The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

Okay to me:

You can have those feelings its normal. dont hide yourself from it anymore because you make things worse. I know you hate yourself and that you hate the way you look but your looking fine for now. When you are getting stronger and father in the future you will lose waith again and forget the number on the scale. Dont hang on to that number, yes it hurts but its your own stupid fault. Stop eating like a pig and start eating like a normal person. Besides that your therapist told you that the other feeling is normal to have everybody can cry over that, it is hard to lose something precious like that. And try to remember her as a good and beautiful person and the memory of caring her is already so beautiful. Yes your having pain now and its more than you can handle but its worht it in the future and you will have a better life i've you let them in for now. Learn and go on wiht your therapy but dont give up to yourself. Im proud of you already because of what you made this far. So you can do it. Keep on and get stronger..
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my two best friends:
I'd so talk about it, guys, but I KNOW how you'd react if I did. I'm so sorry. It's so hard to keep it inside. There are only TWO people that know about it, they are not my closest friends, though, but I just don't want you to be jealous. You ALL could do it, please remember! So, if it turns out, please don't be jealous or b*tch me!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the two guys that threatend me: Umm yea im not really afrid of 2 guys that are like half my size, sorry but im not. I mean you walk right into me and are like oyu better watch your self and then you think im scared, think again dum***!
To th creepy guy in my one class that is actually obsessed with a certiain thing a girl chest: What the heck stop bugging girls u creep, its so rude and offensive, like i dont really care if you think its "hot" but umm you DONT have to be rude! like omg, effin sicko!
To the girl who says looks dont matter(yea right): ok so you say weight and looks dont matter but then here you go talking about everyone calling them fat b****** like how does that make sense at all!??!
To the random people on the strret: umm how about you done yell at me> and maybe try not staring at me...its creepy! and dont yell at my friends, so rude!

im sorry guys, but people are making me angry latly!! Just about everyone except the people on here <333
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the same person from another forum that I complained about before- Goodness, will you stop being so bossy? You are not a moderator! Until I see moderator next to your name, stop kissing up to the moderators and telling everyone else what to do!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To idiot landlord: You moron! How do you lose 1500 dollars? That's like, retarted. I (and I'm sure my roommates agree) we are not paying you pack, you idiot! How moronic can you get? Idiot!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a person:

I hope I don't talk too much. I know I've said this many times as a joke, and you respond to it as a joke, but it doesn't feel right afterwards. It's just.. I can talk about everything with you, and it feels so good. And so I do talk about everything with you, and I keep on rambling. Sometimes you just have to shut me up, okay? I'm afraid that when I keep going on like this, you'll get fed up with me eventually. I found a really good friend in you, and you said so yourself that we have a lot in common. I just hope we'll stay friends. To put it this way, I'm afraid of losing you. Does that make sense?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Her:
I can thank SO much to you, you have no idea. The time I spent at yours was sooo awesome and I want it to happen again! And I know I can never EVER tell you about this, but you are my idol and will always be. Maybe one day when life drifts us apart I'll let you know.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a friend:
No worries, okay? I mean every single thing I say and my door is always open. Sometimes it may seem that I'm ignoring you but it can only mean two things: either I'm asleep or I'm teaching.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my little sister: You are soo adorable. You're just like, a 13 year old there to listen to a 19 year old complain about stupid things, and don't overly care that I won't shutup. You're just adorable, I love you soo much!

To my roommate: I am not going to die. Thankyou very much.
To someone:

Is it so strange to like you? Whenever we meet you treat me like air. Damnit! Maybe you´re a pro in table-tennis. Come on... I saw you kick poser-booties.

You´re sporty, but everything but posh! Don´t jerk me so redicoulosly. Poshness´ll never fit you as an attitude.

To a friend:
Sorry I haven't been online these days. I was away for the weekend, and when I got back I suddenly had no internet, for a couple of days. I hope everything's okay with you, and that you got through it. I will be online more often now. If you're online tonight, I definitely will be too. Hang on.
To my roommates and roommates baby girl: Whoops! If you like got awoken for a second, that's because I didn't realize the volume was on full blast when I turned on my music! Aha, but you didn't get fully awoken because someone would've spazzed on me by now!

To someone who's a friend but is bothering me right now: Bla bla bla, shut up. You cannot give me that whole "you two broke up, I don't know waht you guys are being friends for, she likes us more" umm, you idiot! Just because all of your realtionships that you've had you've never spoken to the other person again doesn't mean we have to be like that!You are quite obviously not her or me. Oh and by the way, I didn't overly love you going "get over it, you knew it was going to happen" 2 minutes after she broke up with me, when even the smallest thing happens all you do is complain and tell me stupid things like you bleed black and the red in your heart is slowly turning to black. That's annoying! If you ask me I had the right to cry, we went out for almost 8 months! It kinda hurt and shocked me you idiot!
I can't believe what a bitch our PM's "ex-girlfriend" is. Seriously you tick me off. Go back to where you belong and stop being an ass. You dated like...three months? Now last three months you've been in every friggin magazine and tv show that takes you crying how PM "dragged you into media and then left you in a cold way" Grow up, I wonder how your kids feel. And now writing a book... oh ffs get a life and disappear! The more you are in the tabloids, the more people see what was your real reason to date him!
hi mom,

just wanna say dont bother to much with my life, you never did or do. so dont start now and dont tell me im fat and that i have to lose waith or eat not at that time, its my body and im old enough to make my own chooses.. It really hurts when you say that. And about those feelings i have, its not wrong to have them and i dont have to put them away. I know its hard for you to see your daughter getting more emotional again but its something good. Its something that belongs wiht my therapy and finaly i can cry about things i always pushed away because you told me to. Im not going to let that happend, those feelings are real and i want them to be there. I wanna cry about bad things and laught about nice things. Dont you try to stop me and control my life again. It really sucks when you do that. I have my own life now, living on my own, making my chooses in life and trying to get my life on tracks again. I want to start loving myself again for who i am and not for who you think i am. Its hard but its worht every stap i take. I want this and i want you to be happy to and proud of the fact that im trying so hard. Please see me, and also see me more as a adult instead of your little baby. Im 26 now and im ready for the life that is laying ahead for me. I know that the road will be full of gabs and bears but i will fight against them and move on. But the only thing you have to do is just being there for me and support me, love and give me a hug when i need one. But dont lecture me so much and tell me the good things of myself.. Mom i love you so much, more than i will ever say to you because its hard loving you. You make it hard but your really in my hart and i cant let you go, and i dont want to. Please try to stay as long as you can here and love me in the time we have togheter instead of telling me what to do or hide your feelings for me. Im stronger than before i can take it now..

Love to you mom... really...
To him:

I wish I could just say what I felt, what you mean to me, but if I do, I'll start crying and you won't understand a word I'll say. Well, I guess it isn't whether you understood me, but if I said it, right? Wrong. In order for relief for us both, I've got to tell you... and you've got to know. I don't need you to understand, just acknowledge how I feel.

I feel wrong for saying "I love you" because everyone throws it around like it's nothing. So... I don't love you, I'm sorry. I wish you'd just understand what was in me, what was inside me, crying and clawing to be released.

I don't love you. :) I just...
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