The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud Thread #2

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To my father: What the hell is wrong with you? I asked you to come to skating to see how i was doing, you come but you sit their on your laptop doing your work. I mean is that difficult to watch your own daughter do sport. You watch my sister's hockey but oh no, just because i'm not on rep's team mean's you don't have to watch. I just want you to care. And I'm taking mum's side in that fight you had. How dare you get angry about something that she put's up with everyday. God your so stuck up. I can't honestly believe i'm realated to you. Just go back to your high power job unless your ready to actually be nice.

To Bex: It was great seeing you! I haven't seen you for 5 months but it only felt like yesterday :)
magicmunchies said:
To my father: What the hell is wrong with you? I asked you to come to skating to see how i was doing, you come but you sit their on your laptop doing your work.

I know what you mean. When I did Basketball, mum would always show up for the game... And always talk to other randoms rather than watch. :mad:
To my roommate: YOU WOKE ME UP AT 6 IN THE MORNING TO TELL ME THE WRITERS STRIKE WAS OVER...! I mean god, yes, I am happy, but 6 IN THE MORNING. I am sick, I am not going to school I'm that sick, I'm depressed and sad, and you wake me up! Yeah, well, now, I'm restless, eating chocolate which I'm allergic too, and you're like, out anyways, BAH!

To my other roommate: Ha, your so smart, cleaning the back of the computer did make the screen better! I totally just noticed.

To my boyfriend: You moron :rolleyes: ...what exactly were you thinking? It's all good, I freaked out at you for like, 20 minutes, now I love you again.
midnightbellzza said:
eating chocolate which I'm allergic too

I am allergic to chocolate too, but I really can't have's a sad sad world for me

TO MY BEST FRIEND: I am sorry, I was wrong and stupid, an idiot and also a moron all rolled into one. I said I was sorry a million times.. It's been three days since you've ignored me and stuff happened and I need to tell you ASAP!

TO THE TAXI DRIVER THAT ALMOST RAN ME OVER: It was a green light you animal. But I'm actually sorry that you missed me, because I would have asked for money instead of going to the police :D (you CSIs around here, you didn't see anything)

TO GABI: If you call at 3 a.m and I don't answer that means that I actually fell asleep like a normal human being before 7a.m. If you see me online and you buzz me and I still don't answer, that means that I don not care, not even if the world ended. After you called ten times and all you have to say is: "I heard you had a fight with Alex, are you OK?" the next time I see you you might get a smack in the face!

TO MY FINALS AND TO ME: You suck! I failed three exams. I want to die. I really suck at Math, but Math sucks too... To my Geology teacher: you f-word- moron! all you had to give were 0.05 points to pass me and you didn't! You know I am good at Geology, you're just a sexist pig! To my Cristalography teacher: I failed your course because from the 2 hour seminar, you only do half an hour.. How am I going to understand all that crap?

TO MY PARENTS: Sorry I lied to you about my exams, I feel so embarassed..

I'm all better now..
To my feet- Please stop hurting now.

To my brain- Please function properly, you have a challenge fic due in today, and it's sooo not gonna be finished. Considering you have a full day of college tomorrow as well as a driving lesson. Damnation.

To the snobby woman in Selfridges- How dare you tell me not to look at a section just because you think I don't have enough money to buy what was in it! How dare you. Pfft.

To the guy in the tube station- You drop 4 cans of paint which makes a massive bang, (that was obviously not a train noise), in a tube station and of course people are gonna think it's a bomb or something. It was actually quite scary so you shouldn't have been surprised when people were getting mad at you for thinking it was funny. Because it wasn't. You obviously don't realize how worried people still are about trains and stuff in London. Idiot.

To my sister- getting lost and ending up in Camden was actually turned out to be quite fun so I'm sorry I was pissed with you earlier, it was the trains making me nervous, and also just me being a bitch. Im sorry. I had a really great day.

To Primark- I know, that the only reason you can make clothes so cheap is because you probably grossly underpay the people you employ to make them, but I can't help loving the shop. 10 new outfits (and accessories) for 90 quid! Haha, love it.

To Joanna- Thank you for planning to go out on Friday. It's just what I need, and completely the best way to forget about what's gonna happen during the day. I love ya.


That was long :)
To Mother Nature: Serioulsy all of this snow is getting to be too much. There are plenty of other places that want or atleast could have it. Why do we have to keep getting dumped on? Last I checked it was over 20 inches...that is a bit over done imo.

To the idiot drivers: If the road is covered in snow, slush, rain, etc then yes I'm going to go slower. I'm not int he mood to have an accident or go into the ditch. But if you continually ride my bumper like it's going out of style, I'll just go slower. Perhaps you'll get the idea to back off or perhaps you might slam into my car. And fi the latter happens it will be your fault and get a driving too fast for conditions or reckless driving ticket. Kepp that in mind for the next time you decide to tailgate someone.
To anyone who cares: You cannot make me move from this percicse location. Yes, I plan to sit at the computer all day with a blanket on my head and seriously, not move. One person could make me move, but gee, he can't call, so nope, I'm sitting here all day.

To hangovers: Why must you exisist? Blah! Go away. You know what, I don't even care, it gives me more of a reason the be depressed, cause I'm running out of reasons that aren't pathetic.

To my roommates: BLAH! Screw all three of you.
Life's so pointless, if I didn't have a cat to look after I'd kill myself. I'm just so bored and frustrated, there's really no sense in sitting around all day and watching the same shit on TV again and again. It might be fun for a while, but after years of not doing anything else it's just enough.

Felt like sharing my thoughts. Nobody else who cares, sad isn't it?
To BT: Come on guys I haven't had the internet since christmas!!!!! Now get moving and fix the damn internet! I am beginnig to hat the library!

To weather: Why do you have to be so cold today!

To library woman: Everytime I look over you look like you've been sucking on lemons!! Smile!
To people who invent things: Please, please, please, oh please invent a device that stops baths over flowing. And if one already exits? Buy me one! I had to scrub the floors so hard to get those stains out, and I nearly burnt the apartment down because the current carried the floating candles. It's a good thing wet things don't burn too good.

To Valentines Day: Thank you for existing! I hate you, but I'm glad you exist. If it wasn't for you then the cute waiter in my fave cafe wouldn't have been called in because it was busy, he never would have dropped that tray, he never would have talked to me after shift and we wouldn't be going out for dinner monday night. So, thank you!
^ Aw Jodie, that's cool about your little Valentines Day fun. :D

To the CW: Stop snubbing my show! Arg, 'Reaper' sucks, take it off. Put my show back. I'd rather see badass demons and two brothers in their muscle car than a kid who works at what looks like a former Canadian Tire sucking ghosts up through a vaccum cleaner. Thanks.

To You're supposed to customize yourself to my favorite music. Billy Joel just ruined my entire Classic Rock listening spree.

To Blockbuster: Thank you for finding my movie. :D And er, sorry I couldn't find it and made you look for it. How was I supposed to know there was only two copies and they were at the bottom of the shelf in the wrong spot? But yeah, thanks for finding my movie. You totally made my weekend last week.

To someone: You are so awesome. *huggles* How did I ever get through my week without you? I actually look forward to talking to you every day. All the good stuff in the world should happen to you, you deserve it.

To something: ARG! Stop it! This happens every single time! You suck, I'm glad you won't be where we're going.
adorelo said:
To Valentines Day: Thank you for existing! I hate you, but I'm glad you exist. If it wasn't for you then the cute waiter in my fave cafe wouldn't have been called in because it was busy, he never would have dropped that tray, he never would have talked to me after shift and we wouldn't be going out for dinner monday night. So, thank you!

Aww Jodie I'm happy for you :)

I have my own little appreciation for Valentines Day myself-
If I hadn't have been so miserable and lonely because it was Valentines day, I wouldn't have been hellbent on going out and forgetting all about it, and I wouldn't have met a really great guy on the dancefloor, we wouldn't have left early and taken one of those really cheesily romantic midnight walks like they do in the movies. It turned out to be the best Valentines day ever :D

I also have to moan though, it wouldn't be me if I didn't...

To coursework- please go away, and I mean like now, I can't handle all this stress, I'd rather have the exams, they're over quicker!

To my sister- I swear if you touch my stuff again I'm going to scream. Please leave it alone, I would never dare to go through your stuff.

Oh and to Barnsley FC, I <3 you for beating Liverpool! You got them out hahahaha.
CalleighD said:
Oh and to Barnsley FC, I <3 you for beating Liverpool! You got them out hahahaha.

^^My dad (Liverpool fan) is still unaware of this....can't wait to see the look face when he find out lol....priceless.....Barnsley FC - I <3 you

To my sister; you so annoying - I can't believe I let you move into my don't go to sleep till 12 midnight and you keep me awake too!!! I don't have a problem with it now but later when school starts I will...please stop been a pain in the backside adn just go to sleep when I say lights off.....

To my brother: we have rules in the house for a reason.....stop acting like your 12 years old casue your 15....act your age and stop get yourself into trouble with Mum....cause we all have to suffer the consequences of your mistake which isn't stop being so selfish.......

To the weather: please please please......stop being so dull I'm sick of looking out of my window and see clouds I need sun.......I wouldn't even mind rain or snow.....just stop being so bland and dull and urgh lol......

To yahoo music launchcast player: your suppose to customise yourself to my music taste...please stop playing annoying songs I've never heard just so irritating...
To a certain classmate:
You are really and truly the most pathetic person I have ever met in my life. I don't know how you're going to survive in the real world. First you don't even bother to show up for class because nobody woke you up and you couldn't get a ride, but then on the rare occasions that you DO show up you don't do the homework just because it looks long?! If you had bothered to look, you would have noticed that the majority of those papers he called 'essays' are really just newspaper articles. But then you've probably never picked up a newspaper in your life.

To certain former friends:
Wow, I really expected better from you. I trusted you. I thought we were friends. It was just a tiny favour, and five seconds earlier I'd seen you do one that was a heck of a lot bigger for someone else! Someone you're not as close to/haven't known as long as you have me. And you've done this exact same thing for someone else, last year, whose situation was not nearly as dire as mine, so what the hell is the difference? If you wouldn't do this little thing for me, what would you do for me? Anything?
To one of my best friends: You call me the day after I sent out the invites for my birthday celebration out on the town and want me to cancel it all to go to a concert. Which I flat out said no to and you tell me that you will not go to the concert and come to the party. And now here it is my birthday and you tell me instead of coming to the party you're going to stop by on your way to the concert. Then you call me two hours ago and tell me that you're not stopping by on your way down. I don't feel upset because I knew there was someone who was going to back out, just didn't think it would be someone who always keeps good on their promises. Perhaps things will be changing in the future...

Though there is a funny twist to this all...usually the person who keeps promises flaked out and the person who usually flakes kept the promise. Oo
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