The Rant and I Cannot Say This Out Loud #3

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Come on mom! Is that so hard to understand that I'm not interested into any chit-chat about that stupid tv show you watch. It's pretty much a piece of darn crap I don't have any desire to watch. My taste is more foreign in this one so stop trying to pull my attention away when I'm creating a fanfic. I realise you don't even know what that is and how much brainwork and writing it takes and not even that fact I'm doing things like that. But please you can watch two tv shows I don't want to hear about and don't bother me with the stuff in them.
Dear people of Tumblr: please stop complaining about the new dashboard layout. I highly doubt the engineers are going to change it back to its original layout, so you'd better get used to it. Sincerely, someone who likes the new layout.

Dear Pokemon Dream World: Enough with the "randomly sending me to an area of the Island of Dreams" crap. It's annoying, since I never go where I want to go. I want my Dratini!!! >.< Sincerely, a frustrated player.

Dear Mother Nature: Your plan to wipe the US off the face of the Earth with tornadoes didn't work, so I don't think extreme heat is going to work either. Please turn down the heat. Sincerely, someone who hates the heat.
Dear ankle if you have bruise then show it, if you have tendon problem- act so I can seek some assistance. Stop playing around with those small jolts of pains that don't give me any clue whether that hit was hard or not. And now I feel like guessing what the hell is that what hurts when I touch the place where the darn thing crashed into my ankle.
Dear Mother Nature: Your plan to wipe the US off the face of the Earth with tornadoes didn't work, so I don't think extreme heat is going to work either. Please turn down the heat. Sincerely, someone who hates the heat.

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: 'wipe the US off the face of the Earth' :guffaw::guffaw:

This was so dang funny! :guffaw::guffaw:
Dear Mother Nature: Your plan to wipe the US off the face of the Earth with tornadoes didn't work, so I don't think extreme heat is going to work either. Please turn down the heat. Sincerely, someone who hates the heat.

:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: 'wipe the US off the face of the Earth' :guffaw::guffaw:

This was so dang funny! :guffaw::guffaw:
I'm glad you found that funny! =D
Dear self: Control your panic the next time a severe thunderstorm hits. It gives you tunnel vision, and it makes you assume the worst when there's not even anything to worry about. Sincerely, your nerves and sanity.
I'm in a ranting mood.
Here are my 5 rants for today.

Rant #1.
To the city I live in. Some of the intersections around here need fixing where you can see oncoming traffic before it's right on you.

Rant #2.
To the city of Florence. PLEASE fix those stinking potholes in front of those new stores: Ross, Shoe Carnival and Bed Bath And Beyond.

Rant #3.
To every MacDonald's around here. When I order a small sweet tea, I want a SMALL sweet tea. Not a large. I don't care if the large and the small are the same price. 95% of the time large is 2-3 times more than what I want.

Rant #4.
To USA Network. Why do you show 3 episodes of NCIS at 7, 8 and 9 pm central? It puts NCIS up against the replay of the previous day's Dr. Oz show at 8 and the 9 pm news. I hate having to chose.

Rant #5.
To UGO. Will you PLEASE stop putting those annoying AXE ads on Talk CSI and Trek BBS? Also stop putting up that Truth ad with the cartoon guy and the mountain of candy for a site about the truth about tobacco. And another thing, fix the movie ads so the sound doesn't come on when you open the web page. It scares me and I don't need scaring.

OK, folks, I think I just ran out of rants. I now return you to your regularly scheduled rantings.
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Darn phone! Du hast ein idiotisch Akku! Ich hasse das!
:lol:I'm surprised I could actually understand this with my basic German skills.
To UGO. Will you PLEASE stop putting those annoying AXE ads on Talk CSI and Trek BBS? Also stop putting up that Truth ad with the cartoon guy and the mountain of candy for a site about the truth about tobacco. And another thing, fix the movie ads so the sound doesn't come on when you open the web page. It scares me and I don't need scaring.
I feel the same way. That stupid Axe ad with the angels falling because the guy smells so great is ridiculous. I'm a woman and I can tell you that woman don't fall over themselves to talk to men that smell like chocolate or bananas. Everytime I try to move my computer cursor around the ad, a large window takes over my screen complete with annoying 8-bit music that makes me freak out. I don't mind ads but there's a limit.
Rant #5.
To UGO. Will you PLEASE stop putting those annoying AXE ads on Talk CSI and Trek BBS? Also stop putting up that Truth ad with the cartoon guy and the mountain of candy for a site about the truth about tobacco. And another thing, fix the movie ads so the sound doesn't come on when you open the web page. It scares me and I don't need scaring.

To UGO. Will you PLEASE stop putting those annoying AXE ads on Talk CSI and Trek BBS? Also stop putting up that Truth ad with the cartoon guy and the mountain of candy for a site about the truth about tobacco. And another thing, fix the movie ads so the sound doesn't come on when you open the web page. It scares me and I don't need scaring.
I feel the same way. That stupid Axe ad with the angels falling because the guy smells so great is ridiculous. I'm a woman and I can tell you that woman don't fall over themselves to talk to men that smell like chocolate or bananas. Everytime I try to move my computer cursor around the ad, a large window takes over my screen complete with annoying 8-bit music that makes me freak out. I don't mind ads but there's a limit.

we all understand your pain here but remember the bills have to get paid :) if you are really having a issue with the pop up ads please contact UGO and let them know you are having problems with the pop ups.
People who have tattoos/are contemplating getting a tattoo:
Please don't get a tattoo of something you don't understand or has no meaning to you. A butterfly is lame and means nothing. I see a woman with a butterfly tattoo and I instantly wonder if she is trying to say that she's going to die in a couple of weeks...
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