The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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To the people who make mascara: Is it impossible for you to make a mascara that doesnt stab people in the eye or make a brish thinger that actually world like what the heck!!!!
To Mom: I just wanted to tell you how much i love you. I honestly coudlnt go a day without you. You are one of the only people that nio matter how upset i am you can always make me smile, I love you!
To Cindy and Mr. Ed;

I am just one single 16 year old girl who should not be left in charge of rooms full of impressionable minds. Not because I will corrupt them, but because I am NOT a natural born leader and will not take charge. And if I do take charge things will go horribley wrong since I don't have to will power to say 'No, Kim, you can't skip out on your shift tomorrow, the scheduals been up for two weeks you should've talked to Cindy when she was here last weekend'. That's not me! I don't have the back bone to be the supervisor! and if you want to leave me in charge, PAY ME MORE MONEY! I swear, if you give Nathan and Courtney a raise and not me I will scream! and then I'll quit! and then I'll scream some more and make you find a new cheese chick! For the love of God woman I am not Sam or Debbie or Iman or Kelly. I don't know what I'm doing when it comes to running a department. Mr. Ed, I know that I said I'd paint floors and set pieces and such, but it would be great if you told us what to do BEFORE we started and not after. Send someone who knows what they're doing to help us, or stop in every ten or fifteen minutes to tell us what to do. I'd rather you say 'you're doing that wrong, do it this way' then 'I'm glad you wasted two full hours painting set pieces, but I want them done differently, I'll see you Monday to fix them'! SOMEBODY HELP ME BEFORE I EXPLODE! I am not the type to disappoint others, just the type to work myself to the bone doing something that was never my job in the first place.
To my Roomy:

Wath the f*** arent you seeing. Dawn you talk about me not doing the disses for weeks, i've been busy with them for weeks no, you just put more and more stuff with it and then ask me when im going to start doing it. And besides that im not your cleaning b*tch, i clean the livingroom, the toilet, the kitchen, the hall and also i clean my own stuff and take care of my cat, i have a job to maybe not many hours but i also have therapy for my body and also for my mind. Im ill and still trying to life true every single day. I hate myself for doing things wrong or not, i try to make the best of it and fight against these terible thouhghts in my head. I try to love the world and myself and then you tell me that i suck.. And that i dont clean enough or do the disses, that really hurts and pisses me off. I can cry about it your yell at you but i wont, its not what i wanna do, and i dont have the guts or energie for it. So piss of and let me do it on my way and time not yours.. You can climp up a tree and be happy with your almost boyfriend, but leave me alone.. :mad:
To my roommate: Umm, sorry I kinda really pissed off your missonarie friends there. I didn't mean too! I didn't know that they were at the door! Otherwise oyu think I would've answered the door in a shirt thats way to small! Although it probably wasn't necesary of me for when they ask me why I'm wearing half a shirt for me to tell them that all the lesbians are doing it latley. It just kinda slipped. Ehe, I hope they don't hate you!

To my other roommate: Why can't I look at you? I am going to stare at you just to make you mad. God, you yell loud. Yeesh, why can't I look at you? God, you have issues.
To My Sister:
As much as i yell at you and scream, your my best friend and i couldn't do anything without you.
To My Mom:
I know we fight and i don't agree with things you do, and you don't agree with things i do, but at the end of the day i need you more than you could ever know.
To one of my best friends:
I hope you're not angry with me. You know it's just that I spent New Year's Eve with you instead of my other best friend, even though I know you were alone at home on Friday, but I did promise her I'd go to that party. I hope that's okay, I still love you.
To the hostess of the party:
Oh, girl, I'm soooo jealous of you. Although I still don't like you as much as you do (LOL), but I don't think what you did was wrong. You know me, I'd tell you if I thought it was all stupid, but it's NOT. Yes, you were drunk, and you also wanted to attract attention - as always. And this action is good for keeping that attention for a while :rolleyes:
To My Cousin:
Thanks For Picking me up the other night. i should have never put myself in that situtation. and if it hadn't been for you, god only knows. it means the world to me that you were there and as much as we dislike each other some days. i truely do love you, and i am going to miss you next year when you go away.
To My Best Friend:
I'm Sorry for being so mean to you lately, it's just that you always are with your boyfriend and i just wish i could see you more, i miss girls night out, without boyfriends. it just sucks, i want my best friend back, without your boyfriend.
Okay he to me:
Why do you show your self angry when you feel grief and sadness. why dont you crie when you can crie and its aloud? Dont hide those feelings any more, its not good for you, i can be sad about something and i want to. So why do i get angry i dont know?? I just wish i had a answer to those questions and a answer for who i AM!!! Because i still dont know and that drives me grazy... I dont know ive i love myself or hate myself, do i like this world or do i be afraid for it. Do i think to much or to less, do i feel to much or not at all. When do i start talking and fight for myself instead of walking away for me, yes for myself.. help i dont know it anymore. Im so stuck in these emotions and questions that i make a mess of myself making me confussed of everything. Im a i a good person or not.. Cant stop it. I must stop it, stop thinking and start acting at it..
To someone: I said some things I shouldnt've said. Just hope you know

To my mother: Agh. Stop calling me and yelling at me. I didn't do anything to Emma! God! I live 2 hours away in a different city!
Nathalie, you are a wonderful person. You can always come to me on msn or PM or mail if you need me ;)

Goes for everyone here.
Thanks Nikki , i will, im just afraid to scare people away with my thoughts. So thats why we didnt talked so much, and i miss it so i will to talk to you soon on msn i promis.. xxx to you..your sweet.
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