The School Thread : /

i still have 2 and half years to finish my course (nursing)then, I have to take the board exams....and I'm still thinking if I'll should pursue a career as a forensic nurse in the US or if I should go to medicine school...
Oh, good old high school. Junior year, what a blast? Trig and AP chem, what was I thinking?

Oh yea, I'm going to be a forensic chemist, that's riggght... :rolleyes:

gotta love these shows...
what kind of stuff do you learn in AP chemistry anyway? Im interested in what level at a particular age that people are taught the sciences in USA and other countries . :p

Im currently doing Chemistry A-Level with Biology A-Level/Physics A-Level/Geography A-Level. Yeah...what was I thinking!? :rolleyes: And I dont even plan to pursue a forensic career! :lol:
All the teachers I've had have sucked- well, that is all except for a select few. Most of my teachers just couldn't teach, or they had it in for me. My third grade teacher hated my guts, but that woman has issues, I'm telling you. She got to school 30-45 minutes late everyday, keeping us outside waiting for her in 100 degree or 50 degree weather, rain or shine, then she would come in a big coat with a warm cup of coffee on cold days (I thought she did it to taunt us). The other teachers and students always looked at us like 'you poor souls' :lol: :p She also spent about two hours one day explaining how her husband had kidney stones, then someone asks the infamous 'what are kidney stones?' question :rolleyes:

Right now I'm still in homeschooling, and it's great except it's hard to knuckle down and get to work with so many distractions *cough*computer*cough* :p
i'm a junior in college. so far this semester i really like my torah class which makes sense because i am a religion major, but i had my new testament class. the teacher wants to be controversial...just teach the subject.
i'ma junior in high school. i go to an Arts prep school where there's only like, 250 kids there. i take:
Humanities 5-6
Anatomy/Physiology (i just pretend i'm Doc Robins or Greg :D)
Algebra 3-4
Spanish 3-4
Creative Drawing
Life Drawing (yeah for naked people!)

my freeshmen year I was in a public school, ten of my schools could fit in my old one. I'm so not exagerating. and at my school we have block schedualling and we get like 40 minutes of lunch. :D my teachers are all lax and stuff. and four friggn' step away if a circle K and my friends smoke there and stuff.

well, i guess that's all. oo Monday. i get to draw naked people on Mondays...

I love my school!
I'm majoring in Spanish, English and law. It's quite different than normal law though, law in my school means I'm totally familiar with the Spanish, English and Dutch law systems and I know enough to interpret in court or translate court papers. My other major (which is called a specialty) is a double one, interpreting and writing. I love my school so much, I learn so much about the world and basically my homework is like a hobby. I love to translate texts, the harder, the better. I love challenges :)
There is one teacher who dislikes me though, and because she is the Spanish and interpreting teacher I run into her a lot, for 4 years now. She dislikes me more and more each year and I'm getting bolder and bolder each year LOL.
lilbug said:
you guys can talk about anything about it.. Projects, field trips, homework, evil teachers, grades, embarrassing moments, you name it!

Oh..I'm half way done with school.

But you wanna know the most embarassing moments that I saw at secondary school(high school)? Well, the whole lot of students were gathered at the hall after lunch. The vice-principal(a very petite woman) went up on stage and lecture us on our behaviour and how we should be more discipline outside school and stuff. So..hehe...embarassing part.. There was this big fan on the floor. You know those big ones that can blow you away? Yeah, it was on the floor and directed towards the stage. So Little Miss Petite was walking and lecturing when she stood at a spot where the fan was directed to and alas! her skirt flew up and she did an excellent re-enactment of Marliyn Monroe. A teacher at the back of the hall went up and directed the fan elsewhere much to the VP's relief.

Hmmm....funny why I still remember that incident :rolleyes:
when I was in high school, I used to study business subjects like bookeeping, management, entreprenuership, marketing...ahh.. anything about numbers, then stenography, typing and foreign language. We were taught to speak basic was hard learning all the strokes and characters and of course to make a sentence...then I took nursing...and what I had learned in high school was unapplicable at all!!!