian said:
I have stuffed microbes. I have the flu, syphilis, yeast and the black death.
i happen to think that is seriously cool!

i have a stuffed snowman with a carrot mohawk, pierced nose and ears (well kinda, theres hoops in the side of his head) and a name tag that reads "Marilyn" one of my best friends from high school has its twin "Manson". anyway, i don't sleep with him but he's always close by.

something that very few people know about me is that i collect elton john memorabilia. i have ej posters around my room, every cd he's ever made and all the 70s and 80s albums on vinyl, boxed sets, 3 biographies, t-shirts, austrailian collecter stamps, all concert dvds ever released, his documentary....the list goes on and on. i've been collecting since i was 15 and i'm 19 now. whenever i still lived with my mom and i did something wrong she wouldn't ground me or anything...she'd threaten to leave my ej records out in the sun. i'd cry and swear never to do it again. *eyes records* your safe now, i promse.
^ :eek: How could she threaten such a thing! That's quite an impressive collection. I don't collect anything. :rolleyes: Yeah, nothing. :lol:

I hate spiders too. A while ago I was told that if you face your fears that you can get over them.....not true. I thought, OK, I'll pick up a spider, how hard can it be, only a small one, as in money spider lol, totally freaked out, did the old flick, then was terrified that it was still on me so I ran around the room screaming. :lol: :rolleyes:

If you didn't think I was strange before, now you do. :lol:
i don't think youre strange at all egg! spiders are so not cool. i don't believe that 'face your fears' thing either. i'm terrified of heights and we took a band trip to st. louis last year and the arch = panic attack. everyone told me that if i just dealt with it i wouldn't be scared anymore. like hell. i screamed like a little girl going up that little pod-death-trap-elevator thingie. i was quite certain that i was going to die in that arch....obviously i didn't but still! it was freakin scary.
Yeah, that face your fears thing is a load of crap. :lol: Our fears are sensible anyway, right? You could fall to your death at a height, and there are some dangerous spiders out there, not in England, but I must be careful. :lol:
hey thats another thing i hate spiders exept its not really a secret cause when i see them and *gets a cold chill* and snakes i absolutley freak out exept snakes freak me out like 30x more than spiders. I mean they may seem innocent when their just slivering around but not when there shooting venom down into you or stragling you to death! so yea im pretty weird i mean everyone i know loves snakes so when they find one hey get it find meand chase me around with it thank you LORD I'm really fast!
^ Gah, I wish I went to your school. It's amazing how misunderstood these disorders can be, like egg stated. So there comes with that a lot of hostility from others who think said person is being rude, snobbish, etc. when really they don't know how to react in social situations. :rolleyes:

Another secret I have, is I stash toilet paper in my room so there's never an empty roll in the bathroom. :lol: I'm weird like that.

Also, I'm a closet Trekkie. :p A big nerd about it too. I could spend all day playing 'Star Trek Armada' on my computer, lol. And surprisingly no one has found out.

And another secret I have is I hide money in the bottom of the shoe shelf. :p
a lot of humans are afraid of spiders or is a primal survival mechanism, and we haven't evolved enough to get rid of it ;)
speed_cochrane said:
Also, I'm a closet Trekkie. :p A big nerd about it too.
So am I, but it is no secret to long time members on this board.
I am terrified of dolls. And people are like "but you have porcelain dolls in your room" and the reason why I won't get rid of them is because I'm terrified that they'll come to life and find me and kill me. Like actually no joke.

I also do really stupid things, then tell people not to do them, then do them anyways. It's really stupid, cause I don't like listening to my own advice.

When I'm really bored in a class or forget something I throw myself into a huge coughing fit so then I'm sent to go get a drink of water, then I either go and "get a drink" for like, 10 minutes, or grab what I need.

I absoulutley hate awkward get togethers with families. There are realitives that like, adore me, but I try to aviod them for some very odd reason.

I used to cut myself for a couple years. It got really bad and it was actually getting to the point where it was impossible to hide. I had cuts all over my body, like on my feet, chest, back, neck, pretty much anywhere where I didn't have to cut over cuts. It was really bad.

I never liked CSI Miami until I actually sat through a whole episode (which was last night) :lol: And now I run around doing impressions of Callie constantly (all I did today :lol:)
I think I'm strange, because I'm not scared of normal things... like spiders and snakes and heights... I AM afraid of the dark though... and snow... and clowns... and dolls... and caterpillars... and ghosts... and Freddy Kruger... and fire... and knives... and guns... and chinchillas...

... ok, I'll stop...

I also think it's weird how nice of a person I seem on the internet... no matter how mad I get at someone, I can still type out a rationally nice comeback that doesn't make them mad at me... most people are meaner and more outgoing on the internet... lol... I guess I'm backwards...
i don't even know what a chinchilla is...but it doesn't sound like very much fun.

i think its really funny when people get all hardcore with the keyboard. whats the point? someone tried to start a fight with me on a myspace blog...i just laughed at her. thats just silly. some people have no sense whatsoever.
secrets...well everyone has them...some are good...some are bad....

i am afraid of closets...i cant sleep if the closet doors in my bedroom are opened....i blame Stephen King and his version of the Boogeyman...which after i finished reading at about 12 oclock at night when i was about closet door opened on its own.....i think i slept with a bureau in front of my door for many many weeks... :lol:

but i hate closet...i love clothes though :confused:
A chinchilla is a small rodent-like animal. IMO, it looks like a friend has 2 of them. I think they're cute.

Okay, this is odd. When I was younger I LOVED bugs. I collected them, and let them go. My friends and I would go bug-hunting, and we'd have something like 50 containers lined up filled with bugs and mini 'habitats' we built for them. We were so weird, but it was fun when you're seven. I don't do it anymore, thank God, but I do still like most bugs okay. I don't like cockroaches or any squished bugs. Ew...
i don't even know what a chinchilla is...but it doesn't sound like very much fun.

i think its really funny when people get all hardcore with the keyboard. whats the point? someone tried to start a fight with me on a myspace blog...i just laughed at her. thats just silly. some people have no sense whatsoever.

chinchillas are evil... I can't go near them, lol.

I agree about the rude internet people though, it's like some people get on the internet JUST to piss other people off, and it's easier because it's not face-to-face, I actually think it's HARDER to get mad at others on the internet because you don't really know them, and theres no voice tones or facial expressions, sometimes it's hard to tell what people really mean.

I also hate when people use chatspeak, or type with random uppercase letters, lol, I blame my OCD, but I literally can't bring myself to read posts when people type like that. Lol, does that count as another secret?