The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To friend: Look I get it... you're a little nuts. But sitting there and whining for hours on the phone that you're "worried" is more than a little annoying. Just shut up already! The thing you are worried about is NOT true... it's hardly possible. Just stop it. I swear to some allmighty power I'm about to go jump off of our thirty foot back deck if you don't stop. I get that you want attention... but for serious... this is getting old.

Besides it's not the end of the world... it's not like it's even a real problem. If said thing is true, WHICH IT'S NOT, I'm here to help you. You won't be alone. We can get through it together.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Awww school sucks. Most of these rants are about it. :lol: We'll have a new thread in no time if this keeps going. :p

To my english teacher: You scare me. You actually told our class you're a physco. I'm actually scared of you. I can't believe you were shy when you were little. Jeese, what therapy can do to people, huh? :eek:

To my careers teacher: You scare me, too. And please stop eavesdropping on my conversations with people. I hate sitting at the front in your class.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To School: I don't want to go tomorrow!!! I'm scared of my french prof. and it doesn't even feel like school should start tomorrow. Plus I don't know what to wear.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

SaraStar said:
sandersidle said:
Oh and I love your hair. It's so sexy. :rolleyes:

:lol:. Hey, at least you're able to concentrate. ;)
*blushes* Yeah! :lol:

To C: I hope you were at the assembly when they said our grade has a good attendance record exept for the few of you. Which you are the 'you'. You have to stop cutting class. :/

To Mom: Stop taking my teacher's side. :rolleyes:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I can't believe I was one f**king mark off an A*!!! I'm definitely re-sitting!!! I know i should be happy with an A, and if it was in any other subject, I would be. But this is science... my passion, I need an A*!!! Even only for my personal satisfaction!

To new physics teacher: You're hopeless! You're so forgetful, it's almost embarrassing. I know it was your first day, but still... you're the teacher, you're supposed to teach us, not just ramble on for an hour about nothing!

Ok, that helped... a little. I like this thread, it's a great place to vent. :D

PSG xxx
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Haha, I love how everyone is like "BAH! SCHOOL! DIE!" :lol:

And now I shall rant about school and other random stuff :lol:

To one teacher: A wordsearch! WTF? We're in University! Wasn't wordsearches like, grade four? And there all pointless, I know what music notes are called, I don't think I need to find them in a wordsearch...!

To another teacher: Are you trying to kill me? Why are we learning stuff we already know, and telling us it's "brand new this year" it is not brand new! We learned this all last year! I'm serious, I am going to fall asleep in your class, I am not learning anything!

To my roommate: I'm tired, sore, and rather bitchy. I do not want to move to hand you things. If we go out for coffee like our original plans, maybe then I will be nice and get you stuff! But until then!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Intermediate Algebra: I don't need you for anything to do with my double majors or my minor but I'm told I have to take you. Even after all that testing I had to take to find out I really did have a problem with math related topics. Yet I can't be waved out because they are required core class. It's so stupid to put me though then when I have to force myself to go to school then go to class, even breaking into a cold sweat when I walk in the room. So thanks for causin me more problems and worries than you are really worth. Good thing the book is flamable because there could be a pretty nice fire with it in a few weeks.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To parents:
I am soooo happy you guys have gone away for 10 days. For 10 days I don't have to think about what I do, say, think or whatever else it is you don't like. For 10 days total freedom. What a bummer when you guys come back.

To sister
I wonder what it is with you. Sometimes you are so mean, sometimes you are so nice. I am thinking about telling you about me and Kerry but I am afraid you will pass it on to mom and dad, like you did with my last girlfriend..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To friend:
I know you were ill all week. I know you still don't feel well, I know it's not your fault. But DAMN I was so much looking forward to go out with you, go dancing, talk and forget about how much work sucks. Now there's no one to join me, so it looks like I'll be home alone when we're back from handball. I DON'T WANT TO! Actually the best thing would be to get drunk tonight, but well, alcohol is no solution. (It's a distillate. *sorry, bad joke but couldn't help it*) Argh I'm so effing furious right now!!!

To boss:
I hate you. 'nuff said.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my ex: Why are you trying to hurt me? You never stopped telling me to move on, never. You told me I was clingy, that I can't let go. So I left. I moved on, and now, you want to hurt me? Tell me that you changed your mind? Tell me that you want me back? Why are you doing this?

To my roommate: I cannot seriously ditched me today! WTF, who am I supposed to go with now? You know what, I will go with Vee, and make someone watch Chrisite, because you ditched me!! Agh.

To Vee: So, I'm not overly in the mood to laugh, but anyways, yesterday was so much fun. We sat there and beat on eachother with paper while the other two built my wardrobe :p. Hahah, I just love it.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my head:

First off, I'm very glad you haven't developed a headache, thank you for that, it would have been the last thing I'd have wanted on my day off. Still, why do you have to feel so dull and cloudy? And why is there such an abundance of useless thoughts circulating inside of you? I just need to lay down and rest every now and then, I haven't been able to do so in weeks! Why can't you just shut down for an hour or so? Damn.

To the cute furball in my bed:

Stop being so adorable, I will have to eat you one day. :p
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

@ exgirlfriend:

I am happy we spoke it true, maybe not on a good way but it happend. It feels a bit weird but its okay like this, we both didnt feel the same anymore and that makes it easier for me. That it wasnt only from my side but from yours to.. Its okay i still care about you, that wont change but there is rest now.. I can talk to you on a normal why without hidding my feelings anymore.. I am happy we end it like this on the fact we both agree with it.. Thanks for that.. Hang on you, dont give up.. YOur okay..

To më:

Listen to your body its telling you that it is enough..Its telling you its tired so dont go over those borders.. Go and sleep when you have a headache or feel bad... Just do it..

To mom:

Thanks for my new sweater, thanks for my new floor its looking so great i love it.. I am happy you are helping me with moving and liking my new home.. your the best.. Love you..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my friends: Make the freaking plans! I'm doing everything else! I just need you to do one small thing!

To my tennis coach: I hate you. Tennis is fun and you suck all the fun out of it.

To self: Do your homework.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To password remberer: Rember my password! Yeesh, I do not select "remember my password" for you to forget my password! Ugh.

To someone: This time I do really mean it...

To piles of work: I wish I could be all Harry Potter and poof you away. I am seriously going to die with all this work. I bet, one day, someone will find me dead, and when they determined how I died, they will be like "she drowned in homework" so well, you should go away pile of homework :p

To roommate: My room is clean enough. Between job interviews, school, homework and everything else, I barley find time to eat, let alone clean my room.
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