The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Dear woman who does the schedules at work:

Why am I scheduled to work in Ladies' Wear on Sunday? That's not where I work, that's not where I got hired to work. I'm a cashier. I have absolutely no desire to change positions, and I'm not entirely sure why you would be moving people off register when three people off them have either quit or been fired within the last 2 weeks. Oh, and thanks for even asking if I'd be willing to work in clothing. Don't assume that I'd like to do that because I don't. I've never even expressed interest in working there, although several other ladies on the register have. Why don't you put them over there and leave me alone!
A couple of rants here

1) Mother Nature when are we going to get some summer. You know the hot, humid, sticky, smoggy, hazy days that you give us between June 21 and September 21 :rolleyes: I don't know when we even had a heat alert in the city :eek: I like a lot of people are sick of this so called summer. Could be please just have a couple of nice days to remind us what summer is really suppose to be like.

2) To the City of Toronto Strikers. Guys get a life and accept the contract you've been offered. Nobody in their right minds should not be allowed to have 18 paid sick days a year and let alone be allowed to bank them in you don't use them. Oh yeah I forget you're union workers so you're not in your right minds. I'm sick of hearing your ads on the radio about so and so and their sick days. Get a life! In a real life world nobody gets 18 paid sick days a year. Now get off you duffs, sign the contract that the city has offered and start collecting the garbage again. Oh and lets not forget about all the other programs, like daycare, community centres, etc, that have been canceled because of your strike.

3) To the Montreal dad, mom and son that have been charged with murdering 4 family members. What's so honourable about this. This is Canada where we don't do thinks like this. If you want to keep doing this type of practice go back to the country you came from. In Canada we don't do this. How the hell can you call killing people 'honourable'
To the City of Toronto Strikers. Guys get a life and accept the contract you've been offered. Nobody in their right minds should not be allowed to have 18 paid sick days a year and let alone be allowed to bank them in you don't use them. Oh yeah I forget you're union workers so you're not in your right minds. I'm sick of hearing your ads on the radio about so and so and their sick days. Get a life! In a real life world nobody gets 18 paid sick days a year. Now get off you duffs, sign the contract that the city has offered and start collecting the garbage again. Oh and lets not forget about all the other programs, like daycare, community centres, etc, that have been canceled because of your strike.
I concur with the above poster and may I add how I wish I could have a job right now..period. It must be nice to have a job you can walk off at any given time because you don't get what you want.

Guess what, most workers don't get that option there welcome to MY WORLD.

Dear government:

Why do you guys only hire your friends and family for jobs. It makes me sick. I need a job. I want a job. I'm not fuss, hell I cleaned toilets at my last job so what does that say about me! I'm willing to do what's needed to bring him the cash because I have a daughter and four pets to look after.

So why not hire me...government..I'm a good worker. I'm a hard worker. I'll stay out of the union if need be. I've been in a union a few times and believe me, they are useless especially if you are only part-time or contract desposable.

An unemployed single mom
This is a new post dedicated to the person who has trashed me over at another website.

Insulting my family on that website was way out of line.

You are a small, petty, little girl who has no life and throw stones. I'm a better person than you because I don't have to stoop to persnal blows..I call you as I see because post like a raving lunatic. You rant and rave and bring up stuff on the net. You find people's IP addresses and then you stalk them. How sad you are. If you were MY KID, I'd be hauling you off the loonie bin.
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To the "other guy":
Please don't tell me that you could be in love with me. This is not right until I have someone else. And you know that. Don't say things like that to me because you already know that I'm weak when it's about you. We could be together if you have done something in the very beginning.
Dear "guy" - Why, actually more specifically if you want it to be kept hush then tell me do not assume that i'm gonna make excuses specially when you have given so many different stories. I understand not wanting to tell people but we were kissing on the coach getting rather into it so how can you not expect people to guess... texting me the next day is nice but after that if you wanted me to stay quiet then least tell me... i'm tellin the truth because in the end its easier yes people smirk and say stuff but its better than me getting questioned about which story i'm using or they heard different.
Dear friend,

I'm tired of this. Arrgh. Don't act like you do everything and the others are just a lazy bunch. Who spent many hours in front of the computer to make all of those f things? Well, I can tell it wasn't YOU! And some people have to work everyday and have different priorities than you do. This is my life, my priorities, don't tell me what to do. And yeah, I admit I might be responsible for things that have happened recently, but do not try to blame everything on me. And do not make a victim of yourself, this 'I do everything' is ridiculous. You do not have to do these, it is an opportunity that you take waaay more seriously than it's needed to be. And I'm sorry, the final word is always mine. You don't know that because we never argue with each other, but I always have something to prove my point.
One more thing: slow down, you live too fast and forget the people who were once there for you.

*I'm not telling her all of this, because I know she wouldn't understand it and would disagree with every little detail of it. But I'm argueing with her right now and because I can't tell anyone about my deepest feelings about this situation I'm "telling" it everyone. So thanks for the person who started this thread:)
And I apologize to you who happened to read this through :)
This is getting really tiring. I'm sorry, but it is. I know you still feel bad about losing our mom, and I could never pretend to understand losing a son...but you have to move on at some point. You can do it and still have a place for them in your heart, but your obsessiveness and depression is starting to affect other parts of your life.

And yeah, one of your other sons being in jail and addicted to/selling drugs. That sucks, to put it mildly. I like how you're handling it now tho, IF you stay tough and stick to what you say. For him to keep up like this after all you've done for him and knowing what's it's like for you after losing Ryan...he shouldn't get too many more chances.

But see....we shouldn't have to tip-toe around you after 6 years. We should be able to say "Oh I love the fall!" without having you respond flatly, "I don't." We should be able to say normal conversation type things about death or whatever without having you respond with some deep, dark, depressing response. The world moves on, whether we like it or not, and it's a part of life.

So you're taking his birthday off even if they say you can't and you'll quit if they won't let you off because "there are just some days" you won't work? Are you going to just go sit in the cemetery all day by that incredibly thoughtful but really kind of frightening grave site you've made? I feel really sorry for you about it, but are really way, way too obsessed over it. :( I can't even describe it here. Add to that your memorial stickers on your car, your license plate, your pictures on the dash, and yes, your tattoos....

You really want to go be with him, don't you? :( You'll never stop thinking that or wishing for it, even tho if means leaving everyone else and everything else behind.
I'm tired of living a double life. I'm tired of dealing with things the wrong way. I don't know if I want to get over it, maybe a part of me loves the inner drama.
She won't ever understand me.
I know I don't want her in my life, but I can't push this away right now.
Oh how I wish I was Samantha on Bewitched so I could wrinkle my nose and my house would be spotless.

How I wish I was that single mom who won $20 Million dollars. So many problems would be resolved in a heartbeat!
Dear Jerkface.

Thanks for dropping me in it *again*. You're a thoughtless, insensitive, disrespectful :censored:, always making promises for me without checking with me first.

Last week. LAST WEEK???? You agreed with some other jerk that all of a sudden I'M the one going to put together our team document? LAST WEEK?? And I only find out TODAY from someone *outside* our company? Way to make me look like an idiot but you know what? I'm glad I turned the tables and wrote back to very nicely ask if they could clarify the situation as I wasn't aware of the change. HA! Serves YOU right dickwad.

You DO know the deadline is Wednesday right? And with the long weekend that means I have...ONE DAY to put it all together. Ok. So that's six companies x two copies each of their own documents, all of which I am going to have to check, print, collate, bind and ship off to Cork to arrive Wednesday. And I'm supposed to do this in ONE DAY??

I'm so mad I could spit nails so get out of my way if you value your jewels because right now you're at the top of the list of dog house inhabitants. In fact, you're so far in the doghouse they'll need a search team to find you, you utter ignoramus.

Most sincerely furious,

It was your carelessness that led us to this situation today.
When they ask you for money and you come complaining to me, you won't get any sympathy, because I know they are suffering because of your irresponsibility.
You're a child trapped in a grown man's body because you have never once stepped up and taken control of a situation or tried to fix what you tore apart. If you think I will save your ass from the flames it's in, you're crazy. Grow a pair and fix your life, you dumbass fake.
Going out and driving while you were drunk with your kid in the car was a stupid choice lady. You cannot accept responsility for your actions. Why?
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