The Rant & I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread

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^I know how that feels. I miss my girlfriend too. One more week... sucks ass. I wish I could just go back home instead of sitting alone in my room, knowing I have a full week of work ahead of me before I see my girlfriend and kitty again :(

At least I get paid well...
SaraSidle_girl said:
To mobile profiders
Stop being that f*cking expensive for international calls and texts! I am flat broke thanks to you and so is my fiancé! I hate you! :mad:

Oh my God, I know what you mean. It's so unfair. Somebody calls you and you have to pay for it. :mad:
To first real boyfriend: Today was fun. I miss you. I wish you didn't live across the country. I wish we could spend more time together. Your still my best friend because after everything we've done together, we can still talk to each other, about anything. I know we'd be dating if you we're a thousand miles away but it was fun while it lasted. Firsts and Bests forever :)

To my girlfriend: Okay, your mad at me for hanging out with an ex..? Of course, I still like him. He was my first everything. But trust me. Your the greatest thing in my life right now. I need you :(

To sick friend: Your not sick anymore, but I love you. Your the best. I miss you, we need to hang out more.

To other friend: Love love love you :) Today was great.
To someone: It's for the better. You cause too much pain for me. This is how it really should be. Friends is all we can be, all we will ever be, and all I ever want to be. I want you as my best friend, but I can't do anything more then that.

To my little sister: You suck. You don't ever let the fact go that I cry in movies. So what if I cried in like the 4th and 5th Harry Potter movies and in all the books since the 4th one. At least I have emotions. Yeesh.

To my friend: Oh my gosh, our Harry Potter weekend was so awesome. Haha, I have so many Harry Potter thing now, I love it! Although I'm sure my wallet doesn't. Ehe.
To car makers: The hallogen lights sucks, especially when they are trying to tail gate you late at night. And when they don't get the hint they are too close with I move my mirrors. Seriously tone then down about 4 notches and perhaps we all might be able to see at night!

To the most immature person I know: You don't go to city picnic because I'm going to be hanging out with someone who really doesn't like you. Infact most of the staff doesn't like you. So you piss and moan about it to people who laugh at you when you walk away. Take the hint when we start different conversations right in front of you, no one wants you around. Grow up and start acting like an adult and a college student or you will never make it in the real world.
To My Stupid CO-Worker: Are you blind, you stupid pathalogical F****** liar. EVERYONE knows you lie out your ass ALL-THE-TIME!!!. WTF do you have to have a response for everything anyone says at lunch. seriously, It has gotten 2 the point that we are building a wall of people, A F****** baracade, to keep you away from us and on the other side of the damn table so we don't have to listen to your S***!.

Alright thanks for letting me rant, I feel a little better now.
To my mom and aunt:
I will wear my hair however the fuck I want to wear it. It's not YOUR wedding, it's my cousin's. I'm willing to spend like 2.5 hours straightening my hair because I'm actually happy with my hair when it's straight. Mom, you said it looked cute and that I could wear it that way. But then suddenly I have to have Aunt Lynne's permission? And you knew damn well she wants it curly. Just like she wants my hair blonde when all my friends think it looks better dark. Hm, who should I trust more? Old, annoying parents who pick out the worst clothes or young, fashionable friends? So as soon as Aunt Lynne was like, "Erm.. yeah.. your hair is.. okay... but I like it curly better" you were all "Oh yeah I know. So you're wearing it curly for the wedding." WTF? You said I could wear it straight! Aunt Lynne had to approve of my dress that I'm wearing too. I should ATLEAST be able to wear my hair the way I want to. That's all my hair ever is; curly. Curly and poofy and now that I got it cut, short. When it's straightened it's actually decent looking.

Oh, and I'm also most definatly wearing the tank top under my dress. Sorry I don't feel like looking like a slut because of the low cut. I'm a kid for God's sake. I don't feel comfortable with wearing nothing under it.
To my homework:
DIE DIE DIE! I hate you. Seriously this sucks and I'm only typing this so I don't have to do it.

To my friends:
Sorry, I need to finish all this homework before school starts, so I can't spend the last week of summer with you.
To this guy: I hate you. I hate you for what you did to her. I would prefer to never speak to you again. Better yet, don't even lay your eyes on me. I trusted you, I thought you were a good person, when really, you're not. What would you have done if I was friends with you longer? Would you do what you did to her? Would I end up like her? Hurt, questioning, and only left with you to blame? I am happy I never did end up being friends with you longer, I hate you.

To my friend: Everything will be okay, everything will work out. I promise you, I'm always here. And thanks, you really did save me from something I would have ended up in.

To my mom: Yay! Another awkward car trip! Oh lucky me, why did you want me to go so badly? You barley like me! Okay, I don't know, we kind of started over, but car trips are awkward with you!
to weekend: Why do you have to be over? I ought to feel relaxed but instead I'm just tired!

to Why the hell can't I log in?? I've tried so hard to finish the next chapter in time because I update much too slowly, and then I'm finally done and I can't log in?!

to self: It's 6.30 am and you're on the internet. You're a freak. Go and have breakfast! And be a bit more optimistic about the day, maybe it won't be that bad after all!
To my boss: Stop being so racist. We all bleed the same colour underneath so treat me like a human being. And stop being sexist.

To someone: Drugs aren't cool and you don't look cool doing them. Imagine that. Find some vices that are actually a tad more productive because hanging out behind a store smokin' it up with your 30-year old buddies isn't going to get you very far in life. Don't ever get in my vehicle ever again and then tell me you have 'stuff' on you while I'm already on the road. I should have kicked your butt to the curb. And I'm not going to believe the BS that you're 'troubled' because you're going to be even more 'troubled' once you get caught.

To Dad: Thank you for putting the tags on and closing the garbage bags before you left so I could take them out. :D You know how absent-minded I can get.

To someone: Please stop bragging about how much money you're making at your job. I don't work as many days as you because I was injured; Making fun of me because of it and flaunting your money is just childish. :rolleyes:

To person who hit me: Wear your seatbelt next time because you got lucky. You're also lucky I wasn't going faster than 20 kilometers and hour or you would have been the one rolling across three lanes of traffic, not me. I'm beggin' you, be more careful.

To cops in my city: Please get off your butts and do something properly for once. A statement with whiteout all over it is NOT acceptable.

To person killing cats in my neighborhood: OMG! You freak! :eek: Those were someone's pets. Please, get what you deserve.

To someone: Grow up and shower, you smell. :lol:

*sigh* Blah. :lol:
To my mother: Stop saying that I'm not smart enough for what I'm doing. I can do this. I don't need you thinking about other solutions for me and I certainly don't need to hear about them. Quit treating me like a kid, I know I have to work my ass off in order to get this diploma, but I will get it. And I certainly don't need you bringing me down when I'm studying so hard to get there.
Btw, I know I look just like my father and you know what, I'm proud of that. I'd rather be like him and stand by my decisions then turning into some manipulative person like you.
Crap, I hate feeling like this :(
To my tennis coach: What the heck? I can't believe you get on our butts about trying out and working out all summer and than you decide not to coach us. It's not even like you left, you just changed your mind. You suck!

To my girlfriend: I'm so happy everything's better between us. Your great :)
To my Coworker: I'm your boss now. Get used to it or GET OUT. The place won't fall to shambles without you here and NOBODY is buying the "I had another stroke." bit. We stopped believing you around the time that we realized you were nothing more then a pathological liar. Nobody. We don't feel sorry for you and most of us don't even like you. You're nothing but a brown noser and a suck up. I have to treat you equally but I don't have to like you personally. And I don't. You don't have to have such a loud opinion on everything. And it doesn't always have to be the SAME opinion. Use your OWN brain - you're making mine hurt. Oh, and brush your damn teeth. It smells like something crawled into your throat and died. And didja know you let it slip that you sleep in dog piss?

"She pees all over my bed when I'm gone!"
"Wow. You must do a lot of laundry..." *grossed out face*
"Dog pee?"
"Oh, it's ok once it dries."

To my mom: I'm a big girl now. Let me live? I know what I'm doing and I WILL be ok.

To my sister: You don't even know him. He's a screenname and a photo. He's not real and neither is his love. Sorry, honey, but neither is yours. Real love isn't internet perfect. Nor should it be. It takes time and it takes patience. But it doesn't support naked pictures being texted across the world.

To my OTHER sister: Thank you. For being someone that I don't have to worry endlessly about. You're gonna be ok.

To my Friend: My futon is YOUR futon whenever you need it. Don't be afraid to ask. Heck, don't be afraid to show up at my door at 3am tearstained and clutching your suitcase. I'd never turn you away.
To my boss: Hahaha, okay, now I offically don't feel bad when I leave an hour early. For goodness sakes, we left two and a half hours early today. Like wow. We are horrible employees. But you're so nice, ahaha, you make me laugh so hard. And you saved me 10 minutes by giving me a ride home today...ehe.

To my dad: I like Harry Potter. So what? My room is cool looking, I don't need thearpy.

To little kids: Why are you so weird? Stop staring at me? You're creepy, who stands outside someones yard to look at them? Yeesh. Creepers.
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