The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Dear man I went on some dates with,

I didn't enjoy my dates with you. Here's why:

1. You kept looking at your cell phone on our first and second date. It shows me that you are not interested in me. And I didn't like it when you answered the phone during dinner on our second date and had a conversation with your friend. What was so important that could't wait a few hours? I heard the conversation, nothing was.

2. 98% of the time, I was asking all the questions (the usual ones -favorite things, likes, dislikes, etc) to get a conversation going, a one sided conversation. Would it have killed you to say "what about you?" more than 2% of the time? I got the impression that you had no interest in finding out anything about me. And yes, I got tired of saying "well, I like" when you wouldn't ask me anything.

3. I didn't and don't want to hear about your old girlfriends.

4. I didn't like being asked on our second date if I think about you or on a scale of 1-10 how much I like you. You can't ask me what I like to read, but you can ask me that?

5. There were long moments of silence and I didn't want you to think I was bored or not interested so I would think of things to say or ask to get a conversation going. After all, the dates would have been boring if we just sat there, eating our dinner and not talking. They also would have been only 30 minutes long. During these long moments of silence, I didn't like it when you kept asking me if I said anything, then laughed at me when I said no. Maybe you like to joke around, but I don't like being made fun of by someone I hardly now.

Am I being too picky?
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To ____: REALLY? You are such a hypocrite. You said you hate that you friends like girls like her and then you go and like her? Wow. Nice going. I hope your sister tells you I called... I want to hang out but I'm going to have to hear about all this. Whatever, it's your life. Just wanted to let you know you're being hypocritical...
Dear Computer/Internet,
Do you realize how many time I spend to fix this sh*t?? I spend my hole saint Saturday finding a damn solution!!! We meet each other for so long couldn't you be more friendly with me? :scream:
Dear someone,
I'm getting sick to hear all those stupid, off topic comments about them, I really do!! I can't stand it anymore, ugh!! You don't like it?! Your problem, man! There are poeple who like it and are very happy with them!

I'll just go throw it like I haven't hear/read anything, that's what I'm going to do!!
This parenting thing - I give my 2 weeks notice. Fuck, why do I have to feel like such a bad fucked up person just cause I can't STAND it anymore? The bickering and walking in my shadow and laziness...Just leave me be! God, I'm such a bitch.
Dear Boss.

The day will come when I get to look you in the eye and tell you I'm quitting. I can't wait. Until then, I will day dream about that day and you will wonder why I'm in such a good mood all the time.

In the meantime. Up yours.



Dear D,

You are the most annoyingly whiny person I know. Maybe it's just the way you talk but everything that comes out of your mouth is a whine. Not only is it a whine but you whine as if you expect people to answer for you. If your mouse isn't working, don't slam it up and down on your desk and repeatedly ask 'why is my mouse broken'. Call the damn IT department and get them to fix it.

I'd like you so much more if you weren't so negative all the time. :(


Dear ____: You've made me mad in the past, but this time you've really done it. It's not that hard to fucking call. It really isn't. Thank you, for showing me what it feels like to be blown off. It doesn't feel that great. I knew this was going to happen. I fucking knew it. You're such a let down.
Hey Boss,

Next time you ask me to come in early, could ya make sure you get your own work done so I'm not left sitting twiddling my thumbs? :thumbsup: Well at least I get some time to hang out on Talk. Thanks.


Dear D.

Talk about stating the obvious :rolleyes:. No I'm not here early, I'm a figment of your go back to sleep...this is a dream...a dream....



Dear Body,

Stop craving carbohydrates! Jeez enough with the bread and crisps and scones already. And get your ass back to the gym ok? They did say not to worry about the money. It's not taking advantage because you *know* you'll get it to them when you can. Heck, they know where you live :rolleyes:. So just go already 'mkay?

Dear musical director: Thanks so much for calling a mandatory dance rehearsal tomorrow and telling everyone, unless they are puking, we have to be there. Even though I had already told you I had to help my aunt with her drain tubes and such from her double mastectomy last week, you still told me I had to be there....all day. I have to take another day off of work because I had to switch with someone else so they could help her.

To H aka Drama King: Knock your crap off. Everyone is tired of hearing rumors and lies about them, do you not get it when no one wants to talk to or be around you? Then making a comment about you can't understand why this happens where ever you go makes everyone laugh, not feel sorry for you. Think about it and it's obvious that you are the source of the issues and drama. Also stop stalking people who no longer want to be friends with you. Saying you are going to show up at someone's house, which you were not invited to, is called trespassing. And ironically their neighbor is a cop, so that would be interesting if you do try.
I've had enough of you, you've really annoyed me this time. All you do is critisize me. You say my boyfriend doesn't deserve me cause' apparantly i put him through so much and treat him badly. Ugh!! Seriously, look at your own relationship before you critisize mine, okay? Cause' you don't know anything about my relationship...And in the past i somehow forgave you for the things you did and said, well not this time. I don't deserve to be treated this way. I won't let you treat me like this anymore.
Dear Job Counsellor:

Thanks for the vote of confidence-NOT..telling me because I haven't worked steadily in one place and am nearing 40 really did a number on my're such a dweeb! I can't wait to find a job and then I can drop you.

Get lost!
Dear mum

Stop offering to buy me stuff and then moan about the money you are spending i didn't want that stuff but you insisted and then started moaning about how much it all costs :scream:
Dear F_____:

Thanks for being so reliable. Oh wait, you're not reliable at all. Also, thanks for disappointing me yet again. I should really not get my hopes up if it involves you, and I should know that by now. But this time I thought you'd realize how much this meant to me and could at least try to do it my way for once. But I was, of course, very wrong. Your excuse is that your boss won't let you, but you know what, your boss can't make you do anything. You take two full days off of work for your things, and can't take even one day off for something that means SO much to me. And if you knew you'd have a hard time getting a day off, you should have tried MUCH earlier than a WEEK before.
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