The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To whoever cares-

I had the suckiest day in a long time, I just want it to enddd.
I was late because my sister took the batteries out of my clock for TV remote *gerrr*
The hair and beauty girls who invade the science corridors really got on my nerves today, seriously they sueal about everything!
My coursework is late again, but of course it's me what did they expect?
The bus fare has gone up 30p! Liberty!
My iPods broken :'( I have to listen to people now.
The evil woman in the library knows I have an overdue book.
My dad is continuing to treat me like a mug :(
And I go to donate blood today, purely for the chance to inflict some legitimate pain on myself, and it didn't even hurt. And the nurse is smiling and going, 'see I told you it wouldn't hurt' Gerr, I wanted it to hurt.
I bump into my idiot ex on the way home, and he followed me half the way home, that is stalking behaviour you &*$!@!!!!
To a friend: You're actually so stupid :rolleyes:. Don't go lecturing me on how I shouldn't eat meat, when I have been a vegetarian for a year. You have been a vegetarian for like, 2 days.

To all my friends: Why are all of you suddenly vegetarian? You all called me retarted and stupid and all this stuff when I told you, and now you're all suddenly vegetarian, yeah, wow.

To a someone: F*** You. :D
To a certain friend: I am sick of your whining and constant bitching! I sincerely cannot take it anymore! I have reached the point when I hear one more of your complaints about how hard and tough is the college you're attending I will literally strangle you! Yes, it is difficult, but so is mine, and you don't hear me bitching about it 24/7! And just for the record, the way you acted towards me in the last few months is just wrong, you'll see at the end who has more to lose, me or you. Yes, moving in together was probably a mistake. Now we did it, we just gonna have to find out how to live peacefully with each other.
To my stomach: Stop being hungry! I know you haven't got anything but coffee and cigarettes in the last 2 days, but just wait a couple more hours, I promise you won't regret it.
To money: Why do you keep away from me? I need you, I love you, please come back in my wallet!
To the hospital- we wait for 7 hours while you let drunks and people who've been in fights in before us, and then my mother nearly collapses and all you say is you're sorry about the wait. And to the doctor who was treating my mum, I could have told you half of the things you said purely from watching TV. I'm glad we aksed for a consultant to come down and take a look at her. If she'd have been seen when we first arrived, she would have been admitted earlier and I wouldn't have had to walk home in the dark to pick up some clothes for her and then walk back up and get followed by a creepy guy. GOD, why in the hell do I pay national insurance when we get treated like this!! :mad::mad::mad:
To my so called "best friend": Okay, I get it. You're busy, I'm busy. You sit there and tell me how you always hang out with your friends after work on the weekends. Today, I was finally ready to hang out after you were done work, I had until freaking 2 am! So I took a really quick shower, did my hair all cute, put on makeup, and put on cute clothes so that I could meet the kid that wants to meet me so that if things work out, we can go to prom together.

I kind of had a feeling that nothing was going to happen, but as time went on, it started fade, and I felt better, I was finally going to hang out with you and Scott.

Surprise surprise, I call you to find out that your mom has "flipped shit" on you AGAIN, for the fifteenth time this week. Okay, why is it that when there's no possibility of me hanging out with you, your mom is fine, but then when I want to tag along, suddenly you can't go out? WTF?!?!?! You seriously need to pick a side because I can't deal with your shit anymore. I'm so sick and tired of being disappointed time and time again.
To my "friend", don't get me wrong u can be nice, but you can be the most stuck up person i have ever me. Apart from the fact that you have shouted at me on various occasions, you ruin our frinds birthday party by 1, not letting us watch the film that she wanted to watch just because it was too scary even though it was your idea and 2, telling us what to do because it was your house! and how many times have u had a go at me because i was the only person there. You have hit me at least 4 times and then there is telling my best friend something that frankly you shouldn't be talking about because it has to do with you and your boyfriend who by the way went out with my best friend. Then there is the time you got with an 18 year old and was constantly talking about him. You act like you know whats best and i'm sick, you are a cow with only you on your mind ahh :eek:
To the guy at GameStop: Yes I'm a girl and yes I play video games. Do no try to sell me the girly games because you think that's what I came in for. I like first person shooter games not to mention Super Smash Bros Melee. I cam in to reserve Super Smash Bros Brawl and you ask if it's for my boyfriend. It was nice to see the look on your face when I said it was for me, plus your manager saw the way you were treating customers. Good thing I know your manager because the next time I come in I hope you try and recommend something more to my taste.
wolfesgamergirl said:
To the guy at GameStop: Yes I'm a girl and yes I play video games. Do no try to sell me the girly games because you think that's what I came in for. I like first person shooter games not to mention Super Smash Bros Melee. I cam in to reserve Super Smash Bros Brawl and you ask if it's for my boyfriend.

:lol: :lol: I find it amusing, sorry :p I visited GameStop as well and bought GTA and the guy behind desk looked at me like if I really knew what I was buying :devil:

Just like last week I was bying F-adapter to my cable-thingie and they had only male ones and I was just stading there and looking if I see one, and this man asks if he can help. I said no thanks. Then he was already walking away until turned around and asked what I am looking for. I said I know what I look for and I know it's here. So thanks but I'm fine. GRR! I swear if I was a guy, he wouldn't have bothered me so much.

To the guy in one messageboard: Wonderful to see that you have those ideas that now actually are on topic - but you really think that you with few months experience (like you said, you've leart so much from the board and had no idea how it was like) you can start to bash someone with 30 yr experience? I'm sorry but it made me laugh. And if you ask something and you get replies and they are not all what YOU want, no need to get all "oh I knew you were going to post that" Dude, you have so much to learn. Besides, if you still want to find a gf - perhaps those jokes that 13yr olds tell aren't really impressive :rolleyes:
AND STOP PMING ME SOME WEIRD PMs. Make full sentences that anyone can understand and not some few lines that are about my post that I posted 3 weeks ago or so. I hate your random-stuff.

To my stalker. You bought me a b'day present. You send me Valentine's Day email. What I've told you? Leave me alone. Leave me a friggin' alone! Besides there's now someone who gets as irritated as me.
To unnamed person/s: Sometimes you make me so mad, and you're not even really doing anything wrong, nor is it any of my business, but then it's not usually your business either. I just want to shout at you, but I never have, because I know how much it would upset you. Even when I politely tell you my opinion you try and shout me down, noticed how that doesn't work? That's because usually I am right, especially when it comes to employment issues. So don't spout 'the law' about what can and can't be done without first checking your facts.
To C.: I'm fine with your friend coming over. But what the hell was that? First, you offer to make spaghetti. You actually impressed me just by saying that. But then, you realise you can barely boil an egg, let alone making spaghetti sauce and ask me to do it. I'm fine with that, 'cause it was pretty predictable. But then, you leave with him, going upstairs and leaving me alone to cook? I don't mind cooking, but it would've been nice if you would've hung around until dinner was done and we could've eaten together. You made me feel like I was just your annoying big sister, and I was hoping we were more than that. I thought we were real friends, and not just friends who get along great, until there are other people. I know it's sounds stupid, but you actually hurt my feelings. Even your friend was nicer, a bit of a dork maybe, but his "Why don't we stay here for a while" was nicer than you were all night.
And the worst part: you're gonna come in here in 2 minutes acting like nothing happened. Bleh, sometimes I just can't stand you.
To the guys in the admissions office at my college of choice: Will you pull it together already! I sent in my application back in Novemeber and you say you STILL haven't recieved my transcript from the other college. I've sent the thing at least three times! I missed the very important scholarship thanks to you and now I'm not sure how I'm going to be able to afford to go there! I'd like very much not to have to take three hours out of my day just to hand deliever a copy of said transcript to you, which you will probably lose seconds after I leave. You need my money and my patronage so hurry up and get things in order!

To my lovely room mate K: I love you sweetheart, but will you please grow some backbone and stop acting like your boyfriend's twin?! Sometime's it's like Attack of the Clones and I don't know who you really are anymore. You used to be really fun to hang out with, but now your IQ level drops when he comes in the room! And by the way, I'm sick of walking in on you and your BF making out! GET A ROOM!!!! You have one of your very own and I'd like to get into the pantry that he always has you pressed up against! P.S. DO YOUR DISHES or they are going to self distruct!!!!
To H- God, so you're getting married, whatever. I don;t really care anymore, all you ever speak about is your stupid wedding and how your going to be with him for the rest of your life, he's cheated, you've cheated already, and your both only 18, it wont last I'm sorry but it wont. And I'm not sitting up with you to write invitations I have other things to do like SLEEP.

To L- The only thing I can tell you is that it getes better with time, honestly I know you don't wanna talk, and I haven;t been the most helpful of people over the past couple of weeks, but I'm here for you, if you would just let me in :(

To my dad- You really have gone too far this time. I've had enough of you screwing with my head. So you've got another business trip, okay, but that doesn't mean i cant phone you with my exam results. You said you dont really care because this is my 3rd year of colege and I already failed so thanks for having so much faith in me. I always give you another chance and again and again you push me away. I can;t handle it anymore :(
To my computer: YOU SUCK! I HATE YOU! BIG TIME!
To the internet service provider: Do you think that is possible that you could actually PROVIDE internet at the speed I have signed in the contract?
To my paleontology teacher: I love you! You are the one and only teacher that this university should be proud of having!
To my friend: I do not care anymore. YES! I have learned how not to give a crap anymore and yes, I am practicing it on you. I have heard your whining since we started college and this constant whining should stop. I won't listen to this subject anymore. I did for you 2 papers, which scored 100%. Did I hear a thank you? Nope! When I came back home almost crying because the stupid math teacher failed me, the only thing you did was starting to complain about your college. Well.. you can stick your complaints where the sun don;t shine!!!
To myself: You have absolutely no cooking skills! NONE!
To Lee-Why did you have to spray with your lynx. I stuck with guy smell all day you stupid person. Grrrr!!!!!

To Alex-Why do I go with you? Your insane. You call me insane phwah! Your the insane one. But i guess you do make me laugh. But if you mention Harry god damn Potter once more I will murder you

To Emily-Why are such a cow when you are around that lot of girls? Your really a nice person but you change when your with them. It's sad :(

To Grace-Stop talking about your love life. I don't actually care. You go out with one of my best friends think I'm jealous. No way. It's always about you you you. God the fricking house goes to auction next week, I have better things to do than talk about you and harry.

To sister: Stop stealing food from the kitchen. Jest because I'm on the computer does not mean I can't hear.

To myself: Write your debating speech...
To myself- why are you so pathetic? one thing goes wrong and suddenly your reduced to a nervous crying wreck again.Everytime you say you'll be strong and not let the next bad thing get you down but everytime you fail.

To someone awful- I hope you never rest. You ruined my life and I hate you, it's your fault I'm like this.

To CJ- Thank you for being there for me, even at 4 in the morning, I know I woke you up but you didn't seem to mind. I really appreciate it.
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