The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Why do random people keep posting spam all over the place? If you want to post random stuff on a website then put it on your Twitter and not a forum. Does posting spam make these individuals happy? I just don't get it.

I can't understand why my mom keeps stealing my clothes. Just because I haven't worn a pair of pants in a couple of months doesn't mean that you can use them as bedding for your disturbing hamsters. It's really rude. I might actually say yes if she just took the time to ask me beforehand.
I was not misusing you or doing anything I shouldn't have been. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DIE, PHONE??? I've only had you since April! You're probably still under warranty, but you shouldn't have screwed up so fast. First you freeze, then you perpetually reboot, and a factory reset doesn't take care of it. Then you work and don't work and now you're just dead. WAAAH!

Dear Kindgoms of Camelot game: Gimme my Morgana's seals already! Especially now that I have the seals for city 7...I want city 6. Not all of us have cash to buy chests or city packages, thank you.

(but auto-crest, I love you...if you'd just yield what i need that is.)
Why do random people keep posting spam all over the place? If you want to post random stuff on a website then put it on your Twitter and not a forum. Does posting spam make these individuals happy? I just don't get it.

The spammers are nothing but spambots. They're just computer programs that were designed solely to spam e-mail accounts, blogs, wikis, etc. As for why their human programmers choose to create such programs, that is anyone's guess.
Why do random people keep posting spam all over the place? If you want to post random stuff on a website then put it on your Twitter and not a forum. Does posting spam make these individuals happy? I just don't get it.

The spammers are nothing but spambots. They're just computer programs that were designed solely to spam e-mail accounts, blogs, wikis, etc. As for why their human programmers choose to create such programs, that is anyone's guess.
Thanks for telling me that. I had no idea what a spambot was until you told me.:lol:

Why do electronics break at that exact moment when you need them to work? My friend's phone decides to give up on life at the exact moment she starts having contractions leaving her stranded in her own home. Luckily I came along to drop something off but come on, electronics. We spend all this money on updating the technology of cell phones/smartphones and the darn thing still can't find a signal or turn on when we need it to turn on? Sometimes I just want to punch my phone in it's reflective face.
Dear other friend who happens to be male, your jokes are NOT funny anymore. In fact, they were never funny to begin with! Why do I bother putting up with you again? Sincerely, me.

To the tv.
You get on my nerves. Sometimes you even get on my nerves when there's something on I want to watch like: Dr. Oz, CSI: NY or CSI: Miami.

Why do you feel the need to be stupid every 2 or 3 years? You've done 2 stupid things In the past 2 years. #1...You cancelled Ghost Whisperer. #2...You move CSI: Miami to Sunday night.
Not exactly a rant but just have had a breavement in my family as my cousin Malcolm lost his grandfather Robert on the 13th and it's a tough time right now..

My wrist just keeps getting worse
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Why does Mother Nature obviously hate Florida. It's not just 100+ degrees but it feels like 150+ degrees if you include the darn humidity. On top of that someone has started yet another fire so it's hot, humid, and smoky. I refuse to leave the house until Mother Nature calms down with her hating.
To people: What's the point in posting something vague and obviously important on facebook only to tell people you don't want to talk about it? If you didn't want to talk about it, don't invite the whole world into it.

Last rant, take it as you will...I don't get why hockey is the be-all-end-all in this country. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself the most charitable person on the planet by any means, but I would think that paying $18,000 for a plastic chair in a stadium could be better spent helping a struggling family in the community, or donating to a legitimate relief organization or something. There are more important things in the grand scheme of the universe than fighting over a trophy and rioting in the streets over it. :rolleyes:
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Last rant, take it as you will...I don't get why hockey is the be-all-end-all in this country. I wouldn't necessarily consider myself the most charitable person on the planet by any means, but I would think that paying $18,000 for a plastic chair in a stadium could be better spent helping a struggling family in the community, or donating to a legitimate relief organization or something. There are more important things in the grand scheme of the universe than fighting over a trophy and rioting in the streets over it. :rolleyes:
I hate saying this but I've kind of lost a little respect for Vancouver. I understand hockey is important to the Canadian people's culture but, come on, rioting over a game is just too much. Killing someone over a game is insane. :(
I can't stand it when people come up to me and tell me all of their problems. Just because I'm a good listener, doesn't mean I automatically want to hear about how your cat died just a week before your boyfriend broke up with you on FB. That's why they make diaries/journals.
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