The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my friend: I am so glad you have a boyfriend! Like super happy! I wish I could tell you that I was gay...but I think you mgiht take it the wrong way because I know you kinda like...don't overly like gay people. But I am still so happy for you! And to make you happy I am going to pretend that I think the pic of your boyfriend you sent me is hot...even though I like girls, so I'm lying.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

I hate my dad's girlfriend Eni!!!She is an annoying whore!
Today me and my sis had lunch in there house.Eni asked me to help her baking bread sticks so I had to....and then....when I wanted to taste it.....JUST ONE!!!...she said:It's your sisters!!YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO EAT IT!!! :mad: GRRRRRRRRR........I hate her!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my bestest friends in Lethbridge:Haha this weekend was so fun. Especially the fact that we said we were going to go to sleep at midnight and ended up going to bed at about 3:30 in the morning. Getting up at 7:00 in the morning and almost dying was hilarious. And thankyou for the tylenol when i crawled in to the corner of your bed and started to sob. Haha i was soooo tired. I hope to see you so soon.
Love you extra extra much<33

To roommate: Grrrrr i am sick to! i Fell asleep on the couch and you yelled at me! what the heck was that for! and then you expect me to move to the chair that i hardly fit on just so you can sleep on the couch! that is mot fair!!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a missed occasion:
So sorry I missed you. I didn´t want to say anything wrong. So I shut up. I said nothing

and you passed. :eek: :mad:
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my friend Amy:
I don't care about this stupid thing.....We are we should just forget it!!Ok??Please.....
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my nose:pleease let me breathe.

To my roommate: you made me sick! and then you fall asleep on MY bed what is up with that!

To my friend at school: Why are you mad at me? what did i do! you only ever get madat me..what is wrong?
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my aunt: Gosh, I love the little puppies and I love taking care of them, but you know I can't buy one. Even though I'd love to, I don't have the money and we both know that my mom will freak out if I come home with a dog, no matter how cute he is.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my mother and grandmother: It's my life, it's my health. I've spent the past 7 and a half years fighting this illness and i'm tired of it. It's not suicide, it's called being tired of treatment and tired of being alive and not being able to live. I am going to do the bone marrow and i don't care if either one of agree with me or not... if it kills me, it's meant to be if it doesn't fix me, i'm done with all treatment.. if it works... in your freakin faces!

To my doctors: Sure i don't mind the three extra meds you put me on... of course i care, would you like taking tons of pills a day that make you sicker than you already are... and the two shots a day in the but or arm is getting very freaking annoying, send one more nurse after me with a needle and it's going to be in your a**! Got it good... now can we move on and do the bone marrow transplant already. Also, you want me to find a boyfriend- first off i like woman, secondly, how on earth do you expect me to have sex when i'm trying not to die every day. Wake up, smell the air, i'm freakin ill! Ah Duh!

Wow, i feel better, i'll have to use this more often!

I hope all the rest of you are getting your stuff worked out, we only get one chance to live it up!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my roommate: Stop yelling. I'm scared to actually tell you that becasue you'd like throw a pot at my head but stop yelling. I'm sorry you ran out of money, but that doesn't give you the right to yell at the top of your lungs!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To Jenna and Brianne:

You guys have no good reason to be upset about me wanting to go to the sleepover with Kendra and Shana. Sorry to break it to you but Kendra hasn't turned into a bitch. And it's not my fault that she doesn't hang around with you guys as much. You'll have to learn to deal instead of getting ticked at me because I have other friends too.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

May I just remind people, please not to use real names in these posts? Either blank them out or use different names. Just in case they find out what's being said about them. Seen it happen.

Thanks :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To my classmates:It makes me sick when you are so so so so self-important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I could throw my shoe to you!!!!
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To a super-jealous classmate:
First of all, I pretend I like you, but the truth is that I do hate you :) Not because you do EVIL things to my best friend, I just can't stand you.
And when my best friend rejected your invitation; that was because I have already asked her to sleep at mine at that time. Sucks, ha? But it just turned out I'll be busy that day so you'll spend your b-day with 'your best friend' as you'd say so. If you think a bit, you'll figure out that YOU are not the best friend of hers. But she's already told you this a few times. Never mind.
Not that I don't want her to sleep at yours, I don't care actually. I just don't want her to be angry because of a rat like you.
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

wibble said:
May I just remind people, please not to use real names in these posts? Either blank them out or use different names. Just in case they find out what's being said about them. Seen it happen.

Thanks :)

Oh sorry. I'll keep that in mind next time I post. :)
Re: The Rant and Ramble Thread

To the young library patrons: I can cope with the books out of place, it's my job to put them back anyway. But can you please take your wrappers and garbage with you and find that nice little square thing called a garbage can? And the rules say no eating anyway, read them once in a while.
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