The School Thread : /

Until we started to count how many times she says "nice" during the class

LMAO! We also did that but he wasn't that nice, he just had such a smelly coffee breath. The math teacher said "OK" 83 times in one lesson. And it wasn't even a lesson where he would get up to talk! :lol: Oh yes, me and my friends once faked coughing, he would just look up and say we could go the fountain at each time but we didnt, we just carried on coughing. Eventually, he caugh on. And gave us detentions for disrupting the class. :rolleyes:

Eh, I'm doing 4 or so projects at the moment, in geography, English, Physics and Maths. We should finish it by November then it's time to begin cramming for the mocks. Then cramming again for the real exams. Great year to look forward to! :D -end sarcasm- At least it's the last year of school.
I had my first day at college today too...It's quiet interesting..I'm 9th grade in my country...I didn't know anybody at school at the beginning and now I have a lots of friends..and I think they're cool :D ...
heh sorry for you :) I have met all girls in my class but not all boys :D but I have to say that boys are not very looking :(
I'm in 10th/11th grade. Half of my classes are 10th and the others are 11th. I'm homeschooled, and that's fine with me because I would NEVER last in public schools. I'm way too shy and I do not put up with the whiny 'Daddy won't put more money on my credit card' thing. I'm very excited because I graduate in less than 22 months (I graduate a month and a before I can drive)...

I just finished my writing assignment; 2 page minium on my summer vacation. It was interesting and I can't wait to start my next one!
I'm a junior in the (American) high school system. It feels so weird to say I'm a means I'm an upperclassman :eek:

My classes are much harder this year. Everyone says junior year is the hardest and after only 5 days of school I BELIEVE IT. I'm taking:

Honors Chemistry (Honors = advanced)
Academic Resource (Half-year-long class; it's study hall)
SAT Prep (I want an SAT scholarship!; half-year-long class)
AP US/Virginia History (AP = college level. If I get a 3 or 4 or higher on the end-of-the-year exam, I get a college credit and won't have to take it in college!)
AP Psychology
Honors Latin III (Omg. Easiest class ever.)
Math Analysis (Automatically honors. Precalc.)
Honors English 11
Creative Writing 1 (I had to fill up a block)
Forensic Science (I think it speaks for itself!)

The work is way heavy already and I'm only on the second week. Plus, I got a bad mix of people in my classes. Either I don't sit near friends due to assigned seat or there are people I just don't like!

I'm in second year law and security administration in college. Pretty good stuff, and even though the first week is really just to get to know the teachers and spending a bleepload of money on books, I like the courses I'm taking.

1. Customs
2. Interviews and Investigations
3. Criminal and Civil Law
4. Security Practices and Procedures
5. The Criminal Code (supposeldy a very difficult class)
6. Computer Applications 1

Hopefully I won't have to go to another Computer Applications class :( It is SOOO boring!
then (groan!) Research Methods in Psychology. (double groan - its from 6-9 pm tonight :()
Luckily I dont start back uni until Sept 27th (I wont be able to come on here as much then! :(), but I also had research methods in Psychology last semester and what you had to learn sucked, but at least my tutor was really nice, oh and my classes lasted 2 hours and ran on a monday and tuesday afternoon 3-5pm! But spare a thought for me this semester, I will now be doing ADVANCED research methods in psychology, it sucks it sucks it bloddy sucks :mad:!
Anyways I enjoy going to Uni, it rock :Ds!
Well, I'm in Grade 10. My school isn't really big. Only 400 people. But we do some pretty cool things. My 1st term courses are:
English 10- snore fest
PAL/CLM 11- meh, i am unmoved by this class.
Math 10 Advanced- Okay I guess.
History 11-hot teacher

2nd term I'm taking:
Science 10-yay
Drama 11-had to take a fine art. meh.
Math 10 advanced- 2 term course
Geography- should be boring
hello all! Im currently in 11th grade and so far i hate it!
Study hall
study hall
environmental science
US History
British Lit in which i have a stupid power point due in 2 days! ( i work better under pressure anyways! :lol:) oh does anyone have any strategies for overcoming extreme fear of public speaking??!? any help would be greatly appreciated before Thursday...:)
I'm a sophomore(10th grade) in high school. This year I'm taking:
Honors World Lit.
Honors World History
Euclidean Geometry
Spanish 3/4 Advanced(basically, you take Spanish 3 first semester, and Spanish 4 second semester)

I've already been back at school for five weeks, and it's a ton of work! I've got a bunch of projects and tests this week, not fun. :(
Im in 8th grade.
If i would have been born 25 days earlier i would be in 9th grade.
1. Science
2. Peer
3. Geography
4. Algebra I
5. Marketing
6. Language Arts

Ive been back in school for over a month.
then (groan!) Research Methods in Psychology. (double groan - its from 6-9 pm tonight :()
Luckily I dont start back uni until Sept 27th (I wont be able to come on here as much then! :(), but I also had research methods in Psychology last semester and what you had to learn sucked, but at least my tutor was really nice, oh and my classes lasted 2 hours and ran on a monday and tuesday afternoon 3-5pm! But spare a thought for me this semester, I will now be doing ADVANCED research methods in psychology, it sucks it sucks it bloddy sucks :mad:!
Anyways I enjoy going to Uni, it rock :Ds!

Advanced research methods? Bummer. I get the pleasure of taking Psychological Statistics next semester. That'll be fun.

Oh yes, my update.

My teachers are nice, the workload seems mildly workable, and I think I may actually enjoy this year.
Im a sophmore( 10th grade)-

Spanish 2- the teacher has some serious problems
Geometry- mean teacher
Health- the dean for the girls is the teacher-shes sooo scary
Life of the church- religion is a required course at my school and if i had a choice i wouldnt take it
LA 2- favorite class

my classes pretty much suck- ive only been in school one week and it seems like everything we are learning is POINTLESS. ugh